Pat Robertson speaks out for marijuana legalization

TheCount;4444580 said:
Why is anything important to anyone? What kind of statement is that.
One that hits close to home. I've watched several members of my family, and many friends, lose marriages over wanting to toke. I've seen children taken away from parents because they want to smoke up. The drug was more important to them than their marriage, and even their children.

I confess, I don't get that. I see people all the time applaud or even recommend someone toke up, as if it solves problems. It has been suggested to me several times. I want nothing in charge of my faculties. That includes alcohol which is why I don't drink. So comparing it to alcohol doesn't mean squat to me. Most of the people promoting its medical benefits aren't using it for medical benefits, they are using it to get high. Getting high is a waste of life no matter where you get the high from or whether it is legal or illegal.

This guy felt toking up was more important that making millions of dollars.

That guy has a son that he never sees. That guy claims to only do weed, you know the harmless drug.

Call me a prude but I don't like jail. I can't stand the thought of being locked up. So I don't do or condone illegal things. I am baffled by people who don't mind a drug arrest on their record because it's a harmless drug. I can't help but wonder why so many stuck in poverty feel like they need it and pay all kinds of stupid money to get it, and pay jail and court fines. That is what I mean by important.

It is an addiction and addictions are a sickness. I feel bad for people who are sick.

I've told this on this forum before but my Dad spent many years in jail over weed. He was a smuggler. One of the original mavericks. When he was arrested it was the biggest drug bust in the US at that time. Now many are a lot bigger. I know my Dad used weed and even coke in those days. I have no illusions about his innocence.

Just like I have no illusions about the pushers and suppliers who are bringing that crap into poor neighborhoods, schools, and the streets. Why are so many of them willing to take lives for the sake of a harmless drug?

I should have kept my mouth shut, and I shouldn't have posted this either. Speaking out against something people put such importance on rarely is a good idea.
Hostile;4444912 said:
One that hits close to home. I've watched several members of my family, and many friends, lose marriages over wanting to toke. I've seen children taken away from parents because they want to smoke up. The drug was more important to them than their marriage, and even their children.

I confess, I don't get that. I see people all the time applaud or even recommend someone toke up, as if it solves problems. It has been suggested to me several times. I want nothing in charge of my faculties. That includes alcohol which is why I don't drink. So comparing it to alcohol doesn't mean squat to me. Most of the people promoting its medical benefits aren't using it for medical benefits, they are using it to get high. Getting high is a waste of life no matter where you get the high from or whether it is legal or illegal.

This guy felt toking up was more important that making millions of dollars.

That guy has a son that he never sees. That guy claims to only do weed, you know the harmless drug.

Call me a prude but I don't like jail. I can't stand the thought of being locked up. So I don't do or condone illegal things. I am baffled by people who don't mind a drug arrest on their record because it's a harmless drug. I can't help but wonder why so many stuck in poverty feel like they need it and pay all kinds of stupid money to get it, and pay jail and court fines. That is what I mean by important.

It is an addiction and addictions are a sickness. I feel bad for people who are sick.

I've told this on this forum before but my Dad spent many years in jail over weed. He was a smuggler. One of the original mavericks. When he was arrested it was the biggest drug bust in the US at that time. Now many are a lot bigger. I know my Dad used weed and even coke in those days. I have no illusions about his innocence.

Just like I have no illusions about the pushers and suppliers who are bringing that crap into poor neighborhoods, schools, and the streets. Why are so many of them willing to take lives for the sake of a harmless drug?

I should have kept my mouth shut, and I shouldn't have posted this either. Speaking out against something people put such importance on rarely is a good idea.

Drugs don't do themselves. People do them. The issue isn't the drug, it's the person. That person choose the drug over the marriage, child, job, etc.

Just like guns don't kill people, people kill people.
Sam I Am;4444918 said:
Drugs don't do themselves. People do them. The issue isn't the drug, it's the person. That person choose the drug over the marriage, child, job, etc.

Just like guns don't kill people, people kill people.
I am not talking about the drugs though. I am talking about the "importance" placed on that particular drug. As if it is some kind of life miracle. It isn't.

And I am quite sure if I were to suggest the people doing the drugs are anything but fine upstanding human beings there would be backlash from hell aimed at me, my family, and the planet Saturn.
Hostile;4444921 said:
I am not talking about the drugs though. I am talking about the "importance" placed on that particular drug. As if it is some kind of life miracle. It isn't.

And I am quite sure if I were to suggest the people doing the drugs are anything but fine upstanding human beings there would be backlash from hell aimed at me, my family, and the planet Saturn.

That is what I was referring too. The person who puts that importance on the drug is the problem. There are those that don't have any problem with alcohol being easily excessable therefore alcohol isn't the problem. It's the drinker that is the problem.

