PFT: Union asks Commish to reduce Pacman's Sentence

burmafrd;1513959 said:
And you, Fuzzy, desperately want to defend Pacman and dog fighting.
Deny it all you want, its clear that YOU have an agenda as well.

oh no ive been accused of having an agenda!!!!

i dont like tyranny and goodell stinks of it thus my stance on pacman.

i honestly dont see how one form of animal torture is so much worse than another. thus my stance on dogfights although to be honest i dont care much beyond the fact that people get worked up into a real lather and i think its absurd.
FuzzyLumpkins;1513910 said:
like i said i saw a citation from a legal reference. youre not going to be convinced until goodell backtracks or gets sued so im not going to bother trying to convincing you of anything. it seems you are emotionally invested in seeing jones villified no matter what.

Jones is being vilified by his own doings and his own actions, many do not want idiots in this league running around like some punk gangster and that is what Pacman has done. He is an embarrassment to himself and to the NFL and while the league can't do anything about him being an embarrassment to himself they can do something about him being an embarrassment to the league. Pacman represents what is wrong with sports and finally someone is standing up and saying enough is enough. Yes the lawyers for Pacman and even the NFLPA will make their arguments and the NFL lawyers will make theirs. Each side does have an argument to make in this and the court will decide the outcome if it goes that far. If you want to come down on fans who want to see Professional sports cleaned up from these criminals then be my guest but there are many fans and player who are tired of it.
This will never be resolved in any court- even if it makes it to one. The courts do not want to get involved in trying to mediate between groups of millionaires.
dargonking999;1512370 said:
Sigh this is truly pathetic. Why can't he be a man, take his punshiment, and move on. He did the crime, now do the time
Unreal. Here's why - the same body governs the NFL PA as governs Local 138 Pipefitters. As an example, when fitters had previously abused the sicktime policy, they got a letter in their personnel file, suddenly, the boss decides, "Hey, there's too much of this going on, I need to make an example of someone" and fires the next guy who calls in sick, but isn't.

In that case, the National Labor Relations Board, would rule, in 2 seconds flat, that past practice dictates that you cannot fire someone for an offense that previously led to a disciplinary letter.

By the very same principle, unless the union and NFL had bargained for a new disciplinary policy, INCLUDING the NFL making concessions to the union to make up for the new policy, management, i.e. the NFL cannot unilaterally decide to change the policy. If the NFL is smart, they will find a nice way of decreasing the suspension, because if they don't, the NLRB will upon challenge.

PS - the courts and the NLRB do not have a CHOICE in whether they get in the middle of this or not if Jones files suit. What part of that do people not understand ?
The CBA gives the Commisioner ultimate authority as regards discipline. I guess you forgot to read that part, right?
Guess what- contracted employees, which the Players are, are NOT under the same set of laws as labor unions for pipefitters are.
burmafrd;1514058 said:
Guess what- contracted employees, which the Players are, are NOT under the same set of laws as labor unions for pipefitters are.

I'm stunned that some people don't understand this.

For those claiming that the NLRB is going to step in, one simple question; did they step in when Pete Rose received a lifetime ban from baseball?
StanleySpadowski;1514302 said:
I'm stunned that some people don't understand this.

For those claiming that the NLRB is going to step in, one simple question; did they step in when Pete Rose received a lifetime ban from baseball?

did pete rose appela to them? and wasnt the NLRB the entity that stepped in and granted FA to MLB players?
burmafrd;1514028 said:
This will never be resolved in any court- even if it makes it to one. The courts do not want to get involved in trying to mediate between groups of millionaires.

sorry this is just unfounded and absurd. if the judge feels there is a case it will be heard.

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