News: PFT: Jerry Jones heads to court again soon -- as the plaintiff

Has Jerry followed through with the court order and taken a paternity test? If not, why not? Is he above the law? If he did, what are the results? If Jerry was so sure this young lady is no way capable of being his daughter, why has Jerry financially taken care of her for years since her childhood? What kind of an example are you setting, Jerry???
When you mention it repeatedly, you care.

But as for Jerry, he wants it on record that they violated the agreement and also yank back the money he gave "for her care?" Is that not petty as a billionaire?

You think this is the first time Jerry has been petty? Come on my friend.
I don't get what the big deal is. It's the truth. If he agreed to give money for her care because she's his kid and now seeks to take it all back because they wouldn't be quiet then it's proof he didn't care about the kid's well-being but the publicity of being the male slag everyone knows he is. Why wouldn't having a court vindicate you be enough versus now also trying to impoverish the kid you stepped out on your wife to create?

And I've said it to you before but you care way, way too much about what someone else might say.
If one believes the court filings, the agreement was that he gave them much more money than he had to in exchange for taking care of his legal responsibility to provide child support AND for their silence on the matter.

Jones held to his end of the bargain. They didn't. I don't care how rich I am if I give someone 7 figures to forever be quiet about something, and I pay the money and they turn around violate the agreement, I am going after them to get my money back.

I doubt he will ever recover a single cent, but there are still payments yet to be made to the child (now an adult) from a trust. He could have those nullified.
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If one believes the court filings, the agreement was that he gave them much more money than he had to in exchange for taking care of his legal responsibility to provide child support AND for their silence on the matter.

Jones held to his end of the bargain. They didn't. I don't care how rich I am if I give someone 7 figures to forever be quiet about something, and I pay the money and they turn around violate the agreement, I am going after them to get my money back.

I doubt he will ever recover a single cent, but there are still payments yet to be made to the child (now an adult) from a trust. He could have those nullified.
Sure, you could do that legally but it wouldn't stop people from calling it petty which was what someone took issue with. And, as Florio mentioned, I'm curious how they rule regarding the agreement with the kid who was a minor at the time of the deal.
Sure, you could do that legally but it wouldn't stop people from calling it petty which was what someone took issue with. And, as Florio mentioned, I'm curious how they rule regarding the agreement with the kid who was a minor at the time of the deal.
Parents can make legal deals on behalf of children and in this case there was (allegedly) a court-appointed guardian to ensure the child's best interests. The child certainly benefitted from the deal so it would be tough to argue they were treated so unfairly as to nullify a contract.

As I mentioned above I don't think Jerry will get any money back but I could very, very easily see the future trust payments being eliminated. If the child (who is now an adult) is arguing she isn't beholden to the original agreement, well then there's no reason to give the trust payment promised by the original agreement.
Florio is an idiot. The last part of the article did not need to be written that way.
Though some on here will love it.
He'll yea id be vindictive. I paid you millions to keep quiet, no different then if I'd paid you millions for a house. Then you failed to live up to the deal I paid you for. Should I let you off because I'm rich? Not me.
Could they possibly be trying to negotiate a settlement before the trial? I'm sure Jerry would like to get that dna test cancelled in the paternity suit.
Why would he care about the results of the test? He paid millions assuming he was the father. His wife knows, his kids know, his grandkids know.... so why would he care? The kud was raised with Jerry's money, college with Jerry's money...he won't owe anything penny. So why would he possibly care?
It's definitely not impartial journalism but Jerry basically tried to pay his way out of being a father. That is reprehensible and he deserves every bit of lambasting and negative press he gets. Sure, we don't know the results of the paternity test but why else would he have entered into an agreement if he wasn't the father?
Why should he be blasted for financially supporting the kid and mother for 25 or so years? He had sex and maybe he made it clear he would not be involved in the raising of the kid. But only the woman gets to decide such issues?
I was thinking the same thing the more I looked into this story. It's been relatively swept under the rug in the media. I was referencing the comment Florio made at the end of the linked article but I agree, there should be a lot more comments like that than there are. Probably people not wanting to lose their insider access to the Cowboys pulling their punches for Jerry.
You expect it to headline espn nightly? It was all over the place. Hardly swept under any rug... and here it is being discussed, yet again.
Parents can make legal deals on behalf of children and in this case there was (allegedly) a court-appointed guardian to ensure the child's best interests. The child certainly benefitted from the deal so it would be tough to argue they were treated so unfairly as to nullify a contract.

As I mentioned above I don't think Jerry will get any money back but I could very, very easily see the future trust payments being eliminated. If the child (who is now an adult) is arguing she isn't beholden to the original agreement, well then there's no reason to give the trust payment promised by the original agreement.
The trust payments have already stopped, which is why baby girl tried extortion on Jerry and this whole story went public. Cmon, keep up.
If one believes the court filings, the agreement was that he gave them much more money than he had to in exchange for taking care of his legal responsibility to provide child support AND for their silence on the matter.

Jones held to his end of the bargain. They didn't. I don't care how rich I am if I give someone 7 figures to forever be quiet about something, and I pay the money and they turn around violate the agreement, I am going after them to get my money back.

I doubt he will ever recover a single cent, but there are still payments yet to be made to the child (now an adult) from a trust. He could have those nullified.
The payments are done, that's why mom and daughter came at Jerry, for more.
You think suing someone who took millions from you only to break the deal after the payments stopped is "Petty?"
No. I’m saying that saying Jerry isn’t petty because he’s a billionaire isn’t true
The trust payments have already stopped, which is why baby girl tried extortion on Jerry and this whole story went public. Cmon, keep up.
The payments are done, that's why mom and daughter came at Jerry, for more.
That is funny how in one post you tell me to "keep up" and then in a subsequent post you demonstrate your ignorance of the situation. When they initially went to Jerry 3 years ago (and including up to the present day), he still owed them more money as per the original deal. The daughter was to be paid lump sums at ages 24, 26 and 28. According to the NY Post, she is 27 so not only is there at least 1 payment still due, there were 2 (possibly 3) payments remaining when they first approached Jones in 2021.

To quote you: C'mon, keep up.
Florio is an idiot. The last part of the article did not need to be written that way.
Though some on here will love it.
Agree. Florio is stating that a contract doesn't need to be honored when dealing with a person based on their net worth.

He has the mindset of a child in that type of take
He'll yea id be vindictive. I paid you millions to keep quiet, no different then if I'd paid you millions for a house. Then you failed to live up to the deal I paid you for. Should I let you off because I'm rich? Not me.
Exactly. Recover the money and donate it to charity.

I'd suggest Willys Halfway House for un-wed Mothers in Little Rock , Arkansas

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