Pacman Jones drops appeal of one-year NFL suspension

silverbear;1528064 said:
Chuckle... it was an insult aimed at summer, but it's an observation of MY acts??

Talk about Fuzzy logic...

Face it, one post you're putting me down for lobbing insults (even as you apparently didn't grasp the insult being lobbed), the next post you're lobbing insults of your own...

But you lack even the honesty to admit what's clear for all to see-- you DID insult summer's intelligence, even as you professed distaste for acting like that... and that most assuredly DOES make you a card-carrying hypocrite...

Cry me a river. I said that summer fails to grasp simple concepts like causation and equality and has failed to understand them for quite a long time. So i say that he fails to grasp simple concepts and i dont call him a putz or an idiot or any of the other terms that you like throwing out. If that is the conclusion that you draw from him not being able to understad what it means that two things are equal are to say that one thing causes another then so be it.

You will notice that i do not go around calling people idiots putzes morons or any other blanket terms like you do all the time. What i do on the other hand is point out the things that other say or do. If you fail to grasp easy concepts like equality or causation then i do not tell you that you are an idot but rather point out that they are not grasping simple concepts. There is a very large difference in that.

You on the other hand are more than happy to call someone an idiot or a putz or whatever insult that you like. When you throw them out at me it is almost exclusively because i dont agree with your opinion on something. Like in the issue of Jones here for example you claim that i am an idiot because I do not feel that Goodell has handled this in a proper manner and have shown ways that he could have handled it that would have met all the requirements that the people who want to see Jones punished and a message sent to the players because you r opinion is that Goodell has done a good job.

When i sya you fail to grasp simple concepts it is because for whatever reason you cannot grasp how I could want to see Jones punished yet do no approve of the commisioners methods. To me that is a very simple concept that you fail to grasp and thus my statement.

there is a big big difference between the two methodologies if you can grasp that.
Finally this thread seems about to die. shame. I was enjoying watching the fuzzy one get slapped around.
burmafrd;1528601 said:
Finally this thread seems about to die. shame. I was enjoying watching the fuzzy one get slapped around.

Burm you often seem like you mean well but Im just going to say i dont put any stock into your evaluations.

How about a statistical breakdown for us?
FuzzyLumpkins;1528507 said:
Cry me a river.

No "crying" involved, merely pointing out a few facts...

I said that summer fails to grasp simple concepts like causation and equality and has failed to understand them for quite a long time.

Uhhh, no, you didn't... what you said was MUCH simpler:

"this doesnt surprise me as you very often fail to grasp simple concepts."

That was the extent of the comment you made... nothing about "causation and equality", rather a more generic comment about he he fails to grasp "simple concepts"...

The fact you felt the need to spin what you actually said demonstrates a recognition of guilt on your part... you KNOW that you basically called him an idiot, but again, you lack the fundamental integrity to admit that you said what we can all see you said...

So i say that he fails to grasp simple concepts and i dont call him a putz or an idiot or any of the other terms that you like throwing out.

Except saying that he often fails to grasp basic concepts IS calling him an idiot... and you know it...

You will notice that i do not go around calling people idiots putzes morons or any other blanket terms like you do all the time.

If I did, I'd be looking at a temp ban at the very least... nope, I made GENERIC comments, aimed at no one specifically... as when I said "where are all the putzes who were saying Goodell had no right to suspend Pac-Man??"

I named no names, but you chose to react defensively... it ain't my fault if you saw yourself in my generic criticism... meanwhile, your little slam on summer WAS aimed at one poster in particular...

While I do have a certain fondness for insulting those I find worthy of being insulted, I recognize that this board has rules forbidding that kind of thing, and I make an effort to respect those rules by keeping my insults of the generic variety...

Which apparently is enough to satisfy the powers that be around here, since I have received no infractions for those insults...

You on the other hand are more than happy to call someone an idiot or a putz or whatever insult that you like. When you throw them out at me it is almost exclusively because i dont agree with your opinion on something.

