A question was posed earlier in this thread -- how does one quantify this clause with your head coach? Jerry says to Jimmy, et al., you have to work as many hours as ....who? It's the head coach. So how plausible is it that clause is in the contract?
As to why no previous coaches have come out in the press verifying or denying this...why would they? What's to be gained by them? Media time? A chance to either vilify or toot Jerry's horn?
And finally, maybe you would have fired those guys. But I doubt highly you would have brought them on board, had discussions to iron out their role and salary, gave them an office, and then days later when time to sign the contract, you've inserted a clause specifying whatever it is Jerry is specifying. My sense would be, if you're fair, you would discuss this clause when you had all your other pertinent discussions. That's the issue. Not whether you believe Jerry or not.
And for purposes of this issue, what better way to run off someone with the skins on wall Reeves has than to indirectly question his work ethic? Jerry changed his mind. Simple. He didn't want him here. Jerry's history is filled with examples of when he wants a player, coach, whatever, he will get that person here. Not lose out on them on a technicality.