Pet peeves

People who just spit their gum on the ground. Don't they know someone will come along and step on it?
And spitting on the ground in general...friggin gross and selfish. They’re basically saying “I’m too lazy to find a paper towel or trash can and I don’t care if other people step in my saliva”.
The ridiculous number of collective nouns for Animals.
There are over 900!!!
The thing that really gets Me, is that the specialised noun for one specific Animal is essentially pointless, since it gets immediately followed by the Animal's Name.
For instance, You wouldn't say "On Safari, I saw a Congress", You'd say "On Safari, I saw a Congress of Baboons"
You could cut those 900+ down to about 20 and it would make no difference, except to make things a lot less complicated.
Nice list! Lol at misophania. I believe I fall into the second category of reactions. :mad:
I have it for sure. Not all triggers but I worked with a guy who had decent table manners. Except the first bite of his potato chips. The first was with an open mouth and the down force to pierce steel. It used to fill me with a sudden feeling of anger. Crazy.
These have already been mentioned, but a few of my pet peeves include:

Driving and texting/talking on the phone. I have resorted to pulling along side these people, honking and giving the universal signal to hang-up the phone. I wish I had a phaser or photon torpedo. I'll probably get shot one day in a fit of road rage.

Bad table manners. And, it is not just kids or young adults. Where were these people when basic knife and fork skills were taught along with chewing with your mouth closed, not cramming your mouth so full that you look like a chipmunk.

Poor service at a restaurant or bar and then expecting the obligatory 15-20% tip.

And, lastly ill-mannered children. This is probably more my issue than the kids parents, but.... Come on, man!

I suppose that if these are my top pet peeves then life is pretty good.
Lol, I know these are things that make us angry but I can’t help but laugh reading them even though I may be guilty of one or two :oops:
Yeah, I call kids in their 20's kids unless I know for certain they are not. Hell I am getting up there where kids are in their 40's.
The ridiculous number of collective nouns for Animals.
There are over 900!!!
The thing that really gets Me, is that the specialised noun for one specific Animal is essentially pointless, since it gets immediately followed by the Animal's Name.
For instance, You wouldn't say "On Safari, I saw a Congress", You'd say "On Safari, I saw a Congress of Baboons"
You could cut those 900+ down to about 20 and it would make no difference, except to make things a lot less complicated.

I see political implications here. You're calling Congress a bunch of Baboons aren't you? Yeah, that's what I thought!!!
* Chewing with your mouth open or talking with food in your mouth. Both will invite a throat chop.
Add people who ask you a question and expect you to answer when you are chewing food.
* Overall sloppy mouth noises. (See Misophonia). I don't want to hear you kissing or any other pop, click etc...
* Traffic. Those who don't understand simple driving laws such as a 4 way stop. "Stop turners." People who come to an ****** stop before they turn. Driving slow in the fast lane and not moving over for faster traffic. People should also NOT be driving if you cannot at the very least do the speed limit. When you pass them, they suddenly wake up and drive faster. Holy hell, no one utilizes cruise control.
* When parents expect you to discipline their kids or pets.
* Talking during a movie.
*Whistling to a song louder than the music.
*Toilet manners.
* Not yielding to the loud siren and bright flashing red lights behind you until 3 miles later. Move over so I don't ram this 3,000 gallon tanker up your backside.
* Cross walks. There used to be a time in life when you needed to look out for your own safety. When you were taught to "look both ways" so you didn't get hit. If you did get hit, it was your fault for being stupid and not paying attention. Not anymore. Now you can walk through life with your head down staring at your phone with no responsibilities.
* I've seen SO MANY people texting & driving that it boggles my mind how these idiots have survived this long. It's literally one of the stupidest things a human can do.
Then I suggest you stay away from the pigs on the Food Network, they're disgusting.
I only text while driving to other drivers so that I don't endanger anyone walking around the house texting. Seriously, I almost got taken out by a texting driver in a large SUV on a two lane shortly after moving here.

I am curious about Toilet manners, what are those. Man, if I can't be drooling caveman in there, where can I be?
Yeah, I call kids in their 20's kids unless I know for certain they are not. Hell I am getting up there where kids are in their 40's.
I don’t get it, I’m not expecting angels but I expect more than what some of these “kids” display. In a lot of cases I assume it’s the result of being coddled most of their lives and having no responsibilities other then lifting weights and memorizing a play book.

Must be rough, I feel for them. We should continue to make excuses and baby them since that’s what they’re used to. Accountability and respect is so old skool :rolleyes: /End rant
Then I suggest you stay away from the pigs on the Food Network, they're disgusting.
I only text while driving to other drivers so that I don't endanger anyone walking around the house texting. Seriously, I almost got taken out by a texting driver in a large SUV on a two lane shortly after moving here.

I am curious about Toilet manners, what are those. Man, if I can't be drooling caveman in there, where can I be?

Here’s some lack of toilet manners that literally just happened. How about washing your hands after using the restroom?

