Pat Robertson speaks out for marijuana legalization

The30YardSlant;4444544 said:
The early baby boomer generation was largely brainwashed by media ads and wives tails back in the 50s and 60s about how marijuana gave you diseases, melted your brain, caused your hair to fall out, was ALWAYS a gateway to hard narcotics, etc and many still believe this nonsense today. What surprises me isnt why it spent so much time being illegal but rather that the enormous push for it's legalization over the last decade hasnt really moved the country very far towards that goal.

The problems associated with abusing marijuana are minor compared to alcohol and cigarettes. Weed doesnt causes cancer, brain cell death, heart disease or liver failure and it is almost impossible to overdose on it. It is far less addictive than alcohol or nicotine and most people suffer no physical withdrawel symptoms. Outside of the altered state of mind (not nearly as altered as after even a few beers, mind you) there really isnt any major issues with it. They've also shown that driving high is far less dangerous than driving drunk is as alcohol has a greater effect at much lower doses.

We tried that once. It resulted in the largest crime hike in US history and was possibly the worst idea ever conceived by our government.

We learned this the hard way in the 20s. Alcohol will never be touched by the government again.

Weed will someday be legal but it may take all the baby boomers dying off first.

Again, all this from someone who never has and never will use the stuff. I just think it's silly that the goernment tells people they can smoke tobacco and drink alcohol but not touch something far less harmful to their bodies in both the short and long term. Plus, weed would easily be a billion dollar a year industry if it were legal. Legalize it and tax the hell out of it.

I was smoking weed for many many years and your right there were some thing that was told that was total BS to scare people.

There was also some truth. I think when talking drugs with young people it is important to be fully honest. You say it is not a gateway drug well the people who I bought weed from would later be the people I bought cocaine from and LSD from and speed there is a correlation and it can lead to experimentation of other drugs to say that is not true is a lie

If people want to discuss it with kids then be honest. Problem is with many kids including myself at the time, if they lied to me about weed then why should I believe them about these other drugs? Weed does not kill the others can, I have lost a couple of close friends to overdoes and I have lost friends to drug induced suicide
Doomsday101;4444587 said:
Let me say. I agree weed is no big deal however when a person is willing to lose their job over it then it seems it is a bigger deal to that individual person.

Myself I have smoked and did for a long time until the place I work implemented a drug testing program. At that point I had to make a choice of what was important getting high or having a good job. Easy my job means more. Yet we do see people throwing careers away because evidently they can't control it

I think the chances are that anyone that would have made a decision other than yours either A) Has a really really terrible job (like murdering kittens) or B) Probably would have made that decision regardless of what their vice of choice was.

If weed ruins your life, then chances are your life was a mess to begin with and it could have been anything.
TheCount;4444612 said:
If weed ruins your life, then chances are your life was a mess to begin with and it could have been anything.

It's weed for some and Apple fanaticism for others. :laugh2:
TheCount;4444612 said:
I think the chances are that anyone that would have made a decision other than yours either A) Has a really really terrible job (like murdering kittens) or B) Probably would have made that decision regardless of what their vice of choice was.

If weed ruins your life, then chances are your life was a mess to begin with and it could have been anything.

NFL does not seem to be a bad job yet many will sacrifice it.

Weed like any other substance will have a different effect with different people. I smoked for many years when I stopped it took about a month before I could fall asleep at night with no trouble. I was restless and really wanted to get high, I didn't because I was afraid of failing an unexpected test but the desire was there.

I'm not against the legalization I do think there are some downsides as with most things.
Doomsday101;4444600 said:
I was smoking weed for many many years and your right there were some thing that was told that was total BS to scare people.

There was also some truth. I think when talking drugs with young people it is important to be fully honest. You say it is not a gateway drug well the people who I bought weed from would later be the people I bought cocaine from and LSD from and speed there is a correlation and it can lead to experimentation of other drugs to say that is not true is a lie

If people want to discuss it with kids then be honest. Problem is with many kids including myself at the time, if they lied to me about weed then why should I believe them about these other drugs? Weed does not kill the others can, I have lost a couple of close friends to overdoes and I have lost friends to drug induced suicide

I didnt say it can't be a gateway drug but some people will tell you that every single person who has ever smoked weed went on to use cocaine, heroine, etc. A lot of people just smoke weed to smoke weed and nothing more.

If someone has an addicative personality and depression or other pshycological issues they shoudl probably avoid mind altering substances altogether.

BTW, kudos to kicking your habits. I've known several people who went through it and it's a brutal day to day battle.
The30YardSlant;4444627 said:
I didnt say it can't be a gateway drug but some people will tell you that every single person who has ever smoked weed went on to use cocaine, heroine, etc. A lot of people just smoke weed to smoke weed and nothing more.

