PI should be reviewable....

I'm not in favor of reviewing PI because I believe the game is ridiculously over officiated as it is. I think the NFL should adopt the college rule and just make PI a 15 yard penalty. The PI calls have unfortunately become such a ubiquitous part of the game that now the WR's are more interested in drawing a flag than they are making the catch. The refs shouldn't be given that much power over the game when it comes to a completely subjective rule with "incidental contact" and "head turned to the ball" inolved.
InmanRoshi;2264531 said:
I'm not in favor of reviewing PI. The game is ridiculously over officiated as it is. I do agree that it's a problem with a bogus PI call costs a team 45+ yards. I think the NFL should adopt the college rule and just make PI a 15 yard penalty. The PI calls have unfortunately become such a ubiquitous part of the game that now the WR's are more interested in drawing a flag than they are making the catch.

I think the purpose of making PI reviewable is to undo some of the damage from the over officiating........
The ref was behind the play, so I'm sure Henry knew there was no way he could have seen what actually happened. When the play was happening, it looked like clear pass interference to me because the tv broadcast was the same view the ref saw. It wasn't until it was replayed from the front that you could see that Henry was actually pulled in to the receiver. Pass Interference plays happen ridiculously fast and it's why they're screwed up so often. Officials have to go by how they look as they're happening and that begs for them to get screwed up. Especially when offensive players are trying to get them called.

I like the review option because if it goes back to a 15 yard penalty, we'll get back to the days of defensive backs tackling receivers who are running past them because 15 yards is better than a touchdown.
Making penalties reviewable IMO would just make officials plain lazy. Calls would get worse then we would have to constantly review crap.
Real1st;2264539 said:
Making penalties reviewable IMO would just make officials plain lazy. Calls would get worse then we would have to constantly review crap.

Newsflash: The officials are already lazy, and calls are the worst I've seen in years...and I'm not talking about the ones that are already reviewable.
Make it only reviewable in the endzone or change it to a 15 yard penalty.
InmanRoshi;2264531 said:
I'm not in favor of reviewing PI because I believe the game is ridiculously over officiated as it is. I think the NFL should adopt the college rule and just make PI a 15 yard penalty. The PI calls have unfortunately become such a ubiquitous part of the game that now the WR's are more interested in drawing a flag than they are making the catch. The refs shouldn't be given that much power over the game when it comes to a completely subjective rule with "incidental contact" and "head turned to the ball" inolved.

Then any throw over 20 yards you should interfer since if they catch it they will get 20+ yards but if you interfer with them the most is 15 yards. I hope they never do that.
I don't have a problem with delays because they help get a call right. Instant replay has worked well.
I think they definitely have to grade and downgrade refs based on their poor play...Last night, several blown calls...Some, were just mind boggling
Don Corleone;2264553 said:
Newsflash: The officials are already lazy, and calls are the worst I've seen in years...and I'm not talking about the ones that are already reviewable.

Fumbles and reviewing to see if a guy made the catch is way more important than review holding calls.

Seriously there is holding on every play. Coaches would use this as an advantage in important stages of the game. Its just a stupid suggestion

Refs make mistakes. They are human we all make mistakes grow up and deal with it.
Real1st;2264539 said:
Making penalties reviewable IMO would just make officials plain lazy. Calls would get worse then we would have to constantly review crap.

Well I do not believe that this would become an issue since you have a limited amount of challenges. And B because if your wrong you lose a time out.
kevwun;2264567 said:
I don't have a problem with delays because they help get a call right. Instant replay has worked well.

I agree. I like the fact that when TO was interfered with the refs got together can got the call right. At 1st they said no interference because the ball was tipped seeing the replay I don't see where it was even close to being a tipped pass but then came back and said the ball was not tipped.
kevwun;2264567 said:
I don't have a problem with delays because they help get a call right. Instant replay has worked well.

Yes, but the NFL has problem with the delays. I remember at one point, PI was reviewable, and the NFL chose to eliminate instant replay altogether to speed up the game. They then settled on the current challenge routine as a middle ground.

NFL is all about money, and I'm sure that shortening the game helps them from a financial perspective.
Something has to be called in order for it to be reviewed. A coach won't be allowed to throw a challenge flag in the hopes of the refs finding a lineman holding someone.
Xy_Oldone;2264566 said:
Then any throw over 20 yards you should interfer since if they catch it they will get 20+ yards but if you interfer with them the most is 15 yards. I hope they never do that.
Then how come we don't see that in college?

Because most defenders actually try to defend the pass and force the other team off the field than give than 15 yards and an automatic 1st down.
Defensive PI assumes the reciever will catch the ball. On the flip side, offensive PI should result in an automatic interception. WRs would be a lot less likely to push and grab like last night.
I think it should be a compromise. If the PI call takes place outside the redzone, spot of the foul. Inside the redzone, mark it at the 20 or half the distance.

Too many times receivers are going into the endzone trying to get a PI call. Like last nite when the jersey was grabbed, or the receiver slows down to get run into, or whatever.

The way it is right now, the receivers have too much incentive to try and get the penalty called in the end zone.
Don Corleone;2264584 said:
Yes, but the NFL has problem with the delays. I remember at one point, PI was reviewable, and the NFL chose to eliminate instant replay altogether to speed up the game. They then settled on the current challenge routine as a middle ground.

NFL is all about money, and I'm sure that shortening the game helps them from a financial perspective.

I seriously doubt the maybe 1 challenged pass interference call in the end zone every three weeks or whenever its called would really add much time to the game. Plus if they wanted to keep the broadcast to a certain time then they could stop having a commercial, then the kickoff, then a commercial. They make more money for the networks when they show commercials. And honestly the fans everywhere would appreciate the fact that the league sees a penalty that gives the team the ball at the 1 yard line is reviewable. It should be. If replay is allowed to determine if a guy caught a 10 yard slant pattern in the 1st quarter should it not be allowed to be used to determine if someone committed a penalty that just cost his team a touchdown and probably the game????

The point is that it is the harshest penalty in the game and it affects the outcome of the game more than any other penalty.

I dont think they should be able to review a "no call". But a call that could cost a team a game should be important enough to let the team ask the ref to look at it one more time.
Corleone beat me to it: I've screamed for YEARS that PI should be 15 yards like in college. Alas, it doesn't look like it will ever happen. I thought AH kept his cool pretty good. Some DB's would've flipped OUT on that ref. That crew was bad last night, and I've noticed their crappy work before.
links18;2264258 said:
.....by the defense but not by the offense. The offense already has the advantage because of the PI rule, but that call against Henry was so bad it screams to make PI reviewable by the defensive team. Too many games are decided on ticky-tack PI calls that go for 20 plus yards. Too much of a game changing play for it not to be reviewable. Or maybe I am just too angry at the call last night, I have lost perspective, but when a guy gets called for PI for getting pulled to the ground something is not right. :bang2:
I say all calls should be reviewable. There is enough time to look at a replay. It shouldn't have to be the ref that reviews the play.. just a quick thing by some "refs" upstairs.

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