Yeah, lets don't try to paint Elliott as a women walking down a dark ally and getting rapped. I mean, that's just insulting peoples intelligence right?
They are all complicit. The NFL because they are not consistent in there punishments and process for these kinds of things. The Union because they are supposed to be doing something for the stupid amounts of money they are making off the players and by "something", I don't mean allowing them to sign a deal that pretty much forces them to give up some important rights, in exchange for money, and by money, I mean money that is going to them and not just the players. The players are complicit because everybody tried to tell them that this was a mistake. There own reps tried to tell them. The press tried to tell them. The fans tried to tell them and they didn't listen so they are not innocent in this either. They went for the money. Elliott isn't innocent because we all saw the stupid crap he was doing the whole way. He didn't listen and instead, he believed (I can only assume) as you do. He believed that this whole PC thing would protect him and it didn't. He acted like an idiot and now, he's going to have to serve a suspension. All are guilty to a certain extent and Zeke is not an exception. He wouldn't be here if he were not at fault, to some extent.