Players receiving death threats

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These protesters need to understand it doesn't matter what they say their intent is. It's how they are being perceived that matters, most folks perceive disrespect to the flag and country they love.
But they will be the first to tell everyone exactly what the Confederate Flag means

Their hypocrisy knows no end
These protesters need to understand it doesn't matter what they say their intent is. It's how they are being perceived that matters, most folks perceive disrespect to the flag and country they love.

Not only that, but they're kinda right to equate a protest against racial injustice with a protest against the country, since the United States has been racist since its inception and continues to be.
Wait, does free speech not apply now?

I am so confused.

I know, i am a racist, a russian spy, a bigot, a anti-semite, a ****, a white supremecist.....what did i miss?

Not really confused. Just pretend confusion, right? I mean, you understand that the 1st Amendment is not absolute, right?

When has issuing death threats ever been protected?
Not only that, but they're kinda right to equate a protest against racial injustice with a protest against the country, since the United States has been racist since its inception and continues to be.
Great point, a country that allows a football league of millionaires that are 75% black is so racist. And that black president that they elected twice... those intolerant white people! :)
Not really confused. Just pretend confusion, right? I mean, you understand that the 1st Amendment is not absolute, right?

When has issuing death threats ever been protected?
I guess you missed when Kathy Griffin was arrested along with those actors in NY that were murdering Trump or that State Senator that called for his assassination
Nobody here and very few anywhere are defending the ****/White Supremists.

I'll say they are bad people. Can you say that black on black murders are a much bigger problem than unjustified police killings considering it's about a 1000 to 1 occurance?

I read there were 16 unarmed blacks killed by law enforcement last compared to 2,400 blacks killed by other blacks in 2015. There are almost 700 murders in Chicago a year with most of them being blacks.
I read there were 16 unarmed blacks killed by law enforcement last compared to 2,400 blacks killed by other blacks in 2015. There are almost 700 murders in Chicago a year with most of them being blacks.

Shhhhh...... not too loud. The only black lives that matter are the ones killed by police wether they provoked it or not. Let's keep the other murdering of Afro Americans by other Afro Americans quiet. Detroit and Chicago and other cities run by democrats are littered with the murdersof Afro Americans. The media is quite ok with this because they don't want to bring the inept democrat leadership into view.

And these poor fools keep electing them into office. What free thinking people they are.
Shhhhh...... not too loud. The only black lives that matter are the ones killed by police wether they provoked it or not. Let's keep the other murdering of Afro Americans by other Afro Americans quiet. Detroit and Chicago and other cities run by democrats are littered with the murdersof Afro Americans. The media is quite ok with this because they don't want to bring the inept democrat leadership into view.

And these poor fools keep electing them into office. What free thinking people they are.

The murder numbers for blacks don't even take into account all the unborn black babies murdered via abortion. Somewhere, Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood founder) is smiling.
I guess you missed when Kathy Griffin was arrested along with those actors in NY that were murdering Trump or that State Senator that called for his assassination

You'd be better off by not confusing fiction with reality. Robert Zemeckis was not expressing some underlying intent on becoming an idiot shrimp fisherman when he directed Forrest Gump. Nor was he announcing his intent to time travel by directing the Back to the Future franchise. Probably had no plans on becoming a cartoon train conductor with The Polar Express.

Giffin's an idiot for sure, but I didn't miss the part where Kathy Griffin was actually being investigated by the Secret Service at one point for conspiracy to assassinate the President. I also didn't miss the part where a tall, slender, black man played Julius Caesar in 2012. Actually, scratch that. I missed every bit of it until the 2017 production made the news because this year's depiction was Trump. Were you aware of the 2012 version? If we wanna talk about poor statements outside of the "arts", I recall the good friend of Donald Trump and draft dodger, Ted Nugent, and his empty threats:

"If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will be either be dead or in jail by this time next year."

Not that I'm trying to compare dumb statements here because this probably isn't a road anyone should have any interest in going down. It'd be a waste of time. I bring up Ted - a man who admittedly, and literally, pissed and pooped his pants for multiple weeks to avoid the draft - because even his comments are not intents to harm. They are likely as close as you can find, but I don't think they actually are. Why? Because I know he's all schtick, and his schtick is saying outlandish things. He's a caricature of an American, at best. Kathy Griffin is a caricature. Julius Caesar was a character. Random senator is not, but wishing death on someone is not expressing intent to make it so.

Random people sending explicit intents to harm are not stupid statements made by caricatures. They haven't built a career out of saying stupid things the way Giffin and Nugent have and they are most definitely venturing out of the, "just wishing", area. Furthermore, those people don't have the luxury of well-paid attorneys to get them out of a pinch.

