News: Per Eatman: Josh Brent placed on Retired/Reserved List

I'm almost 100% sure it's a relapse. I can't imagine Brent deciding to retire after all of this hard work he's put in. I'm thinking he popped dirty at probation.

Poor guy. I like him. Hope he gets his ish together.

Sadly this will probably be a lifelong fight with him. The trauma of the accident and his friend's subsequent death cannot help.
Gets the chance of a lifetime to play for Dallas, gets into major drunk driving accident killing a teammate and friend, does jail time and is forgiven by friends mother AND receives a second chance of a lifetime from Cowboys to play football and make tons of money doing so.... And still GIVES UP? Dang man. Some of us were rooting for you, Josh, even after forgiving you of your horrible mistake and hoping you would contribute greatly to our beloved team. Be gone and stay gone. What a waste.

How about we wait until we know why he retired before we crucify him?
Pure speculation, but he might be checking into an extended rehab stay if he's struggling. It'd be a better option than, you know, jail, if he let it go unchecked. If it was expected to extend beyond the start of camp, maybe reserve/retired was the best option.

Either way, I have always felt for this guy and considered he and Brown equally responsible for a disastrous set of decisions. It's fortunate that more people weren't hurt. I hope he gets control of his demons and that Jerry's daughter (?) is well provided for, one way or another.

On the field, the 1-techs are sort of jumbled up in my mind there, with none of them sticking out much. We keep hearing that the team is high on T McClain, and we can expect Bishop to have put on some good weight this offseason given where he came from and what he's had access to in terms of the DC facilities. I hope he took full advantage of it.
Did he?

My guess is that he never go into shape and they were going to cut him. Being out of shape is probably what got some of those other guys cut like the OL Hawkins. They carried that guy on the 53 all season as and inactive developmental player. For him to get cut now indicates that he did something wrong. The most likely option is being out of shape. The Brent "retirement" coincided exactly with the time frame of those other players being cut.

I'm making an assumption based on the "things more important than football" comment he made.
In my opinion, it's pretty simple. It makes the Cowboys look less heartless if he retires. Brent probably knew he'd never get picked up by another team and knew his football days were done. The Cowboys went way out on a limb to bring him back in the first place, and there was a clear narrative of the "desire to help a young man and his friend's daughter." A simple CUT, would have looked very abrupt in light of all that's transpired. By going to reserved/retired, it's a more peaceful way to end the Brent storyline. It becomes less of a national "SHOCKER: The Cowboys give up on troubled player" story that the media would enjoy. I have some slight experience in PR, but I an still just guessing, so take it for what it's worth.

I think you are right bro.

At first I though he had a relapse or maybe showed up drunk somewhere, but after reading his statement I think his heart was just not in it anymore. Its really not a surprise when you think about it, living with the fact that you killed your best friend has to take a mental toll on you day after day after day. Hard to focus on just football and put those type of thoughts out of your head, almost impossible.

He probably knew deep down that he was not going to make the 53 and this was the best way for everybody to walk away without any questions being asked. To think of the opportunity he had in front of him and he threw it all away because of alcohol is just sad.
I can believe he doesn't have the desire to play anymore and retired. Don't always have to think the worst without proof people.
On the field, the 1-techs are sort of jumbled up in my mind there, with none of them sticking out much. We keep hearing that the team is high on T McClain, and we can expect Bishop to have put on some good weight this offseason given where he came from and what he's had access to in terms of the DC facilities. I hope he took full advantage of it.

IMO the worst spot on both starting units is the #1 DT spot.

That's the biggest reason the team was next to last in rushing TD's given up.
Pure speculation, but he might be checking into an extended rehab stay if he's struggling. It'd be a better option than, you know, jail, if he let it go unchecked. If it was expected to extend beyond the start of camp, maybe reserve/retired was the best option.

Either way, I have always felt for this guy and considered he and Brown equally responsible for a disastrous set of decisions. It's fortunate that more people weren't hurt. I hope he gets control of his demons and that Jerry's daughter (?) is well provided for, one way or another.

On the field, the 1-techs are sort of jumbled up in my mind there, with none of them sticking out much. We keep hearing that the team is high on T McClain, and we can expect Bishop to have put on some good weight this offseason given where he came from and what he's had access to in terms of the DC facilities. I hope he took full advantage of it.
It was brents car and his decision to drive. So frankly I would say its more just to say its about 67% his fault and 33% brown's fault for being stupid enough to get in the vehicle
It amazes me at how many people assume and guess. And we wonder why the media has turned into soap opera, reality tv, drama type garbage instead of sports. It's because so many "sports fans" crave this crap!!!

There have been big threads created totalk about how ESPN isn't about sports anymore, yet we do the exact sane thing. C'mon folks!!!
It was brents car and his decision to drive. So frankly I would say its more just to say its about 67% his fault and 33% brown's fault for being stupid enough to get in the vehicle

However you split it, getting in a car with a drunk driver and choosing not to wear a safety belt is not smart.
It amazes me at how many people assume and guess.

Well to be honest, that's pretty much what around 75% of the posts on this forum are... people speculating, guessing, and discussing the implications of said guesses and speculations. Would be pretty boring around here if the only things we could discuss were news articles put out by :)
He probably knew deep down that he was not going to make the 53 and this was the best way for everybody to walk away without any questions being asked. To think of the opportunity he had in front of him and he threw it all away because of alcohol is just sad.

Well, nine pages of questions have been asked here! ;) But you may well be right about the intent.
Well to be honest, that's pretty much what around 75% of the posts on this forum are... people speculating, guessing, and discussing the implications of said guesses and speculations. Would be pretty boring around here if the only things we could discuss were news articles put out by :)

It's fine as long as your doing those things about football, and not soap opera crap!!!

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