Players receiving death threats

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And maybe if they didn't lie about their experiences with cops like Michael Bennett did then blacks would not have this thought in their head that cops will shoot them for no reason and they would be more likely to comply to a police officer's orders.

I'll wait with baited breath on Bennett getting suspended. The NFL lay down with dogs on this one, they only have themselves to blame when they get fleas.

So all blacks have the thought of getting shot by the cops now? Ok glad to know that but could you link me to some proof of this because I don't find that close to true or is this some assumption with limited actual experience you're making? I also guess Bennett is the first person to "lie" to cops also? Gotcha.
Zeke had 1 accuser where a grand jury deemed not enough evidence to take to trial. The head of Fox and O'Reilly had numerous women accuse them off sexual abuse. Let's keep it real.

Anyone with money in today's society opens himself up to this type accusation which leads to litigation and eventually money. But O'Reilly should have known better after he paid out a good amount of money a few years ago to a woman that was recording his calls to her. But I do find it odd that Roger Ailes was accused of sexual harassment when so many woman at Fox had become millionaires (Megan Kelly, Gretta Van Sustren, etc.) Even Shep Smith, a gay man, had a prominent role on the network. If someone is guilty of sexual harassment, then woman would be working in a workplace where they could not advance without sexual favors. Not sure this was the case. Rich men making overtures to pretty woman is not sexual harassment.
And just like with Tomlin some are being called racist names. But, then people will claim that the anger towards the players protesting has nothing to do with race and that there is no reason to protest the racial injustice/racism issues still going on in this country.

Some really do value a piece of fabric/song over human lives.
Wait, does free speech not apply now?

I am so confused.

I know, i am a racist, a russian spy, a bigot, a anti-semite, a ****, a white supremecist.....what did i miss?
So all blacks have the thought of getting shot by the cops now? Ok glad to know that but could you link me to some proof of this because I don't find that close to true or is this some assumption with limited actual experience you're making? I also guess Bennett is the first person to "lie" to cops also? Gotcha.

Bennett's non-factual claim just further perpetuates the fear of a cop shooting a black person unjustly.

Just like the numerous black people, on this forum, that think that white people almost never get pulled over for nothing or ticketed for silly stuff like tinted windows. As I have said on numerous occasions, the majority of the time I've been pulled over in my life it was for doing nothing (usually the cops are checking for DUI late at night) or silly stuff like a tag expired, broken taillight, front headlight out, etc.

It's a bad fallacy.

Bennett claimed that he was being racially profiled and threatened to have his head blown off for no reason. Instead, he looked suspicious because out of all of the people there, which included numerous blacks, he was the one that was hunched over running. And when they detained him, the only command they gave him was to shut up so they could talk to him and to get his feet into the car. And then the cops later apologized to him and explained to him why they had to detain him.

And I never said that Bennett was the first person to lie to cops. That a big part of the point in all of this. People, particularly criminals, tend to lie about their negative experiences with cops. They also tend to lie to cops which can also create a negative experience with a cop.

Bennett did both and so many people on this forum and the NFL bought into his lies hook, line and sinker. He owes the police officers a public apology at the very least.

Wait, does free speech not apply now?

I am so confused.

I know, i am a racist, a russian spy, a bigot, a anti-semite, a ****, a white supremecist.....what did i miss?

How about how the Freedom of Speech from ****/White supremacists saying racist/hateful things, gets some more outraged than over players kneeling for the flag.
How about how the Freedom of Speech from ****/White supremacists saying racist/hateful things, gets some more outraged than over players kneeling for the flag.
We don't have freedom of speech "from" anything. FoS is inclusive not exclusive. You don't get to silence people because you disagree.
We don't have freedom of speech "from" anything. FoS is inclusive not exclusive. You don't get to silence people because you disagree.

And that is exactly what some are trying to do with their anger towards the NFL players kneeling. Seems like some only want freedom of speech, along with pushing everything else that America is suppose to stand for when it suits their side. Otherwise it's some people saying "If you don't like it in American, then leave." Which suggests that they don't think that people have the right to live in America unless we blindly go along with and agree with everything that the government does and act like this nation is flawless.
And that is exactly what some are trying to do with their anger towards the NFL players kneeling. Seems like some only want freedom of speech, along with pushing everything else that America is suppose to stand for when it suits their side. Otherwise it's some people saying "If you don't like it in American, then leave." Which suggests that they don't think that people have the right to live in America unless we blindly go along with and agree with everything that the government does and act like this nation is flawless.
Freedom of speech works both ways. The protesters get to say want they want and those that disagree get to counter that protest message. The NFL has been more than accommodating to these players kneeling. The NFL didn't have to let this happen at all and they would be well with their rights to punish those that did not comply. An NFL field isn't public domain, the players protest their only because the owners allow it.
As I posted below. FOX that is it, most major networks are liberal. You are right FOX is the conservative voice. Thing is FOX never had issues as a network to call out GW Bush or Trump. MSNBC had chills up their leg for Obama

Fox News ain't the conservative voice, they are the globalist voice. They are a wolve in sheeps clothing. Hannity, Dobbs are the o ly true conversative America first talkers left on that channel. Don't be fooled by the false left-right paradigm. It's globalism that's the true enemy.
and that is all the left has, the race card. don't like something they throw race out there. It has proven to be a great weapon to attack and silence people except it is getting old and more and more are tired of the crying wolf and race baiting of the left.

The race card is like ketchup, you can put it on almost anything.
Yup, on a forum that says have thin skin. That's a good dude. I just got a message from a fellow poster with words of advice. Y'all racists aren't worth a conversation. I'm just reading and laughing from now on.......and hoping I run into you in real life
Lmao, you wouldnt do anything if you ran into anybody. Youre soft
Compared to human lives and issues that I find more important for the foundation and future of America, then yes I guess you could say that it's all it means to me. I don't have to leave as it is my right as an American to express my views and point out the flaws in this country.

I shouldn’t have to explain this, but here goes. The flag and national anthem represent the men and women who fought and died to give that right to you and me. But you’re ok with kneeling for the displaying of the flag and singing of our anthem. You and the ******* liberal media can spin it any way you want, but it is absolutely disrespectful to them. It’s like spitting on the grave of a veteran and saying “I was protesting the green grass, I meant no disrespect.”
I shouldn’t have to explain this, but here goes. The flag and national anthem represent the men and women who fought and died to give that right to you and me. But you’re ok with kneeling for the displaying of the flag and singing of our anthem. You and the ******* liberal media can spin it any way you want, but it is absolutely disrespectful to them. It’s like spitting on the grave of a veteran and saying “I was protesting the green grass, I meant no disrespect.”
These protesters need to understand it doesn't matter what they say their intent is. It's how they are being perceived that matters, most folks perceive disrespect to the flag and country they love.
How about how the Freedom of Speech from ****/White supremacists saying racist/hateful things, gets some more outraged than over players kneeling for the flag.

Nobody here and very few anywhere are defending the ****/White Supremists.

I'll say they are bad people. Can you say that black on black murders are a much bigger problem than unjustified police killings considering it's about a 1000 to 1 occurance?
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