Makes one wonder how many more are out there making threats like this and being overlooked? The Sandy Hook tragedy was a blindside to the authorities. This was not.
Everyone failed on this one in Florida. This kid was openly sending messages that he needed help and others even called the local authority and FBI's attention to it. How in the world does everyone drop the ball with a 19 year old, with weapons, openly threatening to be a school shooter?
As this story has unfolded, it is not the kids at that school that should be boycotting and protesting, it is their parents as well. They trusted the authorities with the safety of their children. This was one of the worst major fails in law enforcement history and a lesson to anyone suspecting there might be a danger to the public, go to the top and don't just assume something is being done. Something this serious should have gone to the Sheriff, not deputies that decided not to take any action and just how good is this Sheriff at hiring people? One hides outside, his weapon holstered, and two never did anything to prevent this with ample warning.
And this boycott and march is getting too grandstanding by some of these people seeking their 15 minutes of fame and the message will be lost because of the messengers. Together, they can be a force but let a few individuals seize the opportunity and the message will fade as all of them do.