sorry Hos, but if you are arguing that a players "rights" are being violated because they (league) arnt allowing him to play, I think you are wrong
I've seen the argument that the league is preventing someone from working (ie, pac Thug) but they are not doing that...he is free to pursue work elsewhere...maybe the CFL, maybe the AFL...maybe as chief grocery bagger someplace...the NFL is free to make any rules they want, if they feel their image is being battered by an obviously dysfunctional piece of garbage, they have the right to suspend him...its a privilege to play in the NFL (or any other major league sport), not a right
all the people (not you specifically Hos, but anyone) crying for "poor Pac Thug the victim, the punishment is too severe" need to get a freaking grip...the guy is a walking crime spree and an embarassment to the league...he is the epitome of trash