Playoff game day menu

Well, I know (because I've already started!) for sure it's gonna involve my hotter n H E double hockey sticks guacomole w tostadas y tortillas de maize, fried egg rolls (vege), nachos w that good canned cheese ya get at the stujum w more hotter n H E double hockey sticks jalapenos, Joe's NY pizza w Italian sausage and Mediterranean black olives w extra cheese and heavy sauce, Irish Whiskey (Jameson's certified blessed), Scotch Whiskey (certified overpriced), Kentucky Bourbon (100 proof), Pinot Noir from Otago NZ, Rude Jester IPA from Justin, Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA, Centenario Reposado Tequila w lime/salt on the shot glass rim, Caribbean Dark Rum, Marmite on toast, several Flat Whites, chocolate cream pie, coconut cream pie, a White Magnum ice cream, a banana, water, and 3 aspirin.
---- I call this "The Around the World." :eek::D , or "Quick, Someone Call an Ambo!" :eek:
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Going easy today. Having to work on the old septic tank. Normal rain fall in my area is 47.4 inches annually. As of Tuesday we are at 75.6 we can not flush now.:confused:

Anyway, Pork chops and mac and cheese. Beverage will be salted Carmel Crown with apple juice.


Gotta try that Crown drink!
Tomorrow is Women's (or Little) Christmas, so naturally that means my wife isn't doing squat all weekend. The only thing I'm half decent at is grilling, so I bought us some rib eye to go with a couple of baked potatoes. If she wants any weird green food, she's on her own.

Looks like it's going to be a great day for being outside.
What is women's christmas? I hope your wife never talks to my wife lol
I would, but my kids are 5 and 4. My ex won’t eat them. I’d be the only one.... trying to come up with ideas more for the kids.

Nachos and hot dogs maybe some banana pudding for dessert. Quick and simple plus the kiddos can help you make the banana pudding. Not the healthiest but quick,simple and fun. If they will eat chili cheese dogs go get a can of Wolf Brand Chilli and a box of Texas Chilli,mix them together in a sauce pan and warm up. Once uyou have warmed up the weiners put it all together add some cheese and put those suckers in the oven @ 350 degrees for about 5 minutes good stuff.
It will be later in the Northeast so I am going to limit carbs and heavy grease. Going to go with some cured meat, fresh mozzarella, some stinky cheese, roasted sun dried peppers, and a few prosciutto stuffed cherry peppers.

The roasted sun dried peppers are amazing.

This is funny. First time I have been impacted by the government shut down. Can’t get the sun dried roasted peppers because they are imported from Italy and customs is slowed down. That stinks because they are delicious but I am still happy those morons are closed down.

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