If you can't draw a distinction between theater and art (And I wouldn't even call Giffin's picture, 'art'. It barely qualifies as photography and it's a step or two below all the, "it's just a prank, bro", type of videos that have infected YouTube), and a communication of intent to end someone's life then I don't know what to tell you. Even wishing death upon someone is distinct from expressing intent to kill them, which is why wishing people die isn't a crime while telling someone you are going to kill them is a crime.

Sorry, those are the boundaries we live with. Somehow, most of society has been able to live with such a distinction but to each their own, I suppose. Death threats are illegal. You may produce a play that depicts a person's death if you like, and you can even direct a movie that depicts as much. Kingsman: The Secret Service had a nice depiction of a black US President and those around him having their heads explode while Randy Savage's intro music was playing. Yes, the line is somewhere in between the two. Is this really so hard to figure out? Are you new to this country? ESL, maybe? At least then your confusion would be understood. If not, then I guess you're just paying the fool?
You'd be better off by not confusing fiction with reality. Robert Zemeckis was not expressing some underlying intent on becoming an idiot shrimp fisherman when he directed Forrest Gump. Nor was he announcing his intent to time travel by directing the Back to the Future franchise. Probably had no plans on becoming a cartoon train conductor with The Polar Express.

Giffin's an idiot for sure, but I didn't miss the part where Kathy Griffin was actually being investigated by the Secret Service at one point for conspiracy to assassinate the President. I also didn't miss the part where a tall, slender, black man played Julius Caesar in 2012. Actually, scratch that. I missed every bit of it until the 2017 production made the news because this year's depiction was Trump. Were you aware of the 2012 version? If we wanna talk about poor statements outside of the "arts", I recall the good friend of Donald Trump and draft dodger, Ted Nugent, and his empty threats:

Not that I'm trying to compare dumb statements here because this probably isn't a road anyone should have any interest in going down. It'd be a waste of time. I bring up Ted - a man who admittedly, and literally, pissed and pooped his pants for multiple weeks to avoid the draft - because even his comments are not intents to harm. They are likely as close as you can find, but I don't think they actually are. Why? Because I know he's all schtick, and his schtick is saying outlandish things. He's a caricature of an American, at best. Kathy Griffin is a caricature. Julius Caesar was a character. Random senator is not, but wishing death on someone is not expressing intent to make it so.

Random people sending explicit intents to harm are not stupid statements made by caricatures. They haven't built a career out of saying stupid things the way Giffin and Nugent have and they are most definitely venturing out of the, "just wishing", area. Furthermore, those people don't have the luxury of well-paid attorneys to get them out of a pinch.

If you can't draw a distinction between theater and art (And I wouldn't even call Giffin's picture, 'art'. It barely qualifies as photography and it's a step or two below all the, "it's just a prank, bro", type of videos that have infected YouTube), and a communication of intent to end someone's life then I don't know what to tell you. Even wishing death upon someone is distinct from expressing intent to kill them, which is why wishing people die isn't a crime while telling someone you are going to kill them is a crime.

Sorry, those are the boundaries we live with. Somehow, most of society has been able to live with such a distinction but to each their own, I suppose. Death threats are illegal. You may produce a play that depicts a person's death if you like, and you can even direct a movie that depicts as much. Kingsman: The Secret Service had a nice depiction of a black US President and those around him having their heads explode while Randy Savage's intro music was playing. Yes, the line is somewhere in between the two. Is this really so hard to figure out? Are you new to this country? ESL, maybe? At least then your confusion would be understood. If not, then I guess you're just paying the fool?
A gift for you...
A gift for you...

If there was something I thought we could agree on it would have been that Nugent dodging the draft in the manner he did was pretty despicable. Guess not.

"Support the troops, honor the flag, and you MUST stand for the anthem. Oh, and here's a protip...poop your pants for weeks so you don't have to serve. Moral support for the win."

Personally, I like my Nationalism to be of the all-or-nothing variety. Either with us or against us, amirite? No half-assed patriots around here. Anyone who says otherwise needs to proceed to the line where they're checking people's 'Murcia credentials.
If there was something I thought we could agree on it would have been that Nugent dodging the draft in the manner he did was pretty despicable. Guess not.

"Support the troops, honor the flag, and you MUST stand for the anthem. Oh, and here's a protip...poop your pants for weeks so you don't have to serve. Moral support for the win."

