Portis thinks Vick should be able to have dog fights...

Funny how everything is.....I bet people on this board smoke weed, maybe a little crack cocaine or other drugs b4-which is illegal, drink and drive, speed, bought drugs from the dope dealer who in turn bought a gun and killed someone, meaning u helped support them.....

it was a dog fight, though illegal but I bet everyone here has done something that could of been considerd a felony b4.....maybe not everyone

Everyone on this board are acting like some sort of Saint, I'm more concern about 15 more soldiers dying in the last 2 days then some damn dogs...

Shoot gas prices almost 4 bucks

space programs recieves 10 billion bucks for a satelite to go to Neptune when it never comes back, hmmmmm

Leonard Little kills a person drunk, still in the league.....

Micheal Irvin was doing drugs with Hookers but everyone turned the other cheek, no bashing of Irvin...
I think it's funny how some people trying to rationalize a wrong by pointing out other wrongs or perceived wrongs.
Q_the_man;1504302 said:
Funny how everything is.....I bet people on this board smoke weed, maybe a little crack cocaine or other drugs b4-which is illegal, drink and drive, speed, bought drugs from the dope dealer who in turn bought a gun and killed someone, meaning u helped support them.....

it was a dog fight, though illegal but I bet everyone here has done something that could of been considerd a felony b4.....maybe not everyone

Everyone on this board are acting like some sort of Saint, I'm more concern about 15 more soldiers dying in the last 2 days then some damn dogs...

Shoot gas prices almost 4 bucks

space programs recieves 10 billion bucks for a satelite to go to Neptune when it never comes back, hmmmmm

Leonard Little kills a person drunk, still in the league.....

Micheal Irvin was doing drugs with Hookers but everyone turned the other cheek, no bashing of Irvin...

There is a huge difference between illegal things people do that involve their own well being and things people do that inflict pain and death on a helpless victim.

I'm also unsure what the war in Iraq, the price of gas and the US Space Program have to do with this topic at all. :confused:
Q_the_man;1504302 said:
Funny how everything is.....I bet people on this board smoke weed, maybe a little crack cocaine or other drugs b4-which is illegal, drink and drive, speed, bought drugs from the dope dealer who in turn bought a gun and killed someone, meaning u helped support them.....

it was a dog fight, though illegal but I bet everyone here has done something that could of been considerd a felony b4.....maybe not everyone

Everyone on this board are acting like some sort of Saint, I'm more concern about 15 more soldiers dying in the last 2 days then some damn dogs...

Shoot gas prices almost 4 bucks

space programs recieves 10 billion bucks for a satelite to go to Neptune when it never comes back, hmmmmm

Leonard Little kills a person drunk, still in the league.....

Micheal Irvin was doing drugs with Hookers but everyone turned the other cheek, no bashing of Irvin...

How about taking all these low life scumbags and send their 2nd rate arse over to Iraq if they think fighting is fun?

Treating animals that cannot defend themselves and make their own choices is the same thing as child abuse.

Anyone that thinks it's OK to fight dogs has no sense of how to live in a humane society...lowlifes indeed!

" im from mississippi, i know alot of backroads that u can see a dawg fight, u wanna go?"

lol portis should be tested for drugs very soon.
Q_the_man;1504302 said:
Funny how everything is.....I bet people on this board smoke weed, maybe a little crack cocaine or other drugs b4-which is illegal, drink and drive, speed, bought drugs from the dope dealer who in turn bought a gun and killed someone, meaning u helped support them.....
So, professional athletes who HAVE smoked week, maybe HAVE done a little crack cocaine or other 'b4' drugs, which is illegal, speed, DID buy drugs from a dope dealer, who probably DID buy a gun which killed someone, meaning THEY did support them...

...means that no one here should speak about it?

Get real. :rolleyes:
Q_the_man;1504302 said:
it was a dog fight, though illegal but I bet everyone here has done something that could of been considerd a felony b4.....maybe not everyone
Do you know how large the membership is on this board?

Do you know how small the percentage of actual posters have commented on this particular subject?

Do you know how idiotic it is to generalize when you're discussing a case involving individuals who have actually been caught in the act?