Kindly show me where I called you an idiot or a putz... better still, PM a moderator with the specific examples, so that they can issue me an infraction...

You can't, because I haven't...
silverbear;1529137 said:
No "crying" involved, merely pointing out a few facts...

Uhhh, no, you didn't... what you said was MUCH simpler:

"this doesnt surprise me as you very often fail to grasp simple concepts."

That was the extent of the comment you made... nothing about "causation and equality", rather a more generic comment about he he fails to grasp "simple concepts"...

The fact you felt the need to spin what you actually said demonstrates a recognition of guilt on your part... you KNOW that you basically called him an idiot, but again, you lack the fundamental integrity to admit that you said what we can all see you said...

Except saying that he often fails to grasp basic concepts IS calling him an idiot... and you know it...

If I did, I'd be looking at a temp ban at the very least... nope, I made GENERIC comments, aimed at no one specifically... as when I said "where are all the putzes who were saying Goodell had no right to suspend Pac-Man??"

I named no names, but you chose to react defensively... it ain't my fault if you saw yourself in my generic criticism... meanwhile, your little slam on summer WAS aimed at one poster in particular...

While I do have a certain fondness for insulting those I find worthy of being insulted, I recognize that this board has rules forbidding that kind of thing, and I make an effort to respect those rules by keeping my insults of the generic variety...

Which apparently is enough to satisfy the powers that be around here, since I have received no infractions for those insults...

Kindly show me where I called you an idiot or a putz... better still, PM a moderator with the specific examples, so that they can issue me an infraction...

You can't, because I haven't...

Fail is a verb. Idiot is a noun. I said you failed to do something; I never said you were anything. You cannot call someone an action and have it make a lot of sense. For example "silverbear is a fail' doesnt make sense. That is not spin; its a simple concept. It is things like this that make me say you fail to grasp simple concepts.

Additionally it doesnt matter whther or not you were directing it at me. My response was about you not having any class and that doesnt require you to address me in particular. The mods apprently thought so well of your diatribe that they deleted it and any post that quoted it.

If you think that youre an idiot because I say that you fail to grasp simple concepts then again that is on you and not on me.
FuzzyLumpkins;1529160 said:
Fail is a verb. Idiot is a noun. I said you failed to do something; I never said you were anything.

And what do we call those who cannot grasp "simple concepts"??

What's sad is that you're now desperately trying to convince us that wasn't intended as an insult...

So once again, we're treated to you whining about my insulting people, even as you freely indulge in that base impulse your own self...

Yes, I'll issue the odd generic insult in here... at least I'm honest enough to admit to what's clear to everybody, which I guess puts me one up on you...

So, I'm classless (which is, of course, an insult too), and you're disingenuous (to use as kind and gentle an "insult" as I can think of)...
silverbear;1529171 said:
And what do we call those who cannot grasp "simple concepts"??

What's sad is that you're now desperately trying to convince us that wasn't intended as an insult...

So once again, we're treated to you whining about my insulting people, even as you freely indulge in that base impulse your own self...

Yes, I'll issue the odd generic insult in here... at least I'm honest enough to admit to what's clear to everybody, which I guess puts me one up on you...

So, I'm classless (which is, of course, an insult too), and you're disingenuous (to use as kind and gentle an "insult" as I can think of)...

Im not trying to convince anyone of anything. An idiot has something to do with intelligence testing and Im pretty sure that the criteria is not 'unable to grasp simple concepts.' Youre the one trying to convince people that im insulting you. Thanks for playing.

I pointed out some simple concepts and you did not understand them so i pointed that out. You read into whatever you want. I cannot stop you.
FuzzyLumpkins;1529187 said:
Im not trying to convince anyone of anything. An idiot has something to do with intelligence testing and Im pretty sure that the criteria is not 'unable to grasp simple concepts.' Youre the one trying to convince people that im insulting you.

