Pacman Jones visited strip club before April hearing...*update*

If he doesn't correct himself, Adam Jones will continue playing Russian roulette with his own NFL career. Whether he wants to admit it or not, he is a celebrity with a reputation for fighting.

The commissioner, media and strip club security guards are not the only people watching his every move. Opportunists seeking 15-minutes of fame or financial gain via lawsuits are watching him like a hawk.

That's the reality he lives in. When he steps out into the public, he's not perceived as just another guy out-and-about. If he wants to enjoy some strip club entertainment, he's not going to be seen as just another patron spending his wife's cookie jar money.

Nope, he's going to be seen as another victim of personal gain. Adam Jones doesn't have to seek out trouble. Trouble is already out there, staked out in all the 'bad places' waiting to strike. It's all on him. Sometimes, the smartest thing to do is avoid doing those things that make you 'feel good'.

I wish him the best, but he doesn't inspire much confidence in his peers, does he?
sacase;1494485 said:
I find this to funny that you tell another poster to work on their reading comprehension skills but yours are beyond pathetic. Roger Goddell asked Adam Jones to put a self imposed ban on going to strip clubs. Jones never made the statement, he was asked to do it. One statement is not dependant on the other. Please enroll in the class you directed the other poster to go to.

I don't knwo what life experience you have had but I have had my *** handed to me by my commander then 5 minutes later he is mentoring me. It is possible. Some people don't respond to bein chewed out. to be an effective leader you have to know how to talk to and motivate people in different ways. I think Goddell has an understanding of this.

You are right, we don't know what was said. We do know that Goddell ask Jones to ban himself. That is not up for debate. You are wrong, just face it. If he goes to strip clubs he will not be face any punishment. If he gets in Trouble ANYWHERE he will face punishment.

In order to comprehend, one must first have opportunity to read the information. Earlier in this thread, I asked for this to be posted. It wasn't. I'm not surprised that you would be mystified, sorry I believe pathetic is the word you elected to use. It is easy for me to see the humor in this all together.

Basically, sounds to me as if the commish told PacMan to stay out of clubs. IE, "You can go but good luck with that."

I think your being a bit dense here. Lets just check the facts, this guy has been associated with three shootings and assorted assault charges and that's just on his Vegas swing. Jones has been in trouble no less then 10 times since being drafted and has been arrested 5. I believe that there are still charges pending on him. Now, lets just say that your Commander chewed you out and then gave you a soft touch 5 minutes later over something. This is not about screwing up a detail or a drill. This is more aiken to causing loss of life or injury to a crewman or shipmate due to repeated failure or dereliction of duty. Your Commander goes easy on you on that and he's going to be occupying a cell right next to you in my Brigg. Don't give me any BS about how you need to go easy on this guy because you have to understand how to get along to be a good leader. A good leader cuts a guy loose when he or she jeopordizes the safety and well being of the crew. That's how it is. End of story.

Goodell has a responsability to 32 teams and all that goes along with that, not to mention the financial conglomeration that is the NFL. His responsability is to that of the whole, not one ****bird who can't get it right.
ABQCOWBOY;1494544 said:
In order to comprehend, one must first have opportunity to read the information. Earlier in this thread, I asked for this to be posted. It wasn't. I'm not surprised that you would be mystified, sorry I believe pathetic is the word you elected to use. It is easy for me to see the humor in this all together.

Basically, sounds to me as if the commish told PacMan to stay out of clubs. IE, "You can go but good luck with that."

I think your being a bit dense here. Lets just check the facts, this guy has been associated with three shootings and assorted assault charges and that's just on his Vegas swing. Jones has been in trouble no less then 10 times since being drafted and has been arrested 5. I believe that there are still charges pending on him. Now, lets just say that your Commander chewed you out and then gave you a soft touch 5 minutes later over something. This is not about screwing up a detail or a drill. This is more aiken to causing loss of life or injury to a crewman or shipmate due to repeated failure or dereliction of duty. Your Commander goes easy on you on that and he's going to be occupying a cell right next to you in my Brigg. Don't give me any BS about how you need to go easy on this guy because you have to understand how to get along to be a good leader. A good leader cuts a guy loose when he or she jeopordizes the safety and well being of the crew. That's how it is. End of story.

Goodell has a responsability to 32 teams and all that goes along with that, not to mention the financial conglomeration that is the NFL. His responsability is to that of the whole, not one ****bird who can't get it right.

What information did you want posted? When I was referrign to your reading comprehension skills it was comments that you made about my posts about me back tracking.

If you read what I wrote I said you have to know who you are talking to and use the correct approach so you can properly motivate them, some people respond to certain things better than others. I never said you had to go easy on him. Goddell hit him hard with the 1 yr suspension, that is pretty painful, but I think he offered up some advice. You are looking at things from a pure punishment, the NFL is also tryin to develope thier players to be better people. Some will not respond and become better citizens, but the NFL is not just going to slam someone and leave them hanging. Look at the suspension, he is still allowed to go to the team facilities. They didn't cut his security blanket.

Once again you are wrong the NFL has the respopnsibility to not only the 32 teams but the the 1500+ players as well. Why do you think they have so many programs about saving money, owning businesses, finishing your degree, investments, public service, drug rehab, etc. They want their players to succed as people.
sacase;1494577 said:
What information did you want posted? When I was referrign to your reading comprehension skills it was comments that you made about my posts about me back tracking.

