Pacman suspended for 2007; Henry suspended 8 games

I guess Don Imus should file a law suite against MSNBC and CBS for suspending him for nothing more than freedom of speech? Even companies have rules of conduct that they deem to be inappropriate. So where is the outrage of Imus being punished for his right of free speech?
They can try all they want but it will do no good. If I was Pacman (and had a brain) I would start RIGHT now with contrition ACT 1, SCENE 1. I would humbly say I accept that I have been a poor judgement of charactor and have made many mistakes and now I will change. I accept my punishment and will work to redeem myself. THAT would be the SMART thing to do.
burmafrd;1452827 said:
The NFL is not going to get sued over this. Get used to it. With Upshaw and the players union already saying they have bought off on the punishment, there is no case. the thugs are FINALLY getting what is coming to them, at least in the NFL if not in our pathetic joke of a so called "justice" system.

The only way there will not be a civil suit if is the NFL lowers its suspension time.. Just because the players union bought off on the punishment does not disallow leagal action. Our legal system may have its problems but it is far from a pathetic joke.

Doomsday101;1452829 said:
Because you beat a criminal charge does not make you innocent of any wrong doing and many times guys will beat the criminal case only to go in front of a civil court and lose because the evidence does not have to meet the higher standard of a criminal court. Pacman could very well win his criminal case however that does not change the fact that his conduct is deemed detrimental to the league.

It's a crap shoot, the case can go to civil court and Jones may win or lose. If Jone's lawyers can convice a jury that the NFL acted unfairly based on prior precident then I can see him winning. I honestly feel the NFL needs to let due process run its course before suspending players.
The whole Imus controversy makes me want to hurl. Sharpton is one of the leaders of the LYNCH mob and did he ever apologize for the whole Tawanna Brawley mess and the things he said about the DA that were later PROVEN to be totally FALSE?
Our so called justice system is a pathetic joke. If you cannot admit what is obvious that is your problem.
Hos I think we see eye to eye on this.

Personally I have no problems with the new policy as long as it is effective from they day it was instituted. People who were in trouble prior to the new policy going into effect should be punished undert the old polilcy.

To me this is to much like "well we don't like what you are doing even though it is not against the rules, so we are going to make up a rule and punish you.

Hos you are also exactly right about due process, let the legal wheels turn and then punish the player. You may find out that the charges were false or you may find that the player wiggled out of the issue. You can punish him or not punish him after you have aquired all the facts.
sacase;1452857 said:
Hos I think we see eye to eye on this.

Personally I have no problems with the new policy as long as it is effective from they day it was instituted. People who were in trouble prior to the new policy going into effect should be punished undert the old polilcy.

To me this is to much like "well we don't like what you are doing even though it is not against the rules, so we are going to make up a rule and punish you.

Hos you are also exactly right about due process, let the legal wheels turn and then punish the player. You may find out that the charges were false or you may find that the player wiggled out of the issue. You can punish him or not punish him after you have aquired all the facts.

The NFL does not have the meet the same standards of a criminal court, hell a civil court does not need to meet the same standards of a criminal court. The leauge has a right to set standards of conduct just as MSNBC and CBS did with Imus, where is your outrage for them suspending him for freedom of speech?
Doomsday101;1452863 said:
The NFL does not have the meet the same standards of a criminal court, hell a civil court does not need to meet the same standards of a criminal court. The leauge has a right to set standards of conduct just as MSNBC and CBS did with Imus, where is your outrage for them suspending him for freedom of speech?

I for one am mad as hell. Suspending a 60 year old white guy for reverting to his childhood diction? Unthinkable.

Seriously though, I think the Don Imus thing is way overblown.

It's understood that the NFL can set it's code of conduct. You can acknowledge that while also acknowledging that Goodell may have overextended himself here, in some pointless gesture that means nothing to the actual product on the field. Guarding your interests in terms of public perception is one thing - hypocritical grandstanding is another.
Doomsday101;1452863 said:
The NFL does not have the meet the same standards of a criminal court, hell a civil court does not need to meet the same standards of a criminal court. The leauge has a right to set standards of conduct just as MSNBC and CBS did with Imus, where is your outrage for them suspending him for freedom of speech?

