Twitter: Payton on Cowboys final play

Risen Star

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If Dak had taken control of that situation and done what he could to make sure the ball was put into play and it still ended like it did, I would jump right on the blame the refs/blame the call bandwagon.

But he did nothing like that.

We learned a lot on that play.

So when exactly does Prescott no longer have to learn to be an NFL QB? Year 10? 12?


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Since the NFL has no set rule on who sets the ball in play (meaning which referee) - who he should have handed it to - or just placed it, is really not up for judgement. The fact is that it was very risky to try to do what they called, was a bad decision/call, and it cost them a chance to throw it up for grabs twice in the end zone!

I have never seen a team try to do that before with 14 seconds left - never have - not a long run anyway!


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But MM said that was the correct way to do it and that's how they practice it twice every week.

And he was right, we've seen since in situations like this the ref not being handed the ball and just touching, Mike Periara(former official) said the same thing.


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But MM said that was the correct way to do it and that's how they practice it twice every week.
There are video examples of doing it the way dak/center did it that have been successful. People have posted them. Not sure either way is better


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But MM said that was the correct way to do it and that's how they practice it twice every week.

By rule, the umpire has to touch the ball before it’s snapped. With no time remaining on the clock as Prescott spiked it, the officials called the game and promptly ran off the field.

"I think [the officiating crew] worked their butts off to get to the spot,” he explained. “But the one thing to me, when you’re in such a hurry up like that, don’t worry about putting the ball back a yard… Just touch the ball and get out of there. If you want to adjust it if there’s time left, then put it back a yard.


Safety third
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And he was right, we've seen since in situations like this the ref not being handed the ball and just touching, Mike Periara(former official) said the same thing.
If Dak had looked around he would have seen the official running in and could have cleared the way. Instead he literally blocked the official because he had no idea what was going on.

I'm not letting the officials off the hook. Just saying that I'd like to see our illustrious leader actually earn that reputation.


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If Dak had taken control of that situation and done what he could to make sure the ball was put into play and it still ended like it did, I would jump right on the blame the refs/blame the call bandwagon.

But he did nothing like that.

We learned a lot on that play.
And to make matters look worse we saw Mahommes go 60 yards in 2 plays with 13 sec left.


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If Dak had looked around he would have seen the official running in and could have cleared the way. Instead he literally blocked the official because he had no idea what was going on.

I'm not letting the officials off the hook. Just saying that I'd like to see our illustrious leader actually earn that reputation.

Dak didn't have to clear anybody the ref shouldn't have been a bumbling idiot and he didn't have to pick the ball up and re-spot it. It wasn't up to Dak to


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Rumor has it,, he was heard saying "I'm a parcells guy, I would tell Jerry to buy some artwork and have a seat"

Would that do anything for you?

No I think it's an ultimatum stance where hope is effectively unattainable unless the entire current ownership is eliminated.
I'm a borderline supporter of this doctrine as well but believe Payton would at least represent "some" sense of discipline and accountability. Even if for only 2 years until he got fed up and bolted.

I'd be happy just to witness discipline and accountability. Don't even hafta win much, lol

Or if not, the forum just continues on as a self help group of sports team mediocrity addicts forever searching for their fix of unrealistic expectations.



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Ground breaking stuff. If he had said moisture is the essence of wetness we’d be gobbling it up.


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then this speaks volumes to lack of preparedness, which I pointed to after the first game of the season. in that game last two minutes we weren't prepared and didn't know what to do. two players ran out of bounce after they caught the ball with 2 minutes to go and helped Tampa to stop the clock. Only cooper was smart enough to go down in bounce.... that's lack of preparedness from coaches on down. same here.

I remember a story from parcells time when we beat the giants at NY in last minute. everyone running through the plays and knew exactly what to do. they asked the team after the game and they said, they practice those situations. Parcells used to dedicate 30 minutes of practice to specific situations and what each player needs to do .

people will blame Dak, WRs, OL, etc. but this falls on MM and Moore directly.....details and detailed plans matter


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No I think it's an ultimatum stance where hope is effectively unattainable unless the entire current ownership is eliminated.
I'm a borderline supporter of this doctrine as well but believe Payton would at least represent "some" sense of discipline and accountability. Even if for only 2 years until he got fed up and bolted.

I'd be happy just to witness discipline and accountability. Don't even hafta win much, lol

Or if not, the forum just continues on as a self help group of sports team mediocrity addicts forever searching for their fix of unrealistic expectations.

I was just joking.

I do think Payton may be an slight upgrade over MM. The whole "I am an analytics guy, watch me elect to receive every game" was enough to show he can just BS Jerry.

I really want them to dedicate to have an identity and stick to it. If it is strong trenches, have the best coaches and talent in the trenches, if it is emulating the greatest show on turf or the 2013 Broncos, you better have elite skill players, etc.

They get wrapped up in people versus philosophy.


The realist
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And to make matters look worse we saw Mahommes go 60 yards in 2 plays with 13 sec left.
They had the timeouts. Different situation, but agreed , we didnt have a play to throw and complete a pass to the sideline to move the ball or our QB couldnt do it