Recommended Photo: Romo INT from all 22

Romo knows where Murray is supposed to be. He can either throw it away, eat it or throw to Murray. What you don't do is tjrow the game away.
The most depressing thing about it was that everyone in world saw it (interception) coming. Its almost expected at this stage and that is part thats disheartening because no matter what Dallas does they still have 500 pound pink elephant sitting in room that Romo might not have mental capacity to process big situations.

Yes I actually felt at that time Romo was going to throw an INT. But you know who is supposed to help prevent that? The coach. Rather than sending Romo out there with 2nd and long why didn't the coach at least call a time out and settle things down? We were in no hurry because we still had lots of time. Yet we were playing as though we were behind. Romo is at fault for throwing the INT. But Garrett should be faulted for not preventing it. Calling a timeout would really have helped. Assess the situation they were in a know exactly what defense was going to be played. If Garrett would have done that I doubt Romo would have thrown an INT.
He had a step on the linebacker which is why the linebacker was pulling his left arm. That's anything but a tight window. Romo can literally place the ball anywhere but behind him. He probably had an 8 foot by 6 foot window (at a minimum) to put the ball into without any defender having a chance at it.

Also, I'm not sure why you're making reference to him running the right route or not falling down. That's true of every pass to every receiver.

Well we see it differently. There is zero reason to try to make that pass. And if he was so open why did the ball get intercepted? Because stuff happens. Its second and sixteen. Get 6-8 yds and live to fight another day. Protect the ball esp against that QB and team with two minutes left and the score tied.
Yes I actually felt at that time Romo was going to throw an INT. But you know who is supposed to help prevent that? The coach. Rather than sending Romo out there with 2nd and long why didn't the coach at least call a time out and settle things down? We were in no hurry because we still had lots of time. Yet we were playing as though we were behind. Romo is at fault for throwing the INT. But Garrett should be faulted for not preventing it. Calling a timeout would really have helped. Assess the situation they were in a know exactly what defense was going to be played. If Garrett would have done that I doubt Romo would have thrown an INT.

In retrospect I can see your point but I think it would have been bad coaching to call a timeout there when you may need them if you get down the field to kick a FG.

Romo has just got to learn you cannot turn the ball over there. It's bad anytime you do but when you have a chance to win but turn it over without the time to have another offensive possession then you have just committed seppuku.
Horrible route by Escobar. Even pop warner players know to box-defenders and run that in route on sharp 90 degree angle. He was 1 on 1 with LB and hung his QB out to dry.

Not getting where all of you think Romo should have guessed he was going to fade 5 yards away from where he was supposed to be. There was a window there on the initial cut. Great play by LB, but just like a slant, receiver has to keep himself between the ball and defender. FAIL Escobar.

Romo stepping on someone's leg just made it worse.

Murrray was open at line of scrimmage. He catches it he gains 5? Maybe 6 or 7 if he puts a move on... there is a safety watching him and LB wiould run to ball once it's thrown. That leaves 3rd and 7 to 3rd and 10? Yes that was safe play, but Romo didn't throw for 500 yards on all check downs..Can't have it both ways.....

Because Romo's plant foot got tangled with his offensive lineman, he missed his window on what should have been a relatively easy pass.(CBS)
In retrospect I can see your point but I think it would have been bad coaching to call a timeout there when you may need them if you get down the field to kick a FG.

Romo has just got to learn you cannot turn the ball over there. It's bad anytime you do but when you have a chance to win but turn it over without the time to have another offensive possession then you have just committed seppuku.

We had 3 timeouts then and more than 2 minutes. Using one timeout would not have been crucial. We never use these timeouts anyways to strategize like some other teams do. Heck Staubach and Landry would usually talk things over rather than make irrational decisions back then. Maybe they were smart? Isn't that what the coach is there for? To make sure that the play is the best play for that appropriate time?

The coach is there for one reason. He is there to make sure we win and to use every means possible to do so. If he could have prevented Romo from being placed in a situation from throwing a pick then thats a sign of great coaching. However, thats not Garrett. He sits back and lets things happen. He fails miserably during crunch time and depends too much on Romo to win games for him.
Romo knows where Murray is supposed to be. He can either throw it away, eat it or throw to Murray. What you don't do is tjrow the game away.

Where he is supposed to be and where he is at are two different things. So you want Romo to throw it to Murray, who he doesn't even see, just because he knows where Murray is supposed to be?

Well if Escobar was at where he was supposed to be, the ball wouldn't have gotten intercepted.
We had 3 timeouts then and more than 2 minutes. Using one timeout would not have been crucial. We never use these timeouts anyways to strategize like some other teams do. Heck Staubach and Landry would usually talk things over rather than make irrational decisions back then. Maybe they were smart? Isn't that what the coach is there for? To make sure that the play is the best play for that appropriate time?

