The problem is, most of the NFL players don't know about all of this legal mumbo jumbo. Even intelligent people who don't have careers in the law and can somewhat follow the issue still don't know enough about all of the legal wrangling that happens. It's not even remotely fair to expect a professional athlete who has been living on his athletic ability for most of his life to know even ten percent of this stuff. It's just the way it is. There is simply no way anyone can prevent themselves from falsely being accused for DV. Yeah, he can make better judgments about the women he's around, but that's just effectively blaming the victim, assuming Zeke is the victim here. He shouldn't be held accountable for that, just like women shouldn't be held accountable for walking in a dark alley and being raped. He's being made an example of because of past NFL poor judgement on DV issues, and that isn't just to him.