Lol, jesus. Yeah, I still don’t feel great touching anything in the bathrooms and I still use a paper towel to grab the handle on the way out. It’s probably all for nothing though. I’ve read that the most germ infested things at restaurants are the menus. Think of how many people didn’t wash their hamds and then touch those. It alos grosses me out when I see the silverware just laying on the table after they “cleaned” it with a damp cloth. Oh well, do what we can and don’t contribute to these slobs.I never wash my hands, especially with those Dyson dryers that spread particles in the air. I carry Purell everywhere I go and touch the fewest things in the restroom. I'd hover if I could.
I went into a stall about a year ago at the HEB, locked the door, turned around and someone had given birth to largest dookie I have ever seen, it spanned the water like this grotesque bridge. I immediately surmised I needed to either find another stall or a chainsaw and opted for the former. I was careful to back out in case it wasn't dead and wondered 'what in the hell could have laid that'? So as I shopped, I kept checking out all the men to see if there was a perp. So, I see this 350lb guy with one of those little electric carts buried between his cheeks and he's the suspect. I checked his cart to see if he'd hit the produce section yet because I would have to steam clean them or shop somewhere else and is anyplace safe?
But here's what really bothers me when you go into a stall and they've not toilet paper!! That dookie behemoth was alone, no toilet paper present. The more people I am around the more animals I want to be around as I don't expect them to wipe.
You should have left some land mines for him!!!! Couple dog turds and he'd have changed his path tootsweet!!!!The mailman walking on the exact same path through my yard every day even though I have a sidewalk. I don’t even care that he walks through my hyard but not one foot to the left, not one foot to the right but the EXACT same spot.
I think he does it to piss me off on purpose. After a couple years, he wore out the grass so much you could see a trail and I had to fill it in with dirt because it became a drainage issue. Jerk.
Or how about people that do that in the checkout line? Last week, this woman waits for all her grocery bags to be put in the cart and then opens her purse to get here checkbook out and tries to win a handwriting contest. I was glaring at her, the checker had a look of urgency on her face as it was crowded. I was practicing my most disgusted face and she never looked at me. I even stared after her in hopes she would look back and get "the look".Just ran into another one. The people who wait to pull up to the ATM to start filling out their deposit slips when there’s a line of cars behind them and when you get your cash, pull up before you start digging around in your purse, getting adjustimg your steering wheel, etc.
It’s annoying but almost comical how many times I see people pull up to the ATM and act like it’s the first time they’ve ever seen one. You can just tell by how long it takes them and their hand motions sticking out of the window that they are completely lost. It’s almost like they need a self check out attendant to walk them through it.
I see toilet etiquette is making the rounds in the thread. Usually I would not touch the subject (pun intended) but I would like to vent for a sec.
I wish all plumbing was excellent and equal but it isn't. Nowadays you can be graced with facilities that do not even require you to touch anything. Simply do your business and it flushes away automatically. It is magical...
Of course, there is nothing magical about getting rid of <expletive>. I cannot count the number of times I have visited a bathroom and found <expletive> waiting to be discovered. It is those JACKPOT occasions when the countless varieties of human excrement are painfully revealed.
Seriously. Old people. Young people. Parents of unsupervised bay bay kids. Women. Men. I could not care less. Culprits should be shot. On sight. No one should deal with other people's <expletive>. Ever.
Are you in a hurry? Okay. Do not visit a public restroom. Just <expletive> on yourself because no one should be confronted with your stinky treasure trove of <expletive> since you were 'in a hurry' and did not flush.
Does your <expletive> smells awful? Too bad. Deal with it. No one else, as in no one else on planet Earth, should see what you could not bear to deal with long enough to flush.
Cannot stand the sight of your <expletive>? That is completely understandable since no one else should gag over what came out of your body either. Flush.
No toilet paper? Did not check for toilet paper beforehand? That is a you problem. It is not a 'Thank goodness I found a open stall and OMG WHAT IS THAT SMEARED ON THE WALLS???' nightmare for anyone else. Check for TP before checking out your bowels.
Paper grows on trees. Nature does not cultivate paper within the linings of a discharge pipe to the point where the toilet bowl CANNOT drain its contents. Use. Common. Sense. Before. You. Wipe.
Lastly, as I alluded to earlier, plumbing is not perfect everywhere. Sometimes one flush is plenty and there is a nice tidy clean toilet bowl waiting for the next porcelain throne visitor. Occasionally, two flushes are necessary. Maybe, three flushes will do the job. Know what? THERE IS NO SET FLUSHING LIMIT! Stay and continue flushing until evidence of your visit has vanished vanished vanished vanished vanished (echo).
Good. I feel better. Wait. I think that burrito has come back to haunt me...
See, I thought you were talking about the people who are the reason you avoid port-a- johns.Here’s some lack of toilet manners that literally just happened. How about washing your hands after using the restroom?
Would a courtesy flush kill you? Just because you enjoy sitting there smelling your own dookie doesn’t mean everyone else wants to.
