I do not but what I know about him, I believe her over him not even knowing her.
I also do not see a motive for her to be lying and we do not know her position, how long she has been there or anything else about her. Although, according to some here she is a gold digger, ho, hooker and/or skank because they're Irvinites.
I have a lot of unanswered questions about this but I do not think most will get answered.
And one question I have is that one 45 second meeting all this is about or is there more?
I don't think anything was communicated to ESPN from the hotel, why would they? They're not paying the bill. Which is the only reason they contacted the NFLN.
Do you think any hotel is going to call any person's employer because they had an issue with that employee? That is patently absurd and would open them up to lawsuits. They deal with the person and they're done with that.
In this case, the NFLN most likely had a direct bill set up as most companies do when sending a large number to an event. They were obligated to notify the bill payer of any changes. Then, I assumed the NFLN wanted more details.