I'm not so sure, Hos. When you look at the history of our 4th round picks (Barber and Canty the exception), the fact that this kid is a #6 overall pick, the fact that he'll be playing for less than it would have cost to re-sign Reeves, and the insane amount of money CBs in general are commanding right now, I think the Cowboys just stole this guy.
Rumor has it that the Cowboys have a 4 year deal in place for Jones. If I had to guess it is incentive laden to the core. Jones knows this is his last chance. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts, right now that this will end up being a trade that we look back on in 3 years and say "Wow, we got a hell of a deal".
Something just tells me that this is going to be HUGE for the Dallas Cowboys in the near and foreseeable future. Maybe I'm being a bit of a homer, but I was strongly against Owens coming here, and frankly he has lead the charge in returning the Cowboys to respectability. Something in my gut tells me that the PacMan deal is going to have similar a (however not as significant) affect on the defensive/special teams aspect of this team.
I'm seriously hoping.............................................................