PFT - Cold war brewing between Romo and Cowboys **click-bait**

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Jerry has treated Romo like one of his own sons. Made him a rich man. Time for Romo to suck it up and allow the team to get value to send him to the texans. Everybody knows hes going to end up in Houston.
There will be a 3rd team get involved. Whether it is SF, or LAR, or someone suffers an injury, I'd hold onto him until mini camp.
Just keep him. Romo needs to understand that the upside for the contract he signed is he made millions standing on the sidelines and he will continue to. The downside is he is under contract. Jerry is under no obligation to release him and shouldn't.
There will be a 3rd team get involved. Whether it is SF, or LAR, or someone suffers an injury, I'd hold onto him until mini camp.
Yeah if I were the Rams, I'd seriously consider Romo and let Goff sit a year or two behind him.
I don't get the Simien thing. He had one of the worst offensive liens in football and was in his first year as a starter. If Bronco fans have already labeled him a "career backup" then they are idiots. He's not flashy or have a big arm. Jay Cutler is flashy with a big arm and still stinks.

If I were the Bronco's I'd rather go with Simien then trade for Romo. Now signing Romo as a free agent is a different situation.

And for the record Simien didn't hold the Bronco's back. Terrible offense and a terrible offensive line is what held them back.

Well to be fair if you go based on what Romo's career has shown..........he's not getting you multiple wins in January either.

Goes out of the way to excuse one QB because of the poor team around him and then throws a better QB under the bus for the same reasons.

That's why the argument against Romo can't be taken seriously.
That article literally just says that Romo "may" be upset. There's not even an inside source claiming that he is. All the cited info in the article is regarding his trade value. There's nothing supporting the article's title.

But, no, don't release him. The Texans and Broncos are much more desperate than they will let on.
This article is based on pure speculation and everyone in it who commented on it insulting Jerry or Romo for a stance neither has taken are extremely gullible if they fall for it.

First, the Cowboys never said they were releasing Romo Thursday. One person in the media did and then the rest of the media reported it as fact. Then one person in the media, maybe even the same one who said Romo was being released, said the Cowboys were trading Romo and the rest of the media reported it as fact.

Now the media created narrative is either the big bad Cowboys and Jerry are being mean for treating Romo so badly or the ungrateful undrafted Romo is throwing a tantrum because the Cowboys won't release him.

Please, use some common sense. Stop letting the media manipulate you!

.. and seriously .. don't rely on PFT any more than you would TMZ .. they are basically the same thing these days ..
Let's slow down on Siemian, he had a good first year but was up and down, including losing 4 of his final 5 starts. Accuracy was below 60% and y/a at 7.0, and now he's entering his second year.

Jay Cutler isn't flashy, a big arm doesn't equal flashy, brother.

I'm not saying Siemian is a star. I'm saying he showed enough last year to see more. 18 touchdowns and 10 picks isn't terrible for a first year starter. If Dak would've showed us that I would've been ok with that. He's a 1st year QB.

And what I mean by flashy is gunslinger. Jay's a guns linger with a big arm. Gunslingers are flash to me. We can debate what flashy is to a quarterback but my point was Siemian isn't "flashy" so he's not considered a up and coming QB. But I saw some Bronco's game this year......not enough to judge them but enough to where I can see their biggest problem on that field was offensive line. And then they just lost Okung this offseason.......
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