If someone has an addicative personality and depression or other pshycological issues they shoudl probably avoid mind altering substances altogether.

BTW, kudos to kicking your habits. I've known several people who went through it and it's a brutal day to day battle.

IAgree. I know weed in and of itself is not a gateway drug per say. Smoking it is not going to make you do other things. What I will say is those who deal in weed also deal or know where to get other drugs and there is a peer pressure element involved as well. For most of us adults peer pressure is not a big issue for many young people they live in a world filled with peer pressures. How did I get involved with other drugs by doing it with the same people I bought weed from, they were doing it and having a blast so why not.

Well after years of doing many different drugs it took 2 overdoses and 1 suicide as well as a 30 day vacation in Jail for me to wake up to the fact that this was not the life I wanted. I did continue to smoke weed up until the point that my employers implemented drug test and have not touched anything since.

I can tell you watching a friend die in front of you is hard to deal with and to this day still haunts me.
Doomsday101;4444586 said:
Medical marijuana is a joke. Not saying some do not use it for medical purpose but those who have pushed the medical use want it for more than medical use. There are prescriptions drugs that are used for medical reason that are addictive and can cause death if used improperly and yet many who have no medical condition use these drugs.

I have no problem with legalization of weed I just find some of the arguments as funny excuses.

By and large I agree with that although there are three circumstances I can think of where I disagree and see marijuana as legitimate applications of herbal therapy and they are as an aid to help deal with pain and medical science simply has no better treatment to relieve constipation and also no better mild tranquilizer for the relief of stress.

While keeping it illegal is an excellent way to transfer the assets of those caught with it into the coffers of the police, I think that allowing people to purchase permits to grow and possess their own would bring in about as much money without ruining people's lives and allowing the cops to focus on investigating and apprehending real criminals instead of criminalizing so many otherwise innocent people.

I'm not sure who is hurt by an adult sitting in his own back yard tokin' a number and appreciating nature. I don't think kids should either smoke pot or drink alcohol.

Doomsday101;4444625 said:
NFL does not seem to be a bad job yet many will sacrifice it.

Weed like any other substance will have a different effect with different people. I smoked for many years when I stopped it took about a month before I could fall asleep at night with no trouble. I was restless and really wanted to get high, I didn't because I was afraid of failing an unexpected test but the desire was there.

I'm not against the legalization I do think there are some downsides as with most things.

Again. Those that do probably have issues that go beyond weed.

Ricky Williams is a classic case. Everyone just wants to talk about the failed drug tests, but if you know anything about the dude, you know he was a mess and weed is the least of it.

Some people like to eat toilet paper, some like to cut themselves and some like to collect cats.

No one drug tests for toilet paper though.
notherbob;4444645 said:
By and large I agree with that although there are three circumstances I can think of where I disagree and see marijuana as legitimate applications of herbal therapy and they are as an aid to help deal with pain and medical science simply has no better treatment to relieve constipation and also no better mild tranquilizer for the relief of stress.

While keeping it illegal is an excellent way to transfer the assets of those caught with it into the coffers of the police, I think that allowing people to purchase permits to grow and possess their own would bring in about as much money without ruining people's lives and allowing the cops to focus on investigating and apprehending real criminals instead of criminalizing so many otherwise innocent people.

I'm not sure who is hurt by an adult sitting in his own back yard tokin' a number and appreciating nature. I don't think kids should either smoke pot or drink alcohol.


I Don’t disagree with you. What I will say is many who are touting the medical use of weed would not actually qualify for using it no more than a person taking prescription drugs with no prescription. Right now in the state of Texas having less than an oz is nothing more than a fine you are not going to do time for an oz.

I think when the day it becomes legal many will get outraged by the tax the state and federal government will put on it so I still see a black market that many will turn to.

And kids we know they smoke and drink now so legal or not legal will not change it. Honest dialog of the pit falls can help. Key word though is honest.
Doomsday101;4444655 said:
I Don’t disagree with you. What I will say is many who are touting the medical use of weed would not actually qualify for using it no more than a person taking prescription drugs with no prescription. Right now in the state of Texas having less than an oz is nothing more than a fine you are not going to do time for an oz.

I think when the day it becomes legal many will get outraged by the tax the state and federal government will put on it so I still see a black market that many will turn to.

And kids we know they smoke and drink now so legal or not legal will not change it. Honest dialog of the pit falls can help. Key word though is honest.

Oh I've got no doubt about that, they will try to tax the hell out of it to the point that it might as well be illegal.
TheCount;4444647 said:
Again. Those that do probably have issues that go beyond weed.

Ricky Williams is a classic case. Everyone just wants to talk about the failed drug tests, but if you know anything about the dude, you know he was a mess and weed is the least of it.