*Idiots at the gas station who have to blast their stereo like everyone is going to think you are "SO COOL"!. No one wants to hear your garbage music.
You are no Sheldon Cooper. Sheldon would have grounded the flight long enough for Istanbul authorities to remove the sick guy from the plane.Someone gets on a flight sick as [bleepity bleep]. I sat next to a man on a flight from Istanbul to Chicago who was hacking, coughing,and sneezing the whole time and there were no other available seats. A 10 hour flight exposed to a germ factory.
The silver lining is the part where they tell you everything about Jen-ney.*Total strangers who want to tell me their life story of wanting to be a Shrimpboat Captain with their friend name Bubba and Lt. Dan. They won't shut up and don't have a freaking clue that no one cares.
Ha...the ole gas station stereo people! There’s usually always one.*When I get finish at my workout at the gym and have to use the gym shower and when I am trying to get dressed in the locker room from being naked some goof wants to have a conversation with me at that moment.Seriously I don't know you and my privates are hanging out and you want to talk to me right now???
*Idiots at the gas station who have to blast their stereo like everyone is going to think you are "SO COOL"!. No one wants to hear your garbage music.
*Just all these people who need a pet for emotional support and take it everywhere. Yeah I have a emotional support pet also,she is about 5ft-7inches with big beautiful brown eyes and great body and she is a FWB.Can I take her on the plane with me???What did these people do before these annoying little dogs could not go everywhere with them?
*Total strangers who want to tell me their life story of wanting to be a Shrimpboat Captain with their friend name Bubba and Lt. Dan. They won't shut up and don't have a freaking clue that no one cares.
*Being at the weightroom and some goof is doing all this P90X or Dancing with the 80's or whatever exercise DVD in the mirror next to you. PLEASE GO FIND A PLACE CALLED HOME TO DO ALL THAT STUPID CRAP!!! PLEASE NOT IN THE GYM MIRRORS NEAR THE WEIGHTS. I feel like you are having a seizure and I don't feel like saving you.
You are no Sheldon Cooper. Sheldon would have grounded the flight long enough for Istanbul authorities to remove the sick guy from the plane.![]()
Worse is when you have to go inside the bank, fill out your paperwork and head to the line, and someone rushes to get in front of you, then waits until they get to the teller before doing their paperwork.Just ran into another one. The people who wait to pull up to the ATM to start filling out their deposit slips when there’s a line of cars behind them and when you get your cash, pull up before you start digging around in your purse, getting adjustimg your steering wheel, etc.
It’s annoying but almost comical how many times I see people pull up to the ATM and act like it’s the first time they’ve ever seen one. You can just tell by how long it takes them and their hand motions sticking out of the window that they are completely lost. It’s almost like they need a self check out attendant to walk them through it.
I suppose I could have used "Parliament of Crows" instead.I see political implications here. You're calling Congress a bunch of Baboons aren't you? Yeah, that's what I thought!!!
Long PostsMaybe it's just me but I have been collecting pet peeves for a long time and find that I have no patience for impatient people.
Is there someplace they teach wait staff people to wait until I've just loaded my gaping maw with food to ask me how it is? I have been so tempted to just open my mouth and let the food fall out and say "not very good". They also teach them to hide and wait until your tea is exactly at the halfway point before sneaking up and filling it when you have the exact perfect balance of lemon and sweetness.
I don't know why this pisses me off but to counter it, I've begun responding with smart*** answers. When ever I go to the BOA, after I've completed the transaction, they ask "is their anything else I can do for you"? What the hell else could they do? I will respond with "could you drop by and clean my toilets? I hate doing that". That's my favorite because it only gets on of two responses, they laugh or smile or look at me with this "I have no idea how to respond to that" look on their face and I just drive or walk off.
People that yell just to be yelling. Kids do this when they first discover to yell. Why do people feel the need to try and out yell the music? Is the need for attention that strong?
Drunk women. This has always irritated me because I've found that women have the tendency to go overboard more than men and this is not a sexist comment but an observation. Too many forget to be ladies when they're drunk.
People that ask me "is that any good"? pointing to something I am buying at the market. I want to respond with "no, it tastes like lizard poop but I don't want to get used to things that actually taste good and get spoiled". Why in the hell would I be buying it? And they don't know what I think good is.
Parents that do not teach their children good table manners when they're dining out. This is the responsibility of every parent.
Parents using video games as time occupiers for their children. That is not parenting unless they're playing with them.
People that talk loudly on the cell phone. Reminds me of my Mamaw though, she would talk louder if it was long distance, used to crack me up.
Cell phones, in general, although I do appreciate the convenience, it has taken over society. People take videos of animals or people in need of help instead of helping. I see two people together and they're both on their phones, what can be so important that they're not communicating in person with each other? People are losing their communication skills and ability to relate to each other; they're becoming detached and disconnected. technology is supposed to help us, not own us.
I suppose I could have used "Parliament of Crows" instead.
Murder and Parliament are merely 2 of 6 that I've found listed (Hover, Muster, Horde, Parcel are the others)Correction, it's a murder of crows.![]()