Q_the_man;1504302 said:
Everyone on this board are acting like some sort of Saint, I'm more concern about 15 more soldiers dying in the last 2 days then some damn dogs...
No one (that I have read thus far) who doesn't support the idiocry of dog fighting has undervalued human life. It is those who devalued the life of animals for the simple, cruel and unnecessary enjoyment of twisted 'sport' who don't get it. This isn't rocket science...
Q_the_man;1504302 said:
Shoot gas prices almost 4 bucks
What the hell does that have to do with people practicing dog fighting? Are dog fighters throwing dogs into a ring to fight to the death AND dousing them with overly expensive gasoline for added enjoyment??? :confused:
Q_the_man;1504302 said:
space programs recieves 10 billion bucks for a satelite to go to Neptune when it never comes back, hmmmmmd
Throughout history, humans have always been curious. To learn what is not understood. To explore the unknown. Should America stick it's head in the sand to satisfy the few who are afraid of the future? Humanity's choice is to either grow and learn OR stagnant and die. What's yours?
Q_the_man;1504302 said:
Leonard Little kills a person drunk, still in the league.....
Finally, something that makes sense. That was an issue that wasn't resolved well. Mistakes happen, but Little is now a past issue. Vick, Adam Jones, etc., are current issues and are being dealt with in the here and now.
Q_the_man;1504302 said:
Micheal Irvin was doing drugs with Hookers but everyone turned the other cheek, no bashing of Irvin...
'No bashing of Irvin'? What planet did NASA spend 10 billion dollars to send you which allowed you to completely miss that little event? :D Heck, it's still ongoing today. You don't have to wait around here to find it. There are thousands of OTHER sites where you can find ALL the Michael Irvin bashing that you'll ever care to read or hear about. Trust me. :rolleyes:
LatinMind;1504330 said:
" im from mississippi, i know alot of backroads that u can see a dawg fight, u wanna go?"

lol portis should be tested for drugs very soon.

I think Clinton Portis should be put ON drugs. Mainly...a starter course of thiopental sodium, followed by a dinner of ancuronium chloride with a desert of pancuronium bromide just to make sure the job is done.

What a ******.
JustSayNotoTO;1504340 said:
I think Clinton Portis should be put ON drugs. Mainly...a starter course of thiopental sodium, followed by a dinner of ancuronium chloride with a desert of pancuronium bromide just to make sure the job is done.

What a ******.


That's the prison recipe!!
03EBZ06;1504188 said:
California congressman's letter urged strong action against Vick

Mods - please let me know if the following comment is one that belongs in the political zone, or if I am still within the rules.

I find it absurd that a congressman would swing his power in writing a letter and threatening government intervention into a private commercial entity, should action not be taken against one of it's employees prior to a criminal charge even being filed.

If I were being investigated for dog fighting, I seriously doubt the government, at any level, would propose that my employer take disciplinary action against me, especially if no charges had even been filed. More to the point, were my employer to take some sort of action against me, citing the investigation, I would have my attorney crawling up HR's hind quarter faster than Bob Lilly got to QBs.
Q_the_man;1504302 said:
Funny how everything is.....I bet people on this board smoke weed, maybe a little crack cocaine or other drugs b4-which is illegal, drink and drive, speed, bought drugs from the dope dealer who in turn bought a gun and killed someone, meaning u helped support them.....

it was a dog fight, though illegal but I bet everyone here has done something that could of been considerd a felony b4.....maybe not everyone

Everyone on this board are acting like some sort of Saint, I'm more concern about 15 more soldiers dying in the last 2 days then some damn dogs...

Shoot gas prices almost 4 bucks

space programs recieves 10 billion bucks for a satelite to go to Neptune when it never comes back, hmmmmm

Leonard Little kills a person drunk, still in the league.....

Micheal Irvin was doing drugs with Hookers but everyone turned the other cheek, no bashing of Irvin...
This goes out to all of you who are repulsed by this and therefore "acting like some sort of saint."

Thank you! Please keep it up. Please don't ever stop taking a stand for what is right, even though the hounds of hell bark against the stand you are taking.

The only way for the ills of the world to truly triumph is for good people to remain silent. Here's to the good people. I salute you. Please keep it up.
I recall reading on another thread, now closed, that Clinton Portis' statements in support of Michael Vick and dog fighting included "It's his land and it's his property, he can use it any way he wants to." That must be a good argument; all the old slave owners used it.

Just because you own something doesn't give you the right to mistreat it and just because you have the power to inflict cruelty upon something or someone it doesn't make you an honorable person if you do.