The coach is there for one reason. He is there to make sure we win and to use every means possible to do so. If he could have prevented Romo from being placed in a situation from throwing a pick then thats a sign of great coaching. However, thats not Garrett. He sits back and lets things happen. He fails miserably during crunch time and depends too much on Romo to win games for him.

I was saying the similar thing. My main point was also the fact that Romo just got sacked violently. It was good time to give Romo time to regroup.
Wow! That is enlightening. Escobar definitely does not run a good route there. He breaks OK and then drifts. Romo probably only saw him break
Romo knows where Murray is supposed to be. He can either throw it away, eat it or throw to Murray. What you don't do is tjrow the game away.

Or he could throw to the first open man he sees, which is Escobar. Unfortunately Romo didn't know that as he is throwing the pass his front foot would get caught up with his offensive lineman there fore changing both the direction and zip on the ball. If he knew that would happen he probably would have made a different decision. He also didn't know his tight end would round off his route.

What if he does throw in Murrary's direction, but because his foot is caught up with his own teammate the ball sails a bit high and goes off of Murrary's hands and gets intercepted? Same thing could have happened if he tried to throw it away. The force of being foot tangled could have left any throw to the sidelines short and possibly picked off. Manning's interception occurred in a similar situation. Peyton made the correct read that Decker had some daylight on the outside, but due to pressure up the middle Manning ended up not being able to put enough on the ball enabling Claiborne to intercept the ball. Peyton didn't know that as he was throwing the ball he would suddenly get bumped and it would take a lot of zip off of his pass.
Well we see it differently. There is zero reason to try to make that pass. And if he was so open why did the ball get intercepted? Because stuff happens. Its second and sixteen. Get 6-8 yds and live to fight another day. Protect the ball esp against that QB and team with two minutes left and the score tied.

There is a reason to make the pass. He's trying to make a play.

That doesn't excuse it being reckless with a tight window and to a poor route runner however. It quite simply was not the best safest choice.

This is the price that will always be paid with Romo as the QB. He will take risks.

To shadow Longfellow: And when Romo is good, he is very, very good. But when he is bad he is horrid.
Well we see it differently. There is zero reason to try to make that pass. And if he was so open why did the ball get intercepted? Because stuff happens. Its second and sixteen. Get 6-8 yds and live to fight another day. Protect the ball esp against that QB and team with two minutes left and the score tied.
I take it you haven't actually read the thread, because this has been explained throughout.

The ball was intercepted because of some combination of (i) the defender holding Escobar and (ii) Escobar drifting backwards in his route. Had he stayed on the 22 yard line rather than drifting to the 25 yard line the pass would have hit him in the numbers and it'd be third and about 5.
Romo has just got to learn you cannot turn the ball over there.

Learning what to do in that situation has nothing to do with it. Romo already knows that. What Romo DID NOT know was that he was going to step on his own lineman (with his plant leg), his arm would get hit on release, and that his TE would run a bad route.
There is a reason to make the pass. He's trying to make a play.

That doesn't excuse it being reckless with a tight window and to a poor route runner however. It quite simply was not the best safest choice.

This is the price that will always be paid with Romo as the QB. He will take risks.

To shadow Longfellow: And when Romo is good, he is very, very good. But when he is bad he is horrid.
It's hardly a "tight window". He has about a 8 foot by 6 foot window to throw into. Hell, I'm anything but an NFL QB and I could hit that window at that distance.

Well we see it differently. There is zero reason to try to make that pass. And if he was so open why did the ball get intercepted? Because stuff happens. Its second and sixteen. Get 6-8 yds and live to fight another day. Protect the ball esp against that QB and team with two minutes left and the score tied.

Wow.. Jobberone are you starting to come to the dark side?
Learning what to do in that situation has nothing to do with it. Romo already knows that. What Romo DID NOT know was that he was going to step on his own lineman (with his plant leg), his arm would get hit on release, and that his TE would run a bad route.

I have mentioned this a few times since the game. People can pick any other game to criticize Romo, and I won't disagree.

But you can not use this game, nor this INT to bash Romo.
Learning what to do in that situation has nothing to do with it. Romo already knows that. What Romo DID NOT know was that he was going to step on his own lineman (with his plant leg), his arm would get hit on release, and that his TE would run a bad route.

He obviously doesn't already know that because this happens so often with him that he has been labeled a choker. Also, when he stepped on his lineman's foot he knew he didn't have firm footing and could have held on to the ball and not make the throw. Just because you start to go forward doesn't mean you are forced to release the ball. It was a horrible decision to let that ball go.
No matter what side of the fence you are on with Romo.

I do not fault him for his approach to that drive. A "make it happen, because if we dont we lose" drive.

He took a shot. Got foot stepped on and it didnt work to our advantage.

I live and die with Romo until he is no longer QB of our team. Thats about the size of it.

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