Apparently you lob so many insults you can't keep track of all of them... I say that because the insult to which I referred was aimed at Bob Sacamano, not at your friendly local Bear... but you HAVE been a lot more direct in insulting me over these last few days than my generic comments about putzes... you have, without actually come out and saying so, accused me repeatedly of being a liar...

Not that I mind, you understand, I'm merely countering your whining about how mean the bad ol' Bear is for insulting all those people (without addressing them directly) by pointing out that you have no compunctions whatsoever about slingin' a few insults when the mood's on you...

As for your attempts to define the word "idiot", let me give some of the OFFICIAL versions, rather than your twisted take on it... we'll start with the Oxford dictionary:

"• noun 1 informal a stupid person."

That's pretty straightforward... nothing about intelligence TESTING there, merely a lack of intelligence... such as you might expect from someone who can't grasp simple concepts... that would be a "stupid person"...

Merriam-Webster's defines the word as:

"2 : a foolish or stupid person"

The Cambridge Dictionary of American English defines it thus:

"a foolish person, esp. someone who has done something stupid"

And the American Heritage Dictionary calls it this way:

"1. A foolish or stupid person." offers this:

"1. an utterly foolish or senseless person"

So, clearly the key to idiocy is foolishness or stupidity... and once again, one who cannot grasp simple concepts is STUPID, or an idiot...

Now, if we go to OneLook Dictionary, one of their quick definitions for "stupid" is:

"adjective: lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity"

I'd say that someone who can't grasp simple concepts is lacking in intellectual acuity, wouldn't you??

Here endeth the lesson...

I pointed out some simple concepts and you did not understand them so i pointed that out. You read into whatever you want. I cannot stop you.

You mean, like you can't seem to grasp the simple concept that it was BOB that you insulted that way, not ME??

silverbear;1529532 said:
Apparently you lob so many insults you can't keep track of all of them... I say that because the insult to which I referred was aimed at Bob Sacamano, not at your friendly local Bear... but you HAVE been a lot more direct in insulting me over these last few days than my generic comments about putzes... you have, without actually come out and saying so, accused me repeatedly of being a liar...

Not that I mind, you understand, I'm merely countering your whining about how mean the bad ol' Bear is for insulting all those people (without addressing them directly) by pointing out that you have no compunctions whatsoever about slingin' a few insults when the mood's on you...

As for your attempts to define the word "idiot", let me give some of the OFFICIAL versions, rather than your twisted take on it... we'll start with the Oxford dictionary:

"• noun 1 informal a stupid person."

That's pretty straightforward... nothing about intelligence TESTING there, merely a lack of intelligence... such as you might expect from someone who can't grasp simple concepts... that would be a "stupid person"...

Merriam-Webster's defines the word as:

"2 : a foolish or stupid person"

The Cambridge Dictionary of American English defines it thus:

"a foolish person, esp. someone who has done something stupid"

And the American Heritage Dictionary calls it this way:

"1. A foolish or stupid person." offers this:

"1. an utterly foolish or senseless person"

So, clearly the key to idiocy is foolishness or stupidity... and once again, one who cannot grasp simple concepts is STUPID, or an idiot...

Now, if we go to OneLook Dictionary, one of their quick definitions for "stupid" is:

"adjective: lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity"

I'd say that someone who can't grasp simple concepts is lacking in intellectual acuity, wouldn't you??

Here endeth the lesson...

You mean, like you can't seem to grasp the simple concept that it was BOB that you insulted that way, not ME??


This is awesome. So were arguing as to whther or not i called summer an idiot. :lmao2: For what its worth i have also pointed out your propensity to not grasp similar concepts but if you want to stick to summer on this one then fine.

Well right off I notice how you only put one definition from each resource and even the ones you pick and choose dont say 'failure to grasp simple concepts.' In fact they are all nouns and one adjective and I used a verb.

Here is the first set of definitions I googled and please note the second definition.

1. A foolish or stupid person.
2. A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.

I may say many things about Summer but i for one do not believe he walks out into traffic.

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