Not everyone cares about the rights of others and some people actually enjoy causing pain, in fact, the prisons are full of people who don't respect others and some of those guys are really tough. If you enjoy hurting others, what right do you have to complain when others hurt you?
silverbear;1504288 said:
I don't care how you were raised, anybody who takes part in dog fighting, goes to dog fights, or supports dog fights, is a subhuman piece of GARBAGE... a real PUNK...

I'm not condoning Portis's beliefs bear; I am playing devils advocate.

I thinkthat dog fighting and the like is terrible. And I am going to say this, there are probably players on every roster, including the cowboys, who would think that Dog fighting isn't a terrible thing and probably privately align themselves with portis.

If we think hard about that, I am sure you will agree with me.
notherbob;1504379 said:
I recall reading on another thread, now closed, that Clinton Portis' statements in support of Michael Vick and dog fighting included "It's his land and it's his property, he can use it any way he wants to." That must be a good argument; all the old slave owners used it.

Exactly Bob.
DallasEast;1504275 said:
With respect, that's basically a copout. People don't conduct business in secret because they believe what they're doing is acceptable by everyone. They do so because they know it isn't acceptable by outsiders. They also know that what is not acceptable by outsiders is usually considered criminal activity and is punishable under the law.

I have very little doubt that Portis and others lack the necessary comprehension skills to differentiate what is right or wrong. They simply love the power they hold over lesser creatures to needlessly inflict severe harm and death. It's human nature. Some people can control their base instincts and others cannot--even if it is 2007...

I think we are giving Portis and people who think like him too much credit... People don't always do things without thinking about right or wrong. I think Portis rather likens dogfighting to playing video games, something that is enjoyable. While that may seem disgusting, I don't really blame Portis.

Mike Tyson was treated like dog in his youth(literally, it was terrible), the only person that ever really cared for him or showed him respect was Cus D'mato, the legendary trainer. Mike Tyson never understood and probably still doesn't that people are good-natured and kind, he never saw that aspect in his life; Tyson always gave D'mato something in return for D'mato's acts of kindness because he never understood that D'mato never wanted anything in return and was a good guy. When we heard about Tysons rape allegations and numerous other acts, we think of Tyson as a beast and a monster, rightfully so. However nobody ever knew and few people do know the hell that Tyson grew up in and that fighting and abuse is and was the norm, and therefore the reasons behind his actions.

What I am saying is that Portis probably doesn't differentiate between what is right and what is wrong because he probably grew up in an enviroment where that is the normal activity; do you honestly think Portis would have said what he said if he thought that dog-fighting wasn't acceptable? Portis has spent his entire life or most of it around like-minded people such as himself, so how could he ever know thie difference.

If you guys have a problem with what he says stop blaming him and start blaming the enviroment he was raised in.
BouncingCheese;1504394 said:
If you guys have a problem with what he says stop blaming him and start blaming the enviroment he was raised in.

Garbage post!

Haven't all these athletes went to college? Have they not become grown young men by now? Did they attend the Rookie Symposium? Have they signed on to a PROFESSIONAL organization that pays them enough money to entertain themselves other than dog fighting?

Environment? How much better of an environment can they get playing professional football!

Stop making excuses for these lowlifes!

Chocolate Lab;1504170 said:
Um, why is Vick regularly buying syringes in that store?

I guess that has something to do with the dogfighting? Or something else?...
The syringes are for his herpes treatment.....:rolleyes:
Hostile;1504348 said:
This goes out to all of you who are repulsed by this and therefore "acting like some sort of saint."

Thank you! Please keep it up. Please don't ever stop taking a stand for what is right, even though the hounds of hell bark against the stand you are taking.

The only way for the ills of the world to truly triumph is for good people to remain silent. Here's to the good people. I salute you. Please keep it up.


Evil triumphs when good men do nothing - Edmund Burke
BouncingCheese;1504394 said:
If you guys have a problem with what he says stop blaming him and start blaming the enviroment he was raised in.

Wow bouncing. If I extend that argument to its logical conclusion can I blame anything on anyone? I never do anything wrong or I'm not responsible for it if I do....because I'm just a product of my "environment." I just can't agree with that.

Vick was wrong pure and simple and Portis does not get a pass because of how he was raised. I'm not even sure how to argue this with