News: PFT: Michael Irvin's lawyer is "mad" that Marriott refuses to produce surveillance video

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Yes, if this story had broken that a NFLN on air personality had done this, how many would guess Irvin?
All of us. Especially since Marshall Faulk and Warren Sapp are long gone.
Who else would it be? Eisen, Mariucci, Warner?

I mean, Willie McGinest is out beating up people trying to have dinner.
So, it's not going to be Willie... lol
It's fascinating to me how none of the drama queens among us are willing to discuss a MAJOR factor in all of this.
Imagine the comments here if the female employee said publicly "I'm not sure what happened I had some drinks"
We don't know that she didn't, we haven't learned if she was working or off the clock. And that woman in the bar video, are we sure that is the woman in question? Is that the video in question?

Damn, I am getting as mad as Irvin's lawyer, I want some info!

The Marriott lawyers are stretching this out for us, to give us more time to fill the nothingness of the offseason with this. And God love them for it. We deserve exciting and scintillating stories for the offseason because we have to put up with the Joneses.
Long ago, an old man sat me down and said these words.
"Never trust anything that bleeds for days and doesn't die."

Women will lie just for the sake of lying.
If you found a good one, hold on tight.

Who knows, maybe she's innocent. Personally, I think hotel management
epically overreacted.
Quick story, and I'll tag @Staubacher and @CouchCoach since I've got to get back to work. Good dialogue today, fellas. Hope I wasn't too much of a jerk LOL.

My sister and my nephew (her son) ran into James Harden in a hotel lobby a few years ago. This was prime Harden, Rockets MVP Harden.

My nephew was super excited and took a pic with Harden.

I wasn't there. My sister told me about it.

My sister's pretty. She's in her mid-40s now, still attractive for her age, but she was a knockout as a younger woman.

She told me that Harden was openly flirting with her before my nephew excitedly ran up to Harden to take a pic.

This was her version of events, which she told to our entire family (with her son sitting right next to her). I had no reason not to believe her, even though I wondered why a young, NBA superstar like Harden would be hitting on a woman in her 40s.

My nephew was 9 years old at the time. Guess what? When I got him alone the next day and asked him about meeting Harden, he blurted out that, "Mommy was lying, James Harden never even talked to her, I saw him and said 'Mommy it's James Harden!!' and ran up to him and said hi and then we took a picture, that was it!"

She flat-out made it up. A complete fabrication. Why? What was her motive? An ego boost. That's it. So that she could feel more attractive and that she's "still got it", I guess.

Moral of the story: people lie, and that includes women. Don't assume that just because a "logical motive" for lying doesn't exist, that they're not lying. It happens.
I asked this earlier in the thread and received no answer.

What could he have said that would warrant the reaction? Even if he flat out brazenly propositioned her, then accepted her decline and parted ways with a handshake, is that enough to warrant the reaction?
Well, I was told that he could've said "I want to chop you into tiny pieces" and she
STILL would've shook hands, smiled and skipped away.

Ridiculous, I know.

I think he complimented her. She ran off to tell her friends. Management got word
and turned it into a "me too" moment. Irvin decided he needed to fight it... and here we are.
Your White Knighting is actually hilarious.
What's it called when you blindly defend a hero?

Irvin used to walk around naked in the locker room telling players to look at him because they'll never be him. Part of what he wanted them to see is the head that does his thinking.

He stabbed a teammate with scissors over a haircut.

He's had multiple women come forth with accusations over the years. Only one recanted and the others settled.

None of that proves anything, but it definitely lays the groundwork for him being aggressively obnoxious, egotistical, and just flat out dumb. It sure as hell doesn't equate to him getting the benefit of the doubt.
Quick story, and I'll tag @Staubacher and @CouchCoach since I've got to get back to work. Good dialogue today, fellas. Hope I wasn't too much of a jerk LOL.

My sister and my nephew (her son) ran into James Harden in a hotel lobby a few years ago. This was prime Harden, Rockets MVP Harden.

My nephew was super excited and took a pic with Harden.

I wasn't there. My sister told me about it.

My sister's pretty. She's in her mid-40s now, still attractive for her age, but she was a knockout as a younger woman.

She told me that Harden was openly flirting with her before my nephew excitedly ran up to Harden to take a pic.

This was her version of events, which she told to our entire family (with her son sitting right next to her). I had no reason not to believe her, even though I wondered why a young, NBA superstar like Harden would be hitting on a woman in her 40s.

My nephew was 9 years old at the time. Guess what? When I got him alone the next day and asked him about meeting Harden, he blurted out that, "Mommy was lying, James Harden never even talked to her, I saw him and said 'Mommy it's James Harden!!' and ran up to him and said hi and then we took a picture, that was it!"

She flat-out made it up. A complete fabrication. Why? What was her motive? An ego boost. That's it. So that she could feel more attractive and that she's "still got it", I guess.