Saturn is such a *****y planet. :laugh2:
Sam I Am;4444918 said:
Drugs don't do themselves. People do them. The issue isn't the drug, it's the person. That person choose the drug over the marriage, child, job, etc.

Just like guns don't kill people, people kill people.

True but then we also need to change laws to punish those who refuse to be held accountable. People getting lesser charges because they were intoxicated while committing a crime or in an accident needs to be changed to the fullest extent of the law.

I have seen so many cases where lawyers will say there client was drunk or high at the time and where not in control and end up being found guilty of a lesser charge as if it is an excuse. It blows me away.

I guess if people were willing to be responsible for their own actions then it would be a bit easier to say make it legal but right now if someone screws up it is thrown on tax payers to help them out. You choose to get drunk or get high it is your responsibility not mine
Hos has some points and obviously his history w/ the drug has an impact and thats fair. I will say that I support the decriminalization of it because I feel it is less of an impact on people than alcohol and it does help a LOT in pain management and cancer patients and aids/hiv patients.

It isn't some miracle drug by any means. It is a management drug more or less.

It is a recreational drug and no worse than alcohol. Again I think its far less of an impact on somone than being drunk.

When I smoked, I liked it and I wasn't addicted nor ever became addicted. I picked it up and put it down just like anything else in my life.

It never impacted my life. I knew when I could smoke and when I couldn't. I never smoked before work and I feel if you are caught high on the job be it w/ alcohol or any drug, you should be written up or even fired.

Weed is something you do at home or recreationally. I will never understand someone wanting be high all of the time. Thats as bad as the alcoholic, but weed is def something a person can control. I don't know anyone in Alaska and let me tell you there are a LOT of folks smoking it here, that is addicted to it.

Alcohol on the other hand..... WOW huggeeeeeee addiction problem in Alaska.

One other thing before I go.

I hate that people say pot is a gateway drug. A gateway drug to harder drugs. I would like to say that is a crock of bolgna. Not 1 time when I smoked did I ever say..

"Gosh, I wish I had a kilo right now."

no it was always..

"Let's watch Fast Times again...hahah" or "STOP BOGARTIN the Doritos, Steph!" "Pass me the rest of that pudding pack."
Hostile;4444921 said:
I am not talking about the drugs though. I am talking about the "importance" placed on that particular drug. As if it is some kind of life miracle. It isn't.

And I am quite sure if I were to suggest the people doing the drugs are anything but fine upstanding human beings there would be backlash from hell aimed at me, my family, and the planet Saturn.

I don't know Hos. I think it is less 'placing a high importance on it' and more why is it such a big deal if I toke up after a long day.

Sure there are always the ones who are messed up and if it wasn't weed it would be something else but in my experience the only people who put a real high importance on it are those that sell it and those with really low self esteem who are affected by peer pressure.

I do get what you are saying about risking it all for a toke but I truly believe that it is less about the "need" for the toke and more about the feeling that what's the big deal? Everybody is doing it.

We grow up watching alcohol (and cigs for us older folks) glamorized and not only socially accepted but almost socially required. We all saw the consequences of over indulging but yet it is still social accepted.

Naturally this leads to a 'well if alcohol is ok and it can do THAT to you and cigs are OK and they can do THAT to you why should I listen because pot is for some odd reason not socially accepted.

Of course there are many pot smokers who are not fine upstanding citizens but there are many who are. Just like anyone who enjoys their beer after work is not a worthless drunk. You just don't hear much about them because of the anti-pot attitude and the consequences for coming out, so to speak.

I bet the pot lounges would be just as full with suits and ties at Friday happy hour as the bars are now if it was more openly socially acceptable.
His arguments make plenty of sense to me.
I've never been an advocate one way or the other, but it seems that legalizing it would take away an awful lot of power and money from drug rings (and related gangs) while saving litterally billions of tax dollars, and then collecting a ton via tax revenues...similar to what happened with alcohol back in the prohibition days.
Hostile;4444921 said:
I am not talking about the drugs though. I am talking about the "importance" placed on that particular drug. As if it is some kind of life miracle. It isn't.

And I am quite sure if I were to suggest the people doing the drugs are anything but fine upstanding human beings there would be backlash from hell aimed at me, my family, and the planet Saturn.

It's the same as anything else. Why do you place importance on football? Why do you spend hours on a forum talking about it?

You obviously can function even though you spend a lot of time on here, like most of us. But believe it or not, there are people who would rather spend every waking hour on web forums than deal with life.

You're generalizing "people doing the drugs" as if they all fit neatly in a box, and that's not the case. Just like everything else in life.

Sure, there are a few people that do weed once and then all they can think about is their next high, and getting higher and higher every time. There are also people that eat chocolate for the first time and then they have to have it every day.

Additions usually have much more to do with personality, responsibility and priorities than they have to do with what one is addicted to.

Why would you keep your mouth shut? This has been a pretty reasonable and tame conversation on all sides.
TheCount;4444957 said:
Why do you place importance on football? Why do you spend hours on a forum talking about it?

