Pacman suspended for 2007; Henry suspended 8 games

sacase;1451851 said:
Best bet would look up employement laws, they deal with employee/employer situations and then Labor laws which deal with employer/unions. Although I suspect that much of what will be debated will be the language of the CBA as well as precident that was set with prior incidents. look up the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act it might have some direction but again so much depends on what type of contract these guys are on.
I'm familiar with the FLSA. I've worked with the FLSA before. I don't think there's anything within the FLSA that would apply here.

I'm not sure why you're telling me to go look into the law to see what would apply. I was asking you for a law that would apply. You seemed certain that one would apply earlier.
ROFLMAO at the concept of 'I don't care what they do off the field, I just watch what's on the field' concept. I used single quotes for a reason.

It's this fascination with shiny objects on the tube that's helping put our wonderful country where it is now: with a lot of personal debt and too many people worried about the pursuit of happiness instead of taking care of the important things in life first.

Goodell may have gone a little far in trying to send a message by some standards (not mine), but at least he's sending a strong message for the right reasons. The differences between being empowered and entitled are more than just the spelling. The approach of only worrying about the on-the-field stuff wasn't getting constructive results. Let's hope this does.
sacase;1451860 said:
Actually with my job the guidelines are very strict if I break anyof them they don't have to fire me. They just revoke my clearence (which I can appeal) and if I cannot maintain my security clearence then I cannot maintain my job. Besides I work for the goevernment do you know how hard it is to fire us. :)

Not hard at all if you cannot get a Security Clearance. Well, a Top Secret Clearence...I know about the gov. as I used to work for them also with a Top Secret Clearence...

They offered me 25 grand to step aside and retire and I was out of there like burgler...I told them whatever they wanted from my desk they could have...throw the rest away I don't care! I'm still young and am getting a lifetime annuity that I can live on until I die, and I still have a grundle of money in my TSP account.

zeromaster;1451870 said:
ROFLMAO at the concept of 'I don't care what they do off the field, I just watch what's on the field' concept. I used single quotes for a reason.

It's this fascination with shiny objects on the tube that's helping put our wonderful country where it is now: with a lot of personal debt and too many people worried about the pursuit of happiness instead of taking care of the important things in life first.

Goodell may have gone a little far in trying to send a message by some standards (not mine), but at least he's sending a strong message for the right reasons. The differences between being empowered and entitled are more than just the spelling. The approach of only worrying about the on-the-field stuff wasn't getting constructive results. Let's hope this does.
I'm glad there are people like yourself to tell the rest of us what the important things in life are. We probably couldn't have decided for ourselves. Thank you.
5Stars;1451863 said:
A year punishment would be a good lesson for Pacman...
...only if he has the good sense to allow the lesson to take. If not, he will have learned nothing at all.
I like that Henry is allowed to work out with his team during the suspension. Makes sense to me. Better than being banished from what is probably his best support system.


Suddenly I can readily imagine Ginn as a Bengal. He'd be quite an addition for them, I think.

I wonder if the Bengals have the guts to pick Ginn (or if Peter Warrick memories linger).
zeromaster;1451870 said:
It's this fascination with shiny objects on the tube that's helping put our wonderful country where it is now: with a lot of personal debt and too many people worried about the pursuit of happiness instead of taking care of the important things in life first.

If they weren't shiny objects on the tube, would you care whether or not they are being arrested? A little contradictory there, if I say so myself. These people's personal lives don't matter to me (ie important things in life). Being able to watch football without seeing a guy's helmet getting ripped off and brutalized - that's important to me.

Maybe I have too much personal debt. :confused:
DallasEast;1451884 said:
...only if he has the good sense to allow the lesson to take. If not, he will have learned nothing at all.

Then justice was served, right?

5Stars;1451895 said:
Then justice was served, right?

Don't know. Only time will tell. It almost doesn't matter whether he serves the entire suspension or has it whittled down to a lesser term. What matters most are the positives he will gain from the experience; but if he believes that nothing can be learned from his personal trial, it will be all for naught. And that will be a true shame.
Ok i'll run for cover but i think Bill Parcells would be
the perfect guy to clean it up.I can't help but believe
that he made the Boys a team we wouldn't be embarrassed
with.Just think about the misfits this team had.
DallasEast;1451901 said:
Don't know. Only time will tell. It almost doesn't matter whether he serves the entire suspension or has it whittled down to a lesser term. What matters most are the positives he will gain from the experience; but if he believes that nothing can be learned from his personal trial, it will be all for naught. And that will be a true shame.

Well, I'm sure he has a couple of mill stashed away, so he really don't even need a job if he knows how to handle his froggys...

If I had Pacman's money, I would burn mine!

superpunk;1451892 said:
If they weren't shiny objects on the tube, would you care whether or not they are being arrested? A little contradictory there, if I say so myself. These people's personal lives don't matter to me (ie important things in life). Being able to watch football without seeing a guy's helmet getting ripped off and brutalized - that's important to me.

