You're missing my point, but I don't know how to make it any better, so I'm going to stop trying. I think the distinction between positive/negative and pro-forum/not-pro-forum is pretty obvious.
But on the topic you seem to be trying to discuss, I also think there's a world of difference between posters not coming around after a loss because they don't want to deal with the overreaction and staying away from your favorite team message board for weeks during a really great six game winning streak. I really, really don't like posters calling out other posters for not being 'true' fans, but there's definitely something backwards going on when a person's reputation on a sports board interferes with their ability to enjoy watching and talking about their favorite team winning a string of games. That's just my personal take, and I understand that there are plenty of people who are ok with that particular inversion and that it works for them. I just don't ever want to become one of them.