Police acknowledge they are investigating alleged 2017 sexual assault by Dak


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Dallas police on Thursday confirmed they are investigating an alleged 2017 sexual assault involving Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott.

The investigation is a result of a complaint filed Wednesday by a woman who alleges Prescott assaulted her in the back of an SUV seven years ago….
In January, Prescott received a letter from attorneys Bethel and Yoel Zehaie on behalf of the woman accusing Prescott of sexually assaulting her, according to the suit.

The letter stated: "Despite the tragic events, she is willing to forego pursuing criminal charges, along with disclosing this information to the public, in exchange for compensating her for the mental anguish she has suffered. (The alleged victim's) damages are valued at the sum of $100,000,000.00."….
……Zehaie alleged in a statement Monday that Prescott had acknowledged having been with the woman the night of her alleged assault in 2017.

"We stand by the truth," the statement read, in part. "Dak and his lawyers are trying to be bullies and play hardball and victim blame. We are not afraid of the truth….


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Unless the Jane Doe and/or attorneys have some damning evidence it's going to be a he said she said. And in those cases it seems the DA just drops any case from forming.

Any medical tests done, any admissions of guilt via text back then etc...


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"The investigation is a result of a complaint filed Wednesday by a woman who alleges Prescott assaulted her in the back of an SUV seven years ago…."

I understand that due process should take place but if the SUV was fully electric and eco-compliant I would feel alot better about the whole thing......perhaps suing the SUV manufacturer will be an option if its using non sustainable energy sources


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Unless the Jane Doe and/or attorneys have some damning evidence it's going to be a he said she said. And in those cases it seems the DA just drops any case from forming.

Any medical tests done, any admissions of guilt via text back then etc...
Legally yes. But the NFL makes their decisions based on what they believe. Same goes for endorsements.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Most likely. But wouldn't a gold digger ask for something like 5-10 million, not 100 million? That's the one curious part about all of this.
Ya, that's a lot of cash so she must have some evidence(Like Monica's dress) or is telling the truth to ask for that amount as logic dictates.
Then again she just might be a crackpot who knows?
The police and the DA dept. will tell the tale here and how it develops.


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Legally yes. But the NFL makes their decisions based on what they believe. Same goes for endorsements.

For sure. But unless there's some legs to this case I'm not sure it'll drag on from a criminal investigation.
And unless a major talkshow takes this and runs with it I think the NFL won't care to make a rush decision on it.


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Most likely. But wouldn't a gold digger ask for something like 5-10 million, not 100 million? That's the one curious part about all of this.
Fair point. Either this girl has a major piece of evidence to demand that much cash or her lawyer is hoping to show a position of strength to get Dak's team to counter with a $5-10M counter offer to make everything go away.