Players receiving death threats

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I know he was a nemesis of ours for a long time, but he's my favorite non-Cowboys player ever. Stranglehold is the song on the video. Perfect for the player he was.

I never was a fan of his and even less so after he retired.
They plan their violent riots in liberal enclaves where they know local government officials will tell law enforcement to strand down. It's literally treason.
The behind the scenes maneuvering in Charlottesville with the Mayor, the City manger and the Governor was criminal....... they knew there was going to be blood and they pushed the two sides together down a narrow gauntlet and then stood down around the corner........ as planned so they could cancel the legitimate permitted rally and wash their hands of protecting the **** punks, which is still their duty
The behind the scenes maneuvering in Charlottesville with the Mayor, the City manger and the Governor was criminal....... they knew there was going to be blood and they pushed the two sides together down a narrow gauntlet and then stood down around the corner........ as planned so they could cancel the legitimate permitted rally and wash their hands of protecting the **** punks, which is still their duty
One of the sides didn't have a permit. Why was there a local reporter from a town in Indiana there the day of rally? Almost like they were told something was going to go down so come here and report on it. The side without the permit were bused in then the ****/white supremacists showed up (controlled opposition). Same tactics George Soros used in the Ukraine and other places.
Not really confused. Just pretend confusion, right? I mean, you understand that the 1st Amendment is not absolute, right?

When has issuing death threats ever been protected?
Ya...i was referring to the racial slurs. Horrible to say and you will have consequences for saying it...but you can say it.
That was some serious double talking and excuse making...... A for effort

The old I can find someone else that did it too is a staple of a Leftist truth denier

But we all now the only real political violence and threats have come from the Left lately ...... the Bernie guy that shot the Congressmen, the Black Lives Matter shooter that killed 5 cops and all the political violence from Anitfa and college "students" on campuses and public streets around the country

but it was Obama who labeled the Right the enemy and said "when they bring a stick we bring a knife...when they bring a knife we bring a gun"....and Loretta Lynch that said we 'needed more death and blood in the streets'

Move along, child.
Change? Are you saying we should put up with Kneeling for the Anthem every week in the NFL in some BS Protests. Is that what you want or do you want political free football? You are an idiot.

Put up with. Wow, poor you to have your feelings hurt in such a way.
There it is........ the give up signal....... another one bites the dust

it is fitting your side 'Bends the Knee' as a protest........very fitting

Well, what do you want me to say? You didn't address a single thing except accuse me of making excuses and finding counter examples when I explicitly made it clear that the whole exercise of trying to measure who's done what is pointless. You didn't address anything regarding the issue of what is and is not protected speech. If you're not going to add anything or even address the main topic, what point is there in continuing on?
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