I'm disappointed too, based on what I know at least. But then again I saw this coming.
Going from a NES to Sega Genesis/SNES was quite a jump.
Then going from the Sega/SNES to Playstation was a mindblowing jump. And then going from the PS1 to PS2 was just about equally impressive. Overall it was more like the PS2 was a march toward a perfected PS1 rather than the completely groundbreaking aspects between the Sega/SNES to the PS1.
But after the original XBox and PS2, I started to question, how much more impressive the systems could get? And while XBox 360 and the PS3 were still a notable improvement over the previous gen systems, it definitely wasn't like any of the previous jumps before. Sure online gaming became simpler and the graphics looked nicer, but where was there to go from there? How much better could the graphics get?
From the screen shots, it just doesn't appear like the graphics are THAT much better (actually, as of now I can't distinguish a 360 and a One screen shot if they aren't labeled).
On top of that, it seems like the gaming industry has become a lot less pure (as with any other industry over time). The goal isn't to create something enjoyable, it's to create something that can continuously gouge its customers' pocket books even after initial purchase. And in doing so, the industry has gotten off track and lost touch with its demographic.
Honestly, the next gen consoles seem completely unnecessary from a customer stand point. But from their standpoint, it's the fiscal stimulant of 'new being better'.
I'll probably buy one of these consoles because they'll eventually stop making games for the ones I have now, but I'm not buying out of any type of excitement, but rather obligation.