Maybe I have too much personal debt. :confused:
Grad school is too expensive. That is most definitely a crime. :(
theogt;1451864 said:
I'm familiar with the FLSA. I've worked with the FLSA before. I don't think there's anything within the FLSA that would apply here.

I'm not sure why you're telling me to go look into the law to see what would apply. I was asking you for a law that would apply. You seemed certain that one would apply earlier.

The reason I stated that federal or state law MAY apply is one poster commented that a company can write a policy and do what it likes which is not the case. Hell for all we know an NFL contract is an at will contract which means he could be fired at any time for any reason. But, honestly none of us are in the position to have the information that we need availible to determine this. But I would guess that the suspensions get cut down. I personally feel that these guys are turds, but I feel that the rules need to be applied equally to all players. If the NFL says "IF you get arrested for a felony we are going to suspend you for one year." and if they apply it to all players then I would not have a problem with that at all. What I do have a problem with is making an example out of people especially when precident has been set. If the NFL is going to go retroactivly punish players then they need to BAN Leonard Little for life. I am sure there are a few other players out there who deserve lengthy suspension. I mean look at Merrimen. He tested positive for steroids...but you don't see the great state of california arresting him. They do have probably cause. If the NFL really wants to get serious if anyone pops on a drug test they should face arrest by local authorities.
I'm sorry if there is already a thread about this but goodell laid it hard that no more additude off the field.
Goodell just spank him bad:spanking:
theogt;1451806 said:
A contract cannot be applied retroactively, unless agreed upon. Due process has nothing to do with any of this. Due process is a restriction against the government. You're misusing the term, just like Fuzzy misused the Habeas Corpus term.
Uh, no I'm not. I'm talking about the fact that Pacman has not had his day in court on the Vegas incident. His lawyers (if they are good, and I assume they are) will seize upon that and say this is a rush to judgment and he has not been afforded due process. The NFL in this case has instituted this regardless of how that investigation has turned out and they will challenge them on that.

Clear now?
Hostile;1451930 said:
Uh, no I'm not. I'm talking about the fact that Pacman has not had his day in court on the Vegas incident. His lawyers (if they are good, and I assume they are) will seize upon that and say this is a rush to judgment and he has not been afforded due process. The NFL in this case has instituted this regardless of how that investigation has turned out and they will challenge them on that.

Clear now?

sacase;1451923 said:
The reason I stated that federal or state law MAY apply is one poster commented that a company can write a policy and do what it likes which is not the case.
Almost all employment in the US is "at will." I'm not aware of any law in the US that prohibits termination or suspending an at will employee for cause, if guidelines are set up prior to the action and the guidelines are applied. Just about the only laws prohibiting termination or suspension, for at will employment, deal with discrimination. Even in those cases, the law is generally more favorable toward the employer.

Hell for all we know an NFL contract is an at will contract which means he could be fired at any time for any reason.
That's an oxymoron. A contractual relationship is not an at will relationship.

But, honestly none of us are in the position to have the information that we need availible to determine this.
This is very true. This was the point I made earlier. The problem with this situation was that this was a reaction to public opinion, but the public, by and large, is ill-informed.

But I would guess that the suspensions get cut down. I personally feel that these guys are turds, but I feel that the rules need to be applied equally to all players. If the NFL says "IF you get arrested for a felony we are going to suspend you for one year." and if they apply it to all players then I would not have a problem with that at all. What I do have a problem with is making an example out of people especially when precident has been set.
100% agreed.
Hostile;1451930 said:
Uh, no I'm not. I'm talking about the fact that Pacman has not had his day in court on the Vegas incident. His lawyers (if they are good, and I assume they are) will seize upon that and say this is a rush to judgment and he has not been afforded due process. The NFL in this case has instituted this regardless of how that investigation has turned out and they will challenge them on that.

Clear now?
The NFL is not required to provide Pacman Jones due process. They do not have the authority to place criminal, or even civil, sanctions on Pacman. There is no prohibition in the constitution or any other law that requires the NFL to give Pacman Due Process.

They can suspend him without due process. There's no legal obligation for due process.

Clear now?
theogt;1451938 said:
That's an oxymoron. A contractual relationship is not an at will relationship.

Actually it can be. I was a Contractor with Lockheed Martin. When I signed my contract it specifically stated At Will.
Pacman has no case. He has shown a clear pattern of behavior that is against the terms of his contract. He has violated his contract on at least 2 occasions by not informing his team about being arrested. His lawyers can whine and cry all they want but that is that. Henry as well has been in trouble multiple times. These suspensions will stand and will not be reduced- having drawn a line in the sand the Commish dares not draw back. The so called lawyers in this thread know nothing about the CBA, and all the rest of the mechanisms of the NFL. You can BET that Goodell told the NFL attorneys to make absolutely sure that there was no valid way to challenge this before he announced it. Federal courts will not intervene- the anti-trust portions will probably not come into it, but it does not matter. When pacman signed his contract to play in the NFL, he for all intents and purposes agreed to abide by what the NFL (in this case the commisioner) decided. It was a voluntary contract- the federal courts have shown very little willingness to tamper with such.

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