Are you trying on purpose to not see the difference? I mean really! The difference is simple. The NFL changed its policy then punished Jones under the new policy. Let me state this again. The NFL didn't like what Jones did so they decided to creat a new rule and then punish him for things that he had done prior to that rule? You don't see something wrong with that?
superpunk;1452865 said:
Seriously though, I think the Don Imus thing is way overblown.

I agree here to. He said what he said. I never listened to him in the first place but I just place a mental note in my head and I know what he is about. I also look at it as a joke. Maybe on in poor taste but it was just a joke. I know several of my favorite black comedians make fun of white people regularly. No one gets up in arms about that. When you put yourself on the national stage you have to be able to take the good with the bad. I think the saying goes "...the mobs are fickle..."
sacase;1452868 said:
Are you trying on purpose to not see the difference? I mean really! The difference is simple. The NFL changed its policy then punished Jones under the new policy. Let me state this again. The NFL didn't like what Jones did so they decided to creat a new rule and then punish him for things that he had done prior to that rule? You don't see something wrong with that?

This policy change has been under way since the commissioner took office, they did not create a rule just for Pacman. The whole debacle taking place in Cinn was one the big reasons. Lastly no I don't see the league as wrong for doing what is right. Pacman's history is filled with incidents and now it has caught up to him. If he follows the stipulations the NFL has put down he will be allowed to come back and if not then he will not.
sacase;1452857 said:
Hos I think we see eye to eye on this.

Personally I have no problems with the new policy as long as it is effective from they day it was instituted. People who were in trouble prior to the new policy going into effect should be punished undert the old polilcy.

To me this is to much like "well we don't like what you are doing even though it is not against the rules, so we are going to make up a rule and punish you.

Hos you are also exactly right about due process, let the legal wheels turn and then punish the player. You may find out that the charges were false or you may find that the player wiggled out of the issue. You can punish him or not punish him after you have aquired all the facts.
It really isn't a new policy, just new enforcement and focus. The conduct policies have always been in effect. An article yesterday said Tagliabue as a lawyer himself preferred to allow Due Process first. Goodell, the NFLPA, and the new Player Advisory Counsel is simply saying it doesn't matter any more if you are convicted of a crime or not. Repeated incidents of bad judgment will earn you a vacation.

I applaud the moves, but I expect there to be ripples, and frankly that is a good thing. It really is. All it will do is strengthen the NFL even more as the benchmark of all sports leagues.
I haven't been following this very closely , nor have I read all the posts in this thread, but I think if the NFL suspended Pacbutt because of the two unreported clashes with the law, they are within their rights. I think I recall Goodell saying something about waiting on the Las Vegas incident to play itself out before they addressed it.

Also, in my opinion, suing the NFL will not have a positive effect on his future dealings with them although it did not seem to hurt Maurice Clarrett as he didn't stick with the league long enough to see any long term effects from it. He screwed himself all the way around.

Packbutt can sue if he wants to but I think he's wasting his time and his money and setting himself up for future problems as well. From my perspective, the best things he can do are to learn from his experience, shut his mouth and make some changes in his personal life but I doubt if he will.

Actually I don't really care much except that I don't think people like him have a place anywhere in sports. If he doesn't start learning soon, he'll be playing football in prison where two hands below the belt has an entirely different meaning.
Doomsday101;1452839 said:
I guess Don Imus should file a law suite against MSNBC and CBS for suspending him for nothing more than freedom of speech? Even companies have rules of conduct that they deem to be inappropriate. So where is the outrage of Imus being punished for his right of free speech?

Where is the outrage on this board or in general? I have seen some outrage on other boards and blogs. This board is mostly about the Cowboys and the NFL, so why should there be much outrage about Imus on this board. Plus he only received a two week suspension. That is difficult to compare the two situations no matter which side you stand on for either Imus or Pacman. They were dealt with differently. I guess if Imus was fired or Jones got only a two game suspension they would be more similar.
superpunk;1452865 said:
I for one am mad as hell. Suspending a 60 year old white guy for reverting to his childhood diction? Unthinkable.

Seriously though, I think the Don Imus thing is way overblown.

It's understood that the NFL can set it's code of conduct. You can acknowledge that while also acknowledging that Goodell may have overextended himself here, in some pointless gesture that means nothing to the actual product on the field. Guarding your interests in terms of public perception is one thing - hypocritical grandstanding is another.

