Weren't most great artists and many scientists vulnerable to addiction? Recent studies show that a higher IQ is correlated with drug use.
"The kids' IQs were tested at the ages of 5, 10 and 16. The study also asked about drug use and looked at education and other socioeconomic factors. Then when participants turned 30, they were asked whether they had used drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and heroin in the past year.
Researchers discovered men with high childhood IQs were up to two times more likely to use illegal drugs than their lower-scoring counterparts. Girls with high IQs were up to three times more likely to use drugs as adults. A high IQ is defined as a score between 107 and 158. An average IQ is 100. The study appears in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health."
The lead researcher says he isn't surprised by the findings. "Previous research found for the most part people with high IQs lead a healthy life, but that they are more likely to drink to excess as adults," says James White a psychologist at Cardiff University in the United Kingdom.
This is the disconnect between older drugs (alcohol) being considered societally appropriate compared to the younger generations who choose different "illegal" substances to calm/stimulate their brains.
So Much for only dummies do drugs...
Intelligence across childhood in relation to illegal drug use in adulthood: 1970 British Cohort Study
James White, G David Batty
J Epidemiol Community Health 2012;66:9 767-774 Published Online First: 14 November 2011