Playoff game day menu

Well, I know (because I've already started!) for sure it's gonna involve my hotter n H E double hockey sticks guacomole w tostadas y tortillas de maize, fried egg rolls (vege), nachos w that good canned cheese ya get at the stujum w more hotter n H E double hockey sticks jalapenos, Joe's NY pizza w Italian sausage and Mediterranean black olives w extra cheese and heavy sauce, Irish Whiskey (Jameson's certified blessed), Scotch Whiskey (certified overpriced), Kentucky Bourbon (100 proof), Pinot Noir from Otago NZ, Rude Jester IPA from Justin, Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA, Centenario Reposado Tequila w lime/salt on the shot glass rim, Caribbean Dark Rum, Marmite on toast, several Flat Whites, chocolate cream pie, coconut cream pie, a White Magnum ice cream, a banana, water, and 3 aspirin.
---- I call this "The Around the World." :eek::D , or "Quick, Someone Call an Ambo!" :eek:
Sounds great. Hook 'em! Lol!
Supposed to hit upper 40s today. Going to fire up the WSM and smoke some chicken. Kids want mini wieners again, so I’ll probably cave and do that. Not really sure what else to be honest. Anyone got any ideas on what else to do for appetizers? I may smoke some eggs for egg salad since my ex hasn’t had it done that way. I am kind of out of ideas. Thoughts, anyone?
80 degrees, sunny and no wind down here. Gonna play with my drone to pass the time.
I might try a variation of this. I finally found some Kewpie.

I have all the ingredients and I could keep it simple, since it may just be me tonight.

Nice! Yeah, I leave off the cheese and grilled onions. Tried it that way a couple of times but it's just to much!
Pre Game: breakfast burritos (scrambled eggs and homemade carnitas).

Game Time: several 16” Wal-Mart meatlovers’ frozen pizzas, which will be customized.

A few pals coming over with endless beer

42” Toshiba HD + Onkyo 5.1 surround system

Go Cowboys!
I bought some nilgai jerky from one of my old players a couple of weeks ago. Good stuff!
two of my friends each shot a doe this morning. (tomorrow's the end of deer season). that's 4 hind quarters that will entirely be made into jerky. the rest stew meat or chili meat. that Charolais is just a few hours away from being ready. needed the backhoe to lift and turn it.

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