I don't think it is grandstanding when players are coming out and wanting to put a stop to it. Goodell is doing what should have been done a long time ago. The image of the league matters and it appears to matter to many of the players as well which is why many are starting to stand up and stand behind Goodell.
sacase;1452872 said:
I agree here to. He said what he said. I never listened to him in the first place but I just place a mental note in my head and I know what he is about. I also look at it as a joke. Maybe on in poor taste but it was just a joke. I know several of my favorite black comedians make fun of white people regularly. No one gets up in arms about that. When you put yourself on the national stage you have to be able to take the good with the bad. I think the saying goes "...the mobs are fickle..."

Agreed. I don't listen to him, mainly because when I've tried, he appears to be an intolerable human being - but I know what his schtick is. He was doing what he always does and someone got a bee in their butt about it, with the reasons being clear. And amazingly enough - there is another situation where a few high-profile characters are also engaging in hypocritical grandstanding.

I'd be fine with this if it was a similar punishment to what guys are receiving for thugging on the field, and destroying the integrity of the game. compared to those two things, who gives a crap about what Pac-Man does in his spare time? Let him get arrested and rack up legal fees, I don't care.

But no. Steroid users receive 4 game suspensions and on-field assault is greeted with 5. By this same commissioner. Yet off the field problems resulting in nothing but negative press clippings are greeted with 8 and 10. Whatever. Some priorities that new commissioner has. :rolleyes: It's all about pacifying that segment of society who can't abide young men "thugging" it up, even though it doesn't affect them at all.
joseephuss;1452879 said:
Where is the outrage on this board or in general? I have seen some outrage on other boards and blogs. This board is mostly about the Cowboys and the NFL, so why should there be much outrage about Imus on this board. Plus he only received a two week suspension. That is difficult to compare the two situations no matter which side you stand on for either Imus or Pacman. They were dealt with differently. I guess if Imus was fired or Jones got only a two game suspension they would be more similar.

I'm sorry Pacman got what was coming to him. I refuse to defend a thug and that is what he is and has a long history of problems. I'm just glad that many in the league have enough balls to say enough is enough and if making an example out of Jones helps clean up the NFL then great. I just hope the other Pro Sports leagues are looking at this because I do think it is time to clean up sports.
sacase;1452868 said:
Are you trying on purpose to not see the difference? I mean really! The difference is simple. The NFL changed its policy then punished Jones under the new policy. Let me state this again. The NFL didn't like what Jones did so they decided to creat a new rule and then punish him for things that he had done prior to that rule? You don't see something wrong with that?

Lets see. I have a huge multi-billion dollar business. Some schmuck who works for me does something extremely damaging to my business, but I don't have the proper framework in place to handle an issue of this magnitude. So I can do one of the following.

  1. Suspend him for (4) games and implement new rules that will call for harsher punishment.
  2. Implement new rules and apply them to the current situation.

I'm going with option 2. Punishing the jerk for damaging my business because he is an utter f'in idiot who is risking billions of dollars because he thinks he is a *badass* and can do what every he wants.

Pacman is at fault here. To me the NFL has the right to ban and sue him for damages. I suspect Pacman won't even attempt to fight this as he will get his lunch eaten.
Doomsday101;1452887 said:
I'm sorry Pacman got what was coming to him. I refuse to defend a thug and that is what he is and has a long history of problems. I'm just glad that many in the league have enough balls to say enough is enough and if making an example out of Jones helps clean up the NFL then great. I just hope the other Pro Sports leagues are looking at this because I do think it is time to clean up sports.

That is fine. I don't disagree with you. I just don't see how the Imus situation really compares. Not enough similarities.
nyc;1452888 said:
Lets see. I have a huge multi-billion dollar business. Some schmuck who works for me does something extremely damaging to my business, but I don't have the proper framework in place to handle an issue of this magnitude. So I can do one of the following.
  1. Suspend him for (4) games and implement new rules that will call for harsher punishment.
  2. Implement new rules and apply them to the current situation.
I'm going with option 2. Punishing the jerk for damaging my business because he is an utter f'in idiot who is risking billions of dollars because he thinks he is a *badass* and can do what every he wants.

Pacman is at fault here. To me the NFL has the right to ban and sue him for damages. I suspect Pacman won't even attempt to fight this as he will get his lunch eaten.

Please show me where the NFL is loosing money. I mean beause of Jones's actions the salary cap dropped 10% right? Give me a break. Suspend him 4 games impliment new rules and call it a day.

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