Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal (Indictment Post #144, "Pimping" Allegations Post #442)

JBond;4249511 said:
I got to admit that I am still a little confused why the entire story can not be told. Maybe I am just slow.

Because they are incapable of communicating.
Cajuncowboy;4249562 said:
Spoken like someone who doesn't know what they are talking about.

Trust me, I KNOW what I'm talking about.

I just took a blood oath and am sworn to secrecy and I cannot divulge anything of what I KNOW. Don't believe me? I don't care.

But when the part of the story that you don't know comes out, I'll let you KNOW that I KNEW!!!

Cajuncowboy;4249490 said:
Well at the end of the day if only 50% of the real story comes out a lot of people's opinions that they hold now, will change.

Unfortunately the whole story will not come out.

Cajuncowboy;4249509 said:
Like I said, the whole story will never come out. There are A LOT of dots people aren't connecting.

Cajuncowboy;4249546 said:
Because they are incapable of communicating.

If this is accurate, shame on the ones at Penn St. that know but won't say.

What a wonderful message to send to the victims, and to all of the students at PSU as they search through this whole mess for truth.
peplaw06;4249576 said:
Trust me, I KNOW what I'm talking about.

I just took a blood oath and am sworn to secrecy and I cannot divulge anything of what I KNOW. Don't believe me? I don't care.

But when the part of the story that you don't know comes out, I'll let you KNOW that I KNEW!!!


Whatever. Like I said, It doesn't matter to me what you think of me. There is nothing in your power that can affect me so no big deal.

I said what I did because there are a bunch of so called know it alls on here who THINK they know more than they do.

And if you had any inclination to actually connect a few dots and look at a timeline of events maybe you would hop down off your high horse.

I also brought it to light only because I changed my position on supporting Paterno. You don't think I would do that for no good reason do you?

Maybe if you used your head a bit instead of following the rest of the lemmings off the cliff, you might have a better handle on this. But you won't.
Double Trouble;4249590 said:
You've posted in this thread probably 100 times. Obviously, you care a great deal.

No, I don't care what a bunch of posters think about me and what I was told. Couldn't care less frankly.
peplaw06;4249529 said:
Do you know something you been told not to share? If so, I'm not sure the person who told you not to share it would appreciate you even intimating that you have inside knowledge.

I just don't get the point of telling everyone you know something that you can't share... It doesn't make you seem more credible on the topic.
What he is doing is essentially the internet equivalent of a 1st grader taunting "I know something you don't know... I know something you don't know..."

His thinly veiled taunts of "connecting the dots" and a person "incapable of communicating" seem to reference the dead DA from 2005 (can't remember his name off hand), perhaps hinting at sinister reasons for that man's disappearance. You have to decide for yourself whether or not you believe him, but I sure know where I stand when someone behaves like a first grader.
peplaw06;4249576 said:
Trust me, I KNOW what I'm talking about.

I just took a blood oath and am sworn to secrecy and I cannot divulge anything of what I KNOW. Don't believe me? I don't care.

But when the part of the story that you don't know comes out, I'll let you KNOW that I KNEW!!!

:laugh2: :bow: :laugh2:
There ought to be a little slack cut for Cajun...

The guy stuck up for a person and an institution he believed in, and there's no harm in that.

And once he apparently came up with additional information, he came out and said he no longer supported all the actions made by some of the decision makers at PSU.

Why not just leave it at that?
Connected to Sandusky, and incapable of communicating, at this time:

DA Ray Gricar, missing and declared dead in July 2011
DA's brother Roy Gricar, found floating in a river in 1996
Jim Calhoun - suffering from dementia and living in a nursing home, incompetent to testify

Sheer speculation on my part - Gricar was involved in the same types of activities that Sandusky is alleged to have done. His brother found out and was killed. Once it became clear in Gricar's mind that this was going to blow up, he killed himself as well.
Cajuncowboy;4249614 said:
No, I don't care what a bunch of posters think about me and what I was told. Couldn't care less frankly.
:laugh2: sure you don't. Just like you'll be here confirming some horrible aspect of this story in 2 weeks when some damning details emerge, as though you knew but couldn't share.

