PFT: Gregory was not lined up in the neutral zone


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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If the ball is the neutral zone, then in the photo I keep posting, is Gregory over the nose of the ball if you use that blue line?

I haven't posted it on Page 6 yet so here it is again, lol:


Don't go by the blue line. Go by the nose of the ball.

Can you say with certainty that his helmet is across the point of the ball? I can't. (That's why I said we need Gene Steratore's index card.)

It's close, which is why you don't throw that flag in a game like this. As an official, you should be looking for clear instances of a violation.


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ticky tacky should have been a non call. Why you beating a dead horse at this point? Just to have someone validate you and tell you your right? Im too old for this nonsense. Im on to the next topic...

Validate? You whined, I showed you evidence to the contrary and you continue to deny. It's not me that needs validation, believe me.


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Marcus - His helmet is clearly over the blue line, but I don't think the blue line is exactly lined up with the ball. It seems like the blue line is a few inches in from of the tip of the ball. It is hard to see because of the blurry picture. If the blue line is the defacto neutral zone, then yes the front of his helmet is over the blue neutral zone.

I guess we need to see this shot in real time, right before the snap to really know right? And with better resolution. I think everyone's point is that it is so close they typically don't call this.

You are reasonable. It just seems that people always say they want a fairly-called game, and then when something is technically a correct call that goes against us they still complain that the refs are out to get us because they should have let it slide. It's like, make up your minds already and be consistent.


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Exactly what did we get away with last night?

Just the little bit I got to watch. The Beasley 1st down when He was a good 2 yards short. Dallas wouldnt have scored. The jaylon helmet to helmet hit not called.. Took away 3-7 points from the saints


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Kamara ducked down when Smith was already leaning in for the hit, that one was on him.
The "natural" reflex motion in preparation for a hit or core punch is to crunch your body, which brings your head down in some ways initiating the helmet to helmet contact.


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We got away with no more than the Saints did. Hence, why it's perfectly fine to complain, for both teams, to demand better officiating.

You can't miss obvious calls like a helmet to helmet on Kamara or a facemask on Dak or this offsides.

Or the 1st down Beasley didnt even get close too they gave us lol.


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Don't go by the blue line. Go by the nose of the ball.

Can you say with certainty that his helmet is across the point of the ball? I can't. (That's why I said we need Gene Steratore's index card.)

It's close, which is why you don't throw that flag in a game like this. As an official, you should be looking for clear instances of a violation.

The line is straight across the field. Why wouldn't you use it. It justifies the official's call and shows he was right to call it. Was it the correct call or not when you see this photo (Page 7 posting)? Are you saying they should let things slide because "it could be too close?" That's ridiculous.



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To me it looks like his helmet is barely past the ball. Think with that, and the other 3 DL further back it made it seem like he was offsides by really not by much if any.


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THIS IS NOT OBVIOUS OFFSIDES. His helmet must be clearly across the ball for this to be a penalty. IT IS NOT. Look where the ball is and where Gregory is. Refs blew it.
Rayman, think you are wrong on this one. "the neutral zone can be described as the length of the football (11 inches/28 centimeters)". My understanding is this zone extends from the forward tip of the ball toward the defense. Think of kickoffs where the neutral zone extends from the ball out 10 yards. No part of the body can be in this area. His hand & head are clearly in this zone. Whether it should have been called is a different topic. I think it is typical that they warn a player a couple times prior. Who knows if they did or not. At the end of the day, the officiating seemed to come close to zero sum even though there were bad misses each way.


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Don't go by the blue line. Go by the nose of the ball.

Can you say with certainty that his helmet is across the point of the ball? I can't. (That's why I said we need Gene Steratore's index card.)

It's close, which is why you don't throw that flag in a game like this. As an official, you should be looking for clear instances of a violation.

That call was absolutely BS. Its the refs trying to change the outcome of the game. Noticed the flag came out when we recovered the fumble. The refs just need to do their jobs and not pick favorites.


This is a house of learned doctors
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Most people with common sense know that the call shouldn't have been made, even former officials agree with that. Having said all that, they missed a lot of obvious calls last night on either side and Dallas won, so hopefully they get their closed door tongue lashing and earn their money next time around.


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I wish I could go back and take a few snap shots of the Saints D. The very next time their D was on the field I was paying attention to how their D line was lined up. They had a guy in the exact position Gregory was at that OBVIOUSLY lined up off-sides. It was a no call. Even Aikman said he's seen a lot worse than Gregory's call not called. Just like holding, this could probably be called on most plays. This was a HUGE call in this game. We would have had the ball deep in Saints territory. Let people cry about the other calls. The refs sucked equally for both sides...


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Sure I do. For example, when I saw the hold that was called against Collins last night, that was the exact play that wasn't called on Wilson by the Philly player when the announcers were slobbering over Wentz, which I agreed with. Collins should not have been flagged. You post a thread about it and I'll be in there to back you up with evidence. What I don't like is whining and conspiracy victim mentality so I do argue against that. I like throwing evidence at emotion to see what happens.

That's funny because I thought of that thread when I saw that play. Collins did hold the DE, you are just wrong on how the rule is interpreted. Throwing your arm up in a rip move doesn't mean the OL gets carte blanche, it just means you can't jam your arm into a OL to force a holding call.


Last Man Standing
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As others have said, what I see is an illegal formation - a tackle who isn’t lined up on the line of scrimmage.

What bothers me about this is - what if that was the difference in the game? This isn’t the NBA, there are only 16 games per season and each is critical.

I just wish they’d error on the side of not throwing the flag or giving a warning and not try to be the center of attention.


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I just don't understand how refs can have the eyesight to make that call but then miss the helmet to helmet hit on Kamara and also a Dak facemask