Personally, I like my Nationalism to be of the all-or-nothing variety. Either with us or against us, amirite? No half-assed patriots around here. Anyone who says otherwise needs to proceed to the line where they're checking people's 'Murcia credentials.
Since you believe everything you read, read this...
He actually had avoided the draft through the legitimate means of a student deferment.
Change frightens stubborn people.
Change? Are you saying we should put up with Kneeling for the Anthem every week in the NFL in some BS Protests. Is that what you want or do you want political free football? You are an idiot.
You'd be better off by not confusing fiction with reality. Robert Zemeckis was not expressing some underlying intent on becoming an idiot shrimp fisherman when he directed Forrest Gump. Nor was he announcing his intent to time travel by directing the Back to the Future franchise. Probably had no plans on becoming a cartoon train conductor with The Polar Express.

Giffin's an idiot for sure, but I didn't miss the part where Kathy Griffin was actually being investigated by the Secret Service at one point for conspiracy to assassinate the President. I also didn't miss the part where a tall, slender, black man played Julius Caesar in 2012. Actually, scratch that. I missed every bit of it until the 2017 production made the news because this year's depiction was Trump. Were you aware of the 2012 version? If we wanna talk about poor statements outside of the "arts", I recall the good friend of Donald Trump and draft dodger, Ted Nugent, and his empty threats:

Not that I'm trying to compare dumb statements here because this probably isn't a road anyone should have any interest in going down. It'd be a waste of time. I bring up Ted - a man who admittedly, and literally, pissed and pooped his pants for multiple weeks to avoid the draft - because even his comments are not intents to harm. They are likely as close as you can find, but I don't think they actually are. Why? Because I know he's all schtick, and his schtick is saying outlandish things. He's a caricature of an American, at best. Kathy Griffin is a caricature. Julius Caesar was a character. Random senator is not, but wishing death on someone is not expressing intent to make it so.

Random people sending explicit intents to harm are not stupid statements made by caricatures. They haven't built a career out of saying stupid things the way Giffin and Nugent have and they are most definitely venturing out of the, "just wishing", area. Furthermore, those people don't have the luxury of well-paid attorneys to get them out of a pinch.

If you can't draw a distinction between theater and art (And I wouldn't even call Giffin's picture, 'art'. It barely qualifies as photography and it's a step or two below all the, "it's just a prank, bro", type of videos that have infected YouTube), and a communication of intent to end someone's life then I don't know what to tell you. Even wishing death upon someone is distinct from expressing intent to kill them, which is why wishing people die isn't a crime while telling someone you are going to kill them is a crime.

Sorry, those are the boundaries we live with. Somehow, most of society has been able to live with such a distinction but to each their own, I suppose. Death threats are illegal. You may produce a play that depicts a person's death if you like, and you can even direct a movie that depicts as much. Kingsman: The Secret Service had a nice depiction of a black US President and those around him having their heads explode while Randy Savage's intro music was playing. Yes, the line is somewhere in between the two. Is this really so hard to figure out? Are you new to this country? ESL, maybe? At least then your confusion would be understood. If not, then I guess you're just paying the fool?
That was some serious double talking and excuse making...... A for effort

The old I can find someone else that did it too is a staple of a Leftist truth denier

But we all now the only real political violence and threats have come from the Left lately ...... the Bernie guy that shot the Congressmen, the Black Lives Matter shooter that killed 5 cops and all the political violence from Anitfa and college "students" on campuses and public streets around the country

but it was Obama who labeled the Right the enemy and said "when they bring a stick we bring a knife...when they bring a knife we bring a gun"....and Loretta Lynch that said we 'needed more death and blood in the streets'
That was some serious double talking and excuse making...... A for effort

The old I can find someone else that did it too is a staple of a Leftist truth denier

But we all now the only real political violence and threats have come from the Left lately ...... the Bernie guy that shot the Congressmen, the Black Lives Matter shooter that killed 5 cops and all the political violence from Anitfa and college "students" on campuses and public streets around the country

but it was Obama who labeled the Right the enemy and said "when they bring a stick we bring a knife...when they bring a knife we bring a gun"....and Loretta Lynch that said we 'needed more death and blood in the streets'
Hold on to your butt cheeks boys and girls, it's gonna be a wild ride the next few weeks with Antifa planning violent protests. November 4th.
They need to meet some violent resistance from the Police instead of standing there with their nightsticks lodged in their holsters
They plan their violent riots in liberal enclaves where they know local government officials will tell law enforcement to strand down. It's literally treason.
If there was something I thought we could agree on it would have been that Nugent dodging the draft in the manner he did was pretty despicable. Guess not.

"Support the troops, honor the flag, and you MUST stand for the anthem. Oh, and here's a protip...poop your pants for weeks so you don't have to serve. Moral support for the win."

Personally, I like my Nationalism to be of the all-or-nothing variety. Either with us or against us, amirite? No half-assed patriots around here. Anyone who says otherwise needs to proceed to the line where they're checking people's 'Murcia credentials.
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