If you read what I wrote I said you have to know who you are talking to and use the correct approach so you can properly motivate them, some people respond to certain things better than others. I never said you had to go easy on him. Goddell hit him hard with the 1 yr suspension, that is pretty painful, but I think he offered up some advice. You are looking at things from a pure punishment, the NFL is also tryin to develope thier players to be better people. Some will not respond and become better citizens, but the NFL is not just going to slam someone and leave them hanging. Look at the suspension, he is still allowed to go to the team facilities. They didn't cut his security blanket.

Once again you are wrong the NFL has the respopnsibility to not only the 32 teams but the the 1500+ players as well. Why do you think they have so many programs about saving money, owning businesses, finishing your degree, investments, public service, drug rehab, etc. They want their players to succed as people.

I did not have a clear understanding of how the "Self Impossed Ban" thing. I honestly thought that it was something Jones, himself, had put forward. I see now that you were not back tracking. I was not really even asking you to post more info. Simply trying to explain my position. I had asked another poster. Having said that, there is no part of me that believes Goodell had a Father John with Jones and pretty much told him how it was. I suspect that Jones got called to the rug and that was that. I have no proof because I was not there but to me, it only makes sense. Jones, IMO, is pretty close to being out of the NFL. I don't think he was handled with kid gloves. I suppose it is possible but not probable IMO.

As for being wrong. I don't agree with that. I don't believe I am wrong. Jones has been in the league for two years now. This is not his first interaction with the League or Goodell. It's simply his first with Goodell as commish. I have not forgotten about the players. In fact, they are probably foremost in my mind, where Jones is concerned. Jones does not have the support of the players or the Union. In fact, you can make a strong case that Goodell is acting on behalf of the players, just not "The Player" in this case. If we can believe what's being reported, the players are strongly in favor of harsh penalty for Jones and even life ban for continued transgretion. At some point, you have to say that a player is not worth saving. In the end, this is a business and it will always be such. The day the public turns against the league is the day they can no longer demand the TV contracts and rediculous price of tickets etc. You have to protect the Golden Goose. In a situation like that, a player like Jones is very expendable. To me, that is the one thing that is true above all else in this deal.
Titans' Jones pulled over for speeding wire reports

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (May 11, 2007) -- Nashville police ticketed Titans cornerback Adam "Pacman" Jones for speeding four days before his meeting with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell to appeal his season-long suspension.

Jones was stopped at 12:45 a.m. on May 7 on Interstate 65 heading into downtown after an officer clocked him on radar at 79 mph in a 55 mph zone. He was driving the 2004 Cadillac XLT sportscar he bought at police auction last fall with "PAC-MAN" embroidered into the seats.

Police spokesman Don Aaron said Jones also was cited for not having a driver's license with him.

The cornerback was in New York today to meet with Goodell for the second time since April 3. The commissioner needed a week after the first hearing to suspend Jones for the 2007 season for conduct detrimental to the NFL. Jones called that penalty too harsh and appealed to Goodell for leniency.
Verdict;1494468 said:
I am not slamming the author of this post, just making an observation.

As the author to whom you refer, permit me to assure you that not only do I not feel slammed, I basically agree with what you had to say...
Doomsday101;1494745 said:
Titans' Jones pulled over for speeding

Jones was stopped at 12:45 a.m. on May 7 on Interstate 65 heading into downtown

What time do the strip clubs close?
Doomsday101;1494745 said:
Titans' Jones pulled over for speeding wire reports

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (May 11, 2007) -- Nashville police ticketed Titans cornerback Adam "Pacman" Jones for speeding four days before his meeting with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell to appeal his season-long suspension.

Jones was stopped at 12:45 a.m. on May 7 on Interstate 65 heading into downtown after an officer clocked him on radar at 79 mph in a 55 mph zone. He was driving the 2004 Cadillac XLT sportscar he bought at police auction last fall with "PAC-MAN" embroidered into the seats.

Police spokesman Don Aaron said Jones also was cited for not having a driver's license with him.

The cornerback was in New York today to meet with Goodell for the second time since April 3. The commissioner needed a week after the first hearing to suspend Jones for the 2007 season for conduct detrimental to the NFL. Jones called that penalty too harsh and appealed to Goodell for leniency.


A year huh?
Doomsday101;1494745 said:
Jones was stopped at 12:45 a.m. on May 7 on Interstate 65 heading into downtown after an officer clocked him on radar at 79 mph in a 55 mph zone. He was driving the 2004 Cadillac XLT sportscar he bought at police auction last fall with "PAC-MAN" embroidered into the seats.
This guy is rich and isn't an ugly dude. I just can't understand why he drives cheap cars and goes to strip clubs. Dude, get a nice car and find a trophy wife or 3.
ABQCOWBOY;1494755 said:

A year huh?

Reminds me of the words from an old song:

Doom, Despair and Agony on me Deep dark depression, excessive misery If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all Doom, despair and agony on me. :lmao:
Doomsday101;1494762 said:
Reminds me of the words from an old song:

Doom, Despair and Agony on me Deep dark depression, excessive misery If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all Doom, despair and agony on me. :lmao:


All that's missing is the hound dog.

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