I do it because it's illegal to spend that time smoking up! :laugh2:

(I kid!)
Hostile;4444250 said:
I will never understand why weed is so important to some people.

Please, no one try to explain it to me. Let me be lost on this topic.

weed is to some what guns are to others
Hostile;4444912 said:
One that hits close to home. I've watched several members of my family, and many friends, lose marriages over wanting to toke. I've seen children taken away from parents because they want to smoke up. The drug was more important to them than their marriage, and even their children.

I confess, I don't get that. I see people all the time applaud or even recommend someone toke up, as if it solves problems. It has been suggested to me several times. I want nothing in charge of my faculties. That includes alcohol which is why I don't drink. So comparing it to alcohol doesn't mean squat to me. Most of the people promoting its medical benefits aren't using it for medical benefits, they are using it to get high. Getting high is a waste of life no matter where you get the high from or whether it is legal or illegal.

This guy felt toking up was more important that making millions of dollars.

That guy has a son that he never sees. That guy claims to only do weed, you know the harmless drug.

Call me a prude but I don't like jail. I can't stand the thought of being locked up. So I don't do or condone illegal things. I am baffled by people who don't mind a drug arrest on their record because it's a harmless drug. I can't help but wonder why so many stuck in poverty feel like they need it and pay all kinds of stupid money to get it, and pay jail and court fines. That is what I mean by important.

It is an addiction and addictions are a sickness. I feel bad for people who are sick.

I've told this on this forum before but my Dad spent many years in jail over weed. He was a smuggler. One of the original mavericks. When he was arrested it was the biggest drug bust in the US at that time. Now many are a lot bigger. I know my Dad used weed and even coke in those days. I have no illusions about his innocence.

Just like I have no illusions about the pushers and suppliers who are bringing that crap into poor neighborhoods, schools, and the streets. Why are so many of them willing to take lives for the sake of a harmless drug?

I should have kept my mouth shut, and I shouldn't have posted this either. Speaking out against something people put such importance on rarely is a good idea.

You know what? This is a good post and a valid opinion. Some people do have their lives ruined by weed and I can see where you're coming from. It's why I personally don't use the stuff, addictive personalities run in my family and I don't want to risk it. It's also why I am careful to only drink in extreme moderation as I partied harder in college and there were times when I definitely thought about turning to the drink to fix problems.

I just think it's a personal choice and as long you arent harming others I think the government should allow people to do with their lives what they want. I also think fewer people would have their lives altered as some people who are hurt by weed use are only occasional users but get busted for it, and legalizing it would eliminate that. There will always be addicts who will find something to get high or drunk or whatever on.
The30YardSlant;4445109 said:
You know what? This is a good post and a valid opinion. Some people do have their lives ruined by weed and I can see where you're coming from. It's why I personally don't use the stuff, addictive personalities run in my family and I don't want to risk it. It's also why I am careful to only drink in extreme moderation as I partied harder in college and there were times when I definitely thought about turning to the drink to fix problems.

I just think it's a personal choice and as long you arent harming others I think the government should allow people to do with their lives what they want. I also think fewer people would have their lives altered as some people who are hurt by weed use are only occasional users but get busted for it, and legalizing it would eliminate that. There will always be addicts who will find something to get high or drunk or whatever on.

That is fine letting people do what they want but they have to take the responsibility, but so often these same people become a burden on society and then you have people making excuses for them "Well they have a problem and they need our help" The problem was their choice.
CanadianCowboysFan;4445079 said:
weed is to some what guns are to others

Have you been mugged at the point of a blunt?
Doomsday101;4445115 said:
That is fine letting people do what they want but they have to take the responsibility, but so often these same people become a burden on society and then you have people making excuses for them "Well they have a problem and they need our help" The problem was their choice.

This is for a different thread but I loathe the social responsibility that I'm told by the media I'm supposed to buy into, as if it's somehow our jobs to make sure others don't screw up their lives. If a guy gets high all day and doesnt work, why should my tax dollars go towards paying his government aid?

This is a problem with our society though, not weed.
I think weed and guns should be legal to adults.

I think people who sell weed or guns to children should be shot and set on fire.
zrinkill;4445122 said:
I think weed and guns should be legal to adults.

I think people who sell weed or guns to children should be shot and set on fire.

In that analysis, why?
If the claim is that getting a kid into weed is bad, why would the kid's adult parent smoking it in front of him/her legally be any better? Where else will a kid get his influence from? A major part of the campaign to demonize cigarettes was also predicated on setting a bad example for youth, why add another bad example to the list?
zrinkill;4445122 said:
I think weed and guns should be legal to adults.

I think people who sell weed or guns to children should be shot and set on fire.

Hopefully shot by the guns and set on fire by the blunts they just sold the kids as that would be incredibly ironic and make me giggle.

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