News: PFT: Texas judge may still dismiss Elliott case

I'm not sure if it matters, but the NFLPA did not agree to the portion of the CBA that contains the DV stuff. That was added later by Goodell and the NFL owners after the Ray Rice scandal. The NFLPA wanted to negotiate, but they were denied.
It should make a difference but it probably won't.
I want two things:

1) this to be over, one way or the other so we, and the team, can ALL move forward
2) I want someone to kick Goodell in the nuts (both literally and figuratively) and then while he is doubled over, make him watch as Mara gets the same treatment
The article says he might rule for Elliott, against Elliott or throw the whole thing to NY.........duh
The Cowboys filed in court a declaration of support of the NFL Players Association's emergency motion for a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction, fighting the six-game suspension levied by the league against Zeke.

I'm not sure what else is expected of JJ at this point as this is now an issue between Zeke/NFLPA and the NFL. JJ was very vocal in his convictions of Zeke's innocence but now that the situation is in the courts, he most likely is being advised to stay quiet.

It's between the league, Zeke, and the Cowboys because the team is hurt by it.
Hurry up already. My movie It starts in 20 minutes and the theater instructs me that using cell phones will result in me being drawn and quartered.
What the hell is going on with this judge and taking his time with this ruling?

Doesn't he know a million Cowboys fans are likely to break off their F5 button on their keyboard over the next hour?

Either his clerk is running spell check on a very archaic computer or he is taking pleasure in the suspense of the damn ruling, lol.
Maybe he is planning his escape route out of Texas, because he ruled against Zeke. ;)
Agreed. However, a bevy of things could be happening. Perhaps he's going to grant a PI with/without notification and setting up future hearings. NFL requesting transcript signals they expect at least a TRO granted and want to appeal with 5th as quickly as possible.
Good points
Does anyone know if it has to come before 5 or can be announced after deadline?

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