I refer to that as the Toohostile gambit.
Cajuncowboy;4249611 said:
Whatever. Like I said, It doesn't matter to me what you think of me. There is nothing in your power that can affect me so no big deal.
Then quit arguing with me.

I said what I did because there are a bunch of so called know it alls on here who THINK they know more than they do.
Well your teasing them with information that you can't divulge doesn't do anything to stop them.

And if you had any inclination to actually connect a few dots and look at a timeline of events maybe you would hop down off your high horse.
WTH are you talking about? I have barely commented in this thread except regarding some of the legal concepts, and now your ***** tease comments.

I also brought it to light only because I changed my position on supporting Paterno. You don't think I would do that for no good reason do you?
I really don't care why you changed your opinion, or what your opinion of him is. I'm just saying your act has grown tired long ago. You did this same thing back when the NFL lockout was going on. I find it terribly convenient that you knew someone who knew De Smith, and you formed your staunch opinion against him off that one person's opinion, and crowed around here like you had some great source of inside information.

Then when this story comes about, not only do you "know" Paterno, but now you've been privy to some inside information from a source "incapable of communicating" which again, you can't divulge.

It's also not saying much for your "knowledge" of Paterno if you flip-flopped your position on him as a result of one conversation, or whatever it was.

The charade isn't impressing anyone. If you know something, then prove it. If not, then excuse us for not being impressed.

Maybe if you used your head a bit instead of following the rest of the lemmings off the cliff, you might have a better handle on this. But you won't.
Again, I've barely commented in this thread other than for a few topics. So I'm not sure what lemmings you're referring to. And if you're worried about my "handle" on things, then feel free to correct me where I've been wrong.
MichaelWinicki;4249651 said:
There ought to be a little slack cut for Cajun...

The guy stuck up for a person and an institution he believed in, and there's no harm in that.

And once he apparently came up with additional information, he came out and said he no longer supported all the actions made by some of the decision makers at PSU.

Why not just leave it at that?
I'd be perfectly content with leaving it at that. Cajun doesn't want to do that. He wants to continue to tease posters with information that he says we all need to know, but he won't tell us. If he has the information, he should do one of two things... 1) stop teasing people, or 2) share the info.

If he's going to continue teasing and not share the info, he should be called on it.
peplaw06;4249834 said:
Then quit arguing with me.

Well your teasing them with information that you can't divulge doesn't do anything to stop them.

WTH are you talking about? I have barely commented in this thread except regarding some of the legal concepts, and now your ***** tease comments.

I really don't care why you changed your opinion, or what your opinion of him is. I'm just saying your act has grown tired long ago. You did this same thing back when the NFL lockout was going on. I find it terribly convenient that you knew someone who knew De Smith, and you formed your staunch opinion against him off that one person's opinion, and crowed around here like you had some great source of inside information.

Then when this story comes about, not only do you "know" Paterno, but now you've been privy to some inside information from a source "incapable of communicating" which again, you can't divulge.

It's also not saying much for your "knowledge" of Paterno if you flip-flopped your position on him as a result of one conversation, or whatever it was.

The charade isn't impressing anyone. If you know something, then prove it. If not, then excuse us for not being impressed.

Again, I've barely commented in this thread other than for a few topics. So I'm not sure what lemmings you're referring to. And if you're worried about my "handle" on things, then feel free to correct me where I've been wrong.

Again, it doesn't matter to me if you are impressed or not. You mean very little to me. Why should it.

I gave the info I did because it changed my position. If I hadn't, then I would seem neurotic. At the end of the day, I don't care if you believe me or not.
Rogah;4249615 said:
What he is doing is essentially the internet equivalent of a 1st grader taunting "I know something you don't know... I know something you don't know..."

His thinly veiled taunts of "connecting the dots" and a person "incapable of communicating" seem to reference the dead DA from 2005 (can't remember his name off hand), perhaps hinting at sinister reasons for that man's disappearance. You have to decide for yourself whether or not you believe him, but I sure know where I stand when someone behaves like a first grader.

See, now yu are just ticked off with me because I caught you in a lie about what you said about the PSU graduates. Everyone knows you got caught lying about your own posts and you need to find a way to belittle me.

Well, whatever. We know you lied so you carry very little weight with me or anyone who cares to deal with honest people.

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