Would a courtesy flush kill you? Just because you enjoy sitting there smelling your own dookie doesn’t mean everyone else wants to.
* Traffic. Those who don't understand simple driving laws such as a 4 way stop. "Stop turners." People who come to an ****** stop before they turn. Driving slow in the fast lane and not moving over for faster traffic. People should also NOT be driving if you cannot at the very least do the speed limit. When you pass them, they suddenly wake up and drive faster. Holy hell, no one utilizes cruise control.
I've always wished I could just press a button as fine those people $375. Then I would see how many times I could press it in 60 seconds. I was awesome at that old Track and Field arcade game you know.


* When parents expect you to discipline their kids or pets.
I never met these people. I've been in stores before were I wish I could beat someone's kid. Hell, I would love to have beat the parents too!
*Toilet manners.
Not going to ask. I'm sure it's TMI situation. o_O
Here’s some lack of toilet manners that literally just happened. How about washing your hands after using the restroom?

Would a courtesy flush kill you? Just because you enjoy sitting there smelling your own dookie doesn’t mean everyone else wants to.

Hey, my dookie doesn't stink!
Hey, my dookie doesn't stink!
Lol, in college I had a friend that literally almost got in a fight over that in a public restroom. Once they figured out they both had priors they went their own ways. Needless to say that was one of a few incidents that caused me to distance myself from that cat even though I love him like a brother. Kids :D
Maybe it's just me but I have been collecting pet peeves for a long time and find that I have no patience for impatient people.

Is there someplace they teach wait staff people to wait until I've just loaded my gaping maw with food to ask me how it is? I have been so tempted to just open my mouth and let the food fall out and say "not very good". They also teach them to hide and wait until your tea is exactly at the halfway point before sneaking up and filling it when you have the exact perfect balance of lemon and sweetness.

I don't know why this pisses me off but to counter it, I've begun responding with smart*** answers. When ever I go to the BOA, after I've completed the transaction, they ask "is their anything else I can do for you"? What the hell else could they do? I will respond with "could you drop by and clean my toilets? I hate doing that". That's my favorite because it only gets on of two responses, they laugh or smile or look at me with this "I have no idea how to respond to that" look on their face and I just drive or walk off.

People that yell just to be yelling. Kids do this when they first discover to yell. Why do people feel the need to try and out yell the music? Is the need for attention that strong?

Drunk women. This has always irritated me because I've found that women have the tendency to go overboard more than men and this is not a sexist comment but an observation. Too many forget to be ladies when they're drunk.

People that ask me "is that any good"? pointing to something I am buying at the market. I want to respond with "no, it tastes like lizard poop but I don't want to get used to things that actually taste good and get spoiled". Why in the hell would I be buying it? And they don't know what I think good is.

Parents that do not teach their children good table manners when they're dining out. This is the responsibility of every parent.

Parents using video games as time occupiers for their children. That is not parenting unless they're playing with them.

People that talk loudly on the cell phone. Reminds me of my Mamaw though, she would talk louder if it was long distance, used to crack me up.

Cell phones, in general, although I do appreciate the convenience, it has taken over society. People take videos of animals or people in need of help instead of helping. I see two people together and they're both on their phones, what can be so important that they're not communicating in person with each other? People are losing their communication skills and ability to relate to each other; they're becoming detached and disconnected. technology is supposed to help us, not own us.
Then I suggest you stay away from the pigs on the Food Network, they're disgusting.
I only text while driving to other drivers so that I don't endanger anyone walking around the house texting. Seriously, I almost got taken out by a texting driver in a large SUV on a two lane shortly after moving here.

I am curious about Toilet manners, what are those. Man, if I can't be drooling caveman in there, where can I be?
Very simple. Clean up after yourself and wash your hands.
Here’s some lack of toilet manners that literally just happened. How about washing your hands after using the restroom?

Would a courtesy flush kill you? Just because you enjoy sitting there smelling your own dookie doesn’t mean everyone else wants to.
I never wash my hands, especially with those Dyson dryers that spread particles in the air. I carry Purell everywhere I go and touch the fewest things in the restroom. I'd hover if I could.

I went into a stall about a year ago at the HEB, locked the door, turned around and someone had given birth to largest dookie I have ever seen, it spanned the water like this grotesque bridge. I immediately surmised I needed to either find another stall or a chainsaw and opted for the former. I was careful to back out in case it wasn't dead and wondered 'what in the hell could have laid that'? So as I shopped, I kept checking out all the men to see if there was a perp. So, I see this 350lb guy with one of those little electric carts buried between his cheeks and he's the suspect. I checked his cart to see if he'd hit the produce section yet because I would have to steam clean them or shop somewhere else and is anyplace safe?

But here's what really bothers me when you go into a stall and they've not toilet paper!! That dookie behemoth was alone, no toilet paper present. The more people I am around the more animals I want to be around as I don't expect them to wipe.
Very simple. Clean up after yourself and wash your hands.
Best not to use those dryers as the testing they've done shows 500% more bacteria in the air than just paper towels. The new HEB here went back and installed Purell dispensers after the news of this came out, they had just opened their store with Dyson's and no paper towels.
Best not to use those dryers as the testing they've done shows 500% more bacteria in the air than just paper towels. The new HEB here went back and installed Purell dispensers after the news of this came out, they had just opened their store with Dyson's and no paper towels.
I never use those. Towels for me. Or air dry.

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