Some people like to eat toilet paper, some like to cut themselves and some like to collect cats.

No one drug tests for toilet paper though.

I agree and decriminalizing only opens the door for more people who should not be getting high.

I'm not against it but I'm not going to lie to others or myself. Been down this road.

I have nothing against gambling and enjoy doing it for some it becomes an out of hand problem and it can lead to problems within the community. Does not mean I want to ban casinos but I don't kid myself from the good and the bad.

I tend not to look at most issues as how it impacts me alone but how it impacts in general.
TheCount;4444661 said:
Oh I've got no doubt about that, they will try to tax the hell out of it to the point that it might as well be illegal.

Right now they have taxed the crud out of cigarettes and alcohol anyone who thinks weed would be taxed less is crazy. Hell I expect it would be taxed at an even higher rate
Doomsday101;4444662 said:
I agree and decriminalizing only opens the door for more people who should not be getting high.

I'm not against it but I'm not going to lie to others or myself. Been down this road.

I have nothing against gambling and enjoy doing it for some it becomes an out of hand problem and it can lead to problems within the community. Does not mean I want to ban casinos but I don't kid myself from the good and the bad.

I tend not to look at most issues as how it impacts me alone but how it impacts in general.

I don't think outlawing something because of the minority that will abuse it is the right way to go.

If that were the case, guns would be illegal because a few (who typically have a bevy of other issues) turn them against others.

Maybe there should be a licensing test to determine who can handle their **** or not? :laugh2:
TheCount;4444674 said:
I don't think outlawing something because of the minority that will abuse it is the right way to go.

If that were the case, guns would be illegal because a few (who typically have a bevy of other issues) turn them against others.

Maybe there should be a licensing test to determine who can handle their **** or not? :laugh2:

I never said it was but we do live in a society where people are not held accountable for their own actions right now and it falls to tax payers to help them out.

You have a problem? You deal with it why should I have to pay for clinics to help those with addictions? But the reality is I do.

If you are spending you money getting high and can't keep a job guess what we have to help that person out.

So while you are right to a certain degree what others do can and does impact the community in general.
Doomsday101;4444680 said:
I never said it was but we do live in a society where people are not held accountable for their own actions right now and it falls to tax payers to help them out.

You have a problem? You deal with it why should I have to pay for clinics to help those with addictions? But the reality is I do.

If you are spending you money getting high and can't keep a job guess what we have to help that person out.

So while you are right to a certain degree what others do can and does impact the community in general.

My point is if you're spending your money getting high and can't keep a job, chances are you just can't keep a job.

Not EVERYONE can handle weed, and it may take over their lives, but it's just as likely that there are some people in the same situation except their vice is collection Pez dispensers.

All I'm saying is that those people are always going to be there, weed or not. I don't think there's a soul in an office right now busting their *** that is going to hear that weed is legal and the next thing you know they are walking street corners trying to scrounge together dough for their next bowl.
TheCount;4444690 said:
My point is if you're spending your money getting high and can't keep a job, chances are you just can't keep a job.

Not EVERYONE can handle weed, and it may take over their lives, but it's just as likely that there are some people in the same situation except their vice is collection Pez dispensers.

All I'm saying is that those people are always going to be there, weed or not. I don't think there's a soul in an office right now busting their *** that is going to hear that weed is legal and the next thing you know they are walking street corners trying to scrounge together dough for their next bowl.

And my point is you add to it by making it more available.

Again I'm not opposed to legalization all I have pointed out is there are downsides as there are with most things in life.

I know many who want it legal and will refuse to think there is any downside why? because they see it for their own purpose they do not see beyond just themselves.
I think whatever consenting adults want to do in the privacy of their own homes, should be their business. If it is was legalized I wouldn't start smoking it, people who want to do drugs, are doing drugs, those who don't, aren't. Plus the tax dollars it would generate would be enormous. It is also a lot less dangerous than alcohol in my opinion.
Romo 2 Austin;4444537 said:
It is just a matter of time until it is legalized. Medical marijuana will become the norm within a decade and full legalization will follow.

The government makes more money by it being illegal than it does legal because of the money involved with incarcerating marijuana offenders.
CowboyMcCoy;4444860 said:
The government makes more money by it being illegal than it does legal because of the money involved with incarcerating marijuana offenders.

CowboyMcCoy;4444860 said:
The government makes more money by it being illegal than it does legal because of the money involved with incarcerating marijuana offenders.

Only people being incarcerated for Marijuana is those who have been charged with large quantities for sell. No one is going to jail for small amounts.

In the meantime Jails are not self sufficient so it is costing us, the avg of housing inmates in prison by 2001 figures was $22,650 a year per inmate.

We are not making money

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