Our QB is broken


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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We all know that as soon as Dak blows up a few crappy teams next season all will be forgotten. His fan club will once again tout him as an MVP candidate and try to convince the masses he's top 5 all time. And then, just every other season in his career, he will have to go up against the good teams and get his arse handed to him. Rinse and repeat.


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Getting away from the pressure that comes from being the QB of America's team and all the crap that comes with it might help him.
it's true, sometimes players just need a fresh start somewhere else. It works for kickers and some QB's and others. Do I think it will help Dak? No, but I concede the possibility. What I think will help him most is some intense therapy that would train him not to panic and be anxious about those big games so he'd just relax. It's obvious all mental. Dude just needs to chill. Is it a cure all for him? no, but it would help a lot.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Not necessarily. If Mahomes comes here...is the franchise still broken? How about Lamar? If this was 2001, I would agree with you...but we're not that bad.
This is what I beleive bc that’s what literally just happened in Tampa when a 40+ year old Brady walked into a 7-9 roster and turned them into immediate contenders. QB play matters more than any other position. You put a genuinely poised and confident QB on this team and there is enough talent to get to a Super Bowl. We just have the wrong guy and that’s not intended to be offensive to Dak. It’s just stating a fact.


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You're right about that, but the lazy ones pile all the crap on the QB....he didn't play well, but then again, who did?
So if that's true doesn't that make the case for a new coach here?

It's either the coaches or the players or both.

The owner gets the players and coaches so he's part of the equation as well.


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Not necessarily. If Mahomes comes here...is the franchise still broken? How about Lamar? If this was 2001, I would agree with you...but we're not that bad.
Yep. Dak played MLB like crap. Couldn't stop the run for anything. And, did you see all those GB receivers running WIDE open??? Mahomes would have blanketed those guys. And, why didn't Dak get a sack in the playoff game? Lamar would have had three, or more!!
And, why couldn't Dak open run lanes for Pollard? I bet Purdy would have BLOWN open holes for Pollard!!
And, my heck Dak has led the league in penalties for three years!!! My heck!!

Guys, it's getting ridiculous.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Yep. Dak played MLB like crap. Couldn't stop the run for anything. And, did you see all those GB receivers running WIDE open??? Mahomes would have blanketed those guys. And, why didn't Dak get a sack in the playoff game? Lamar would have had three, or more!!
And, why couldn't Dak open run lanes for Pollard? I bet Purdy would have BLOWN open holes for Pollard!!
And, my heck Dak has led the league in penalties for three years!!! My heck!!

Guys, it's getting ridiculous.
Zip it, dude, Dak failed at his job on the offense, every bit as much as the defense.


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Dak isn't broken; he's never been a marquis quarterback. He never had the instincts or the mentality to lead a team.
It doesn't make him a bad person; some guys just don't have it. He never did.
Jason Garrett was desperate to justify himself and convinced everyone-even Dak- he had found a phenom.
In reality, Garrett didn't realize how good the team he had was because he isn't a coach, and he ruined Tony Romo, then ditched him for Dak, and in both cases he left the Cowboys without a quarterback.
And we've been stuck with Garrett 2.0 since the original left.
Dak wouldn't make the roster on any real professional team as a quarterback.


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Did GB punt in that game? Was that because Dak was broken also?
I believe the complete failure of the offense in the first half played a major role in the performance of the defense. The defense did not play well, but they were put in a no win situation. Take Dak's 2 interceptions and dumb sack out of the first half, and the game could have easily been 13-10 at halftime. That's the type of game the defense can play. We've known all season this defense was not built to play from behind. You're just not going to win playoff games when you throw multiple interceptions.


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To late for that. There mind is living in the past. They think it's ao easy to win, when 31 other teams are trying to win as well.
I don't like some guarding my six who up and admit quitting three decades ago.


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Did GB punt in that game? Was that because Dak was broken also?
No. That has nothing to do with Dak. I believe our core group of players are mentally broken when the playoffs start. Dak gets the most heat because he gets the biggest paychecks. Soon CD and Micah will be getting the criticism too when they sign record deals for their position. But IMO
And especially McCarthy, Jerry and Stephen can not win in the playoffs. They’re just not mentally there.

Our core group of guys and our FO/coaches can’t beat upper echelon teams. IMO


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The only thing that is really going to help Dak at this point in his career is a POWER running game. I think that should be the focus this offseason and getting players in FA/draft to make that happen. It's the only way the Cowboys can reach their goals wth Dak IMO. Does that mean adding better OL and RB's or is it more about coaching and scheme...I'm thinking both.
Gosh, I certainly don't disagree with you but, building a "Power running game" from where we're at now will entail significantly more than getting a hold of a big, bruising back. You better look at the OL, my friend. We're not there and gonna get worse ..


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
it's true, sometimes players just need a fresh start somewhere else. It works for kickers and some QB's and others. Do I think it will help Dak? No, but I concede the possibility. What I think will help him most is some intense therapy that would train him not to panic and be anxious about those big games so he'd just relax. It's obvious all mental. Dude just needs to chill. Is it a cure all for him? no, but it would help a lot.
Peyton manning. Brett favre. You could say Dan Fouts even though no super bowl?

Jerry is SO scared of possibly having to admit a mistake...even more scared he lets that mistake go and they POSSIBLY might go on to win.

Like a child not letting their dolly go.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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Getting away from the pressure that comes from being the QB of America's team and all the crap that comes with it might help him.
I agree Ranch.
I think both parties would benefit from a fresh start.
The situation is toxic at this point.
Dak is the focal point of the frustration.
I mean he had a part , but the whole organization crapped the bed.


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Gosh, I certainly don't disagree with you but, building a "Power running game" from where we're at now will entail significantly more than getting a hold of a big, bruising back. You better look at the OL, my friend. We're not there and gonna get worse ..
I think it's possible with better RB's like adding a bruiser and also a speedster, but mostly a bigger RB who can consistently get the dirty yards and move the chains etc. I would really like to get Bass into the starting lineup at either center or lg. I think he's ready and should be given every opportunity to start as well.