News: PFT: Cowboys should lift NDAs, allowing cheerleaders to tell their stories regarding voyeurism


Here comes the Sun...
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There is an NDA it should be honored

Exactly...thank you. I had to sign a NDA when I left the Military and told to not answer any questions about where I was and where I went or what I did. Trying to reopen something that is done, is nothing but time wasted, because whatever happened is in the past is gone. In this case whoever was involved is paying the price.

You can never make sense out of nonsense, and opening up a can of worms is for fishing...loose lips sink ships.


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In America you're suppose to be innocent til proven guilty, so I guess you feel all lawsuits are what workd you live in? I applaud the team for doing a thorough investigation and taking the matter serious. And even though
they found no evidence of wrong doing, I applaud them for easing the girls feeling with 300,000 each. In America there's these little things called settlements that has to be agreed upon by "BOTH" parties and are not an admission of guilt.
Take the side of the pervert if you want but my instinct based on the evidence tells me the cheerleaders will be on the right side of history .

The Cowboys with this settlement have attempted to squash this predicament and now must hope there is no outside investigation.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
There is an NDA it should be honored
They sold their silence. And it's not clear if they've even approached not honoring that.

Supposedly, all of this, including a copy of the NDA, has been coming from this ex exec. And it's not clear just who they have an ax to grind with.


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Take the side of the pervert if you want but my instinct based on the evidence tells me the cheerleaders will be on the right side of history .

The Cowboys with this settlement have attempted to squash this predicament and now must hope there is no outside investigation.

lol..I'm not taking the side of anyone, lol glad you're not a judge, with as little of burden of proof you need, there would be a whole lot more innocent people in prison, then there already are.


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The cheerleaders had an opportunity seven years ago to tell their story. They didn't. They chose to sign NDAs. Three continued to work for the team, one in an office capacity and two to cheer.

And before someone says it, I 100% believe them, but they settled the matter and the Cowboys made changes. So at this point, the matter should be resolved. Reporting on it seven years later doesn't change that. I'm amazed at the vigor in which people want to unravel something that was settled between all the parties involved.

and yet what Bob Kraft did just slowly slid off the radar once his big time Lawyer got evidence dismissed, which ended the case. Didnt change the fat he was seeing hookers and the NFL didnt care, and the media didnt care one bit. Yet we are gonna go nuts over a guy that entered the cheerleaders locker room, was ran off and the team paid a ridiculous amount to the woman that suffered through such a life changing event.


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lol..I'm not taking the side of anyone, lol glad you're not a judge, with as little of burden of proof you need, there would be a whole lot more innocent people in prison, then there already are.
If I was a judge there’d be more jocks , celebrities , public officials and wealthy businessman in jail.


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You van make all the assumptions you want, you have no idea what he was doing no more than me or anyone else, wanting to use a bathroom you think is private and empty is plausible, your point about not using the restroom , he left after realizing they were in there, there's plausible reasons, you have to take that into account, just like you want to make assumptions from what you read.

These are not assumptions, these are facts.

I am sorry, but there is no excuse for a 60 yr old man with an iPhone to be in the same room with four 20 something yr old girls practically nude, no excuse whatsoever.


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These are not assumptions, these are facts.

I am sorry, but there is no excuse for a 60 yr old man with an iPhone to be in the same room with four 20 something yr old girls practically nude, no excuse whatsoever.[/QUOeven.

You are assuming he had a cell phone by word of mouth, there's no excuse for you to call them facts when they're not facts. Show me one place these were classified as fact. The ease in which you say claim facts when there is no evidence or proof is amazing


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These are not assumptions, these are facts.

I am sorry, but there is no excuse for a 60 yr old man with an iPhone to be in the same room with four 20 something yr old girls practically nude, no excuse whatsoever.

These aren't facts, there was no evidence of a cellphone, or images on a cellpjone.


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They sold their silence. And it's not clear if they've even approached not honoring that.

Supposedly, all of this, including a copy of the NDA, has been coming from this ex exec. And it's not clear just who they have an ax to grind with.

Sorry, is where i disagree. I was speaking to a lawyer friend of mine who works in business law and familiar with NDA contracts. These contracts are designed to protect the company's trade secrets or other information regarding the company itself. They are not designed to be a hush money type of contract which in fact is illegal....a contract to obstruct justice or keep someone quiet regarding an illegal matter is not enforceable. So this NDA is worthless in this situation regardless how much Jerry paid.


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These are not assumptions, these are facts.

I am sorry, but there is no excuse for a 60 yr old man with an iPhone to be in the same room with four 20 something yr old girls practically nude, no excuse whatsoever.
and who disagrees? Hes gone, girls were given a ridiculous amount of money for the incident, and life moves on.


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Sorry, is where i disagree. I was speaking to a lawyer friend of mine who works in business law and familiar with NDA contracts. These contracts are designed to protect the company's trade secrets or other information regarding the company itself. They are not designed to be a hush money type of contract which in fact is illegal....a contract to obstruct justice or keep someone quiet regarding an illegal matter is not enforceable. So this NDA is worthless in this situation regardless how much Jerry paid.

Please stop talking about laws of which you have no idea what you are talking about. NDA's are legal contracts.... end of story. Illegal activity? How long ago did this happen? What crimes have been investigated? Yout think anyone is going to be charged with "A crime?"


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and who disagrees? Hes gone, girls were given a ridiculous amount of money for the incident, and life moves on.
Not so fast. The biggest breach here could be a coverup keeping all of this under wraps until this settlement came out.

Often in these type of incidents the coverup is more of an infraction than the dirty deed itself.


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Not so fast. The biggest breach here could be a coverup keeping all of this under wraps until this settlement came out.

Often in these type of incidents the coverup is more of an infraction than the dirty deed itself.
Coverup? bahahahahahahha. There was a legal agreement reached between the parties involved. If there is an agreement by the parties, that in and of itself shows there was no "Coverup." The fact the information has not been released to the public may upset you, because we all know that you would love to have information that would allow you to belittle your favorite owner, but that doesnt make anything a cover up.


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Coverup? bahahahahahahha. There was a legal agreement reached between the parties involved. If there is an agreement by the parties, that in and of itself shows there was no "Coverup." The fact the information has not been released to the public may upset you, because we all know that you would love to have information that would allow you to belittle your favorite owner, but that doesnt make anything a cover up.
Maybe not but it’s at least suspect why this wasn’t disclosed at the time it occurred or why any disciplinary action wasn’t taken.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Take the side of the pervert if you want but my instinct based on the evidence tells me the cheerleaders will be on the right side of history .

The Cowboys with this settlement have attempted to squash this predicament and now must hope there is no outside investigation.

This only got "squashed" b/c the cheerleaders agreed to squash it and took a huge settlement. They already had their choice to go public but took the money. Cheerleaders in 2018 got paid 200-400 per game. They got the equivalent of cheering for 80 years in one lump sum.