Moral of the story: people lie, and that includes women. Don't assume that just because a "logical motive" for lying doesn't exist, that they're not lying. It happens.
Hey, if this woman had been your sister, I'd be believing Irvin. Just kidding, couldn't resist the set up.

You weren't a jerk, just opinionated. Thank goodness I am not.:cool:
He's had multiple women come forth with accusations over the years. Only one recanted and the others settled.
Yeah, I'll be honest, I had never heard of those other allegations before.

Just looked it up and I have to take back my stance. Can't give him the benefit of the doubt with that many sexual assault allegations against him over the years. My bad, @Staubacher and @CouchCoach . C'mon, Mike!!!
Well, I was told that he could've said "I want to chop you into tiny pieces" and she
STILL would've shook hands, smiled and skipped away.

Ridiculous, I know.

I think he complimented her. She ran off to tell her friends. Management got word
and turned it into a "me too" moment. Irvin decided he needed to fight it... and here we are.
Exactly what it looks like from here. Probably something he has done a thousand times, with no ill intent, He just didn't get the memo that life as we knew it is now over, because........ FEELINGS!
Hey, if this woman had been your sister, I'd be believing Irvin. Just kidding, couldn't resist the set up.

You weren't a jerk, just opinionated. Thank goodness I am not.:cool:
To be clear, she wasn't painting the picture that Harden was being "inappropriate" at all, just that he was flirting.

Not trying to hurt his reputation, just trying to boost her own.
My extended family is from the third-world. You think it’s bad here, good luck back home for the common man getting any sense of justice. America still far exceeds the rest of the world in this regard.
The gap is closing fast. Especially from/in our gubmint. Different sets of rules.
Ever watched an airline employee getting reamed out by an angry passenger at the desk? I cannot count the times I saw that and marveled at the self-control they displayed.

One night I saw a man call the agent the c word and when I finally got on the plane I told the attendant that guy should not be allowed on this plane. She just smiled and said "it's being taken care of, sir". I did not see him get on the plane.

Companies that make their living serving the public have their own way of dealing with situations that might get out of hand.

Seems like that was what Marriott was doing with Irvin. Following their protocol outlined in their manual for situations exactly like this. That does not mean the woman was telling the truth but they have little choice but to believe their employee if they feel she's credible.

The saddest part of these threads is how some have called this woman so many derogatory names when they know nothing about her and they do know Irvin's history.
Personally, I think it's sad that anyone has made up his/her mind one way or the other, without knowing a single fact.
What's it called when you blindly defend a hero?

Irvin used to walk around naked in the locker room telling players to look at him because they'll never be him. Part of what he wanted them to see is the head that does his thinking.

He stabbed a teammate with scissors over a haircut.

He's had multiple women come forth with accusations over the years. Only one recanted and the others settled.

None of that proves anything, but it definitely lays the groundwork for him being aggressively obnoxious, egotistical, and just flat out dumb. It sure as hell doesn't equate to him getting the benefit of the doubt.
And for the record, I have no sympathy for NFLN or ESPN. They hired him and put him front and center, where a regular Joe Schmoe with that history wouldn't get hired to sweep their floors.

I will defend this woman though who is already getting smeared with zero indication she has ulterior motive to risk her career, reputation and life savings.
Irvin hasn't been charged with a crime. He feels his character has been defamed and he's suing for damages.
Never wrote that he did. And thank you, I'm aware too.
Personally, I think it's sad that anyone has made up his/her mind one way or the other, without knowing a single fact.
Not to me because I am not deciding anything in this.

Irvin is a polarizing figure, like Booger or Prescott, so there will be leanings, in some cases in defiance of the facts.

I think he did say something that she felt was inappropriate but that is open to interpretation. Maybe he was a little bit loose and she is prim and proper ("Mama played bass and Daddy played fiddle," sorry Runny I am a little goofy today, as opposed to most days when I am really goofy).

Maybe he thought he was implying and she was inferring. I know a man can say the same thing to 5 different women and get different reactions because I have cracked jokes in groups of women before and received different reactions and some not approving at all, but that was my wife and to be expected.

Your point about how she may have reacted on the video is dead on, especially someone trained in dealing with guests. They're trained to keep a calm composure above all else, do not let the situation escalate.

I would not have done well in that line of work. In fact, I would not make a good woman with respect to how men approach me. They'd better be coming with the heavy duty jewelry and not that crap they got out of the claw machine or I ain't even faking it for them.
They did allege. They had him leave and informed his employer as to what happened.

You're interpreting them not playing this out in the media as some sort of guilt on their part.

You don't release evidence (and especially partial evidence) when you're being sued for $100 million.

And Mike is innocent of what? He has never been accused of any criminal act, just behavior that in the discretion of the hotel warranted his ejection.

The defendants here are the woman and the hotel, not Irvin. It's their guilt that has to be proven.
A judge ordered it by this past Monday.
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