Beast_from_East;2728969 said:So far I am only hearing crickets.
Apparently since Jerry did not spill the beans about draft strategy and player personnel, he is a liar. I asked for a "non player personnel" example of a flat out lie and so far crickets is all I hear.
JerryAdvocate;2728971 said:he's probably trying right now
poor guy
Beast_from_East;2728964 said:Whatever dude, those "technicalities" are how you operate a franchise and apparently you have to be a bold face liar to run a franchise in the NFL using your logic.
If Jerry Jones not sharing our draft board or player acquistion strategy with the league makes him a liar, then I guess (using your extrene definition) he is a liar then.
I guess you as GM would babble our entire draft board to JJT if he asked you since you are not a liar, correct???
JerryAdvocate;2728930 said:we're still waiting for the other lies you assure us you can find
Jed_70;2728864 said:What I find hilarious is people trying to excuse this BS by saying that the clause would have ensured Dan Reeves would not skip out early to play golf on Friday afternoon or halfass it in Dallas.
It's Dan Freaking Reeves for God's sake. The guy has done nothing in his career to suggest he's some sort of slacker that needs to be micromanaged.
Are you freaking kidding me?
The guy has more success as a coach than our entire coaching staff combined. He's won playoff games and taken two teams to the Super Bowl. But yeah, he's some slacker that you need to micromanage to ensure he gets his work done.
bbgun;2728925 said:You asked for a lie, got one, and have been furiously backpedaling ever since. I could care less if the lie was savvy, justifiable, routine practice, or worked to the Cowboys' advantage, because those are technicalities. Have fun moving those goalposts.
FuzzyLumpkins;2729010 said:I never said that he was a slacker. Try again.
Essentially what it does is protect the franchise from him going out and playing golf on the friday before a game like Spurrier was known to do.
FuzzyLumpkins;2729011 said:Actually you proved nothing. He said he had no plans at that time. CAn you prove that he did?
bbgun;2729017 said:Yeah right. The notion of trading for Roy--a player Jerry had been pining for for over two years--never entered his noggin until after the public denial and shortly before the trade deadline. Hi-larious. I was born at night, but not last night.
Jed_70;2729016 said:Yes you did. You didn't use the term "slacker" but you did say:
That's calling Reeves a slacker.
And you aren't the only one using that silly excuse to defend Jerry. I just quoted your post with my reply because there are several other misguided individuals making the same silly statement regarding Reeves work ethic.
FuzzyLumpkins;2729020 said:I just want to get this straight. You feel that Jerry is lying about the other coaches having the clause in their contract.
Your justification for feeling this was because Jerry denied trade rumors before the trade deadline and then went ahead and made a trade.
bbgun;2729028 said:False. I never offered an opinion about that, mainly because I'm not in a position to know. You're probably confusing me with dcfanatic.
See above.
FuzzyLumpkins;2729022 said:No its not.
What it says is it protects from that kind of behavior. That is why the language is in all the contracts. I made no comment about Reeves so try again.
That being said, you dont know a damn thing about Reeves, his personal life or desire to work at his current age. Quit acting like you do.
Jed_70;2729068 said:Dude, I'm not going to waste more time going around in circles with you arguing semantics.
You know what you meant and so do I. You said it prevents "him" from playing golf on a Friday like Spurrier. When you said him wou were referring to Reeves, buddy. So yeah, you did say or at least refer to Reeves when making that statement.
I think I know Reeves' track record well enough to know that he's a hard worker and that I wouldn't have to worry about him going golfing instead of prepping for Sunday's game.
Or did you not say that either, and should I try again.
Anyhow, this is my last post on the subject I'm not going to change your mind and you're not going to change my mind. We have differing opinions and that's fine. No matter how wrong yours may be.
TwoDeep3;2729355 said:Not sure I understand what all the hubbub is about.
Reeves got his nose out of joint over a clause in the contract. He bolted.
Jerry had a right to include that regardless of the name of the guy signing the contract.
Reeves had a right to say no.
Jerry did. Reeves did. End of story.
odog422;2729365 said:The hubbub is about the intent. The contract existed without the clause, Reeves was already working, parameters appeared to be set.
11th hour Jerry inserts the clause and says "take it or walk."
Agreed, Jerry has that right. Just as Reeves had the right to walk.
But what brought about the sudden "need" for the clause? Folks are either upset because they respect Reeves and what he's accomplished in 40 years in the game and thought he would be good for the franchise, or they're not and think Reeves is lazy and was looking for an easy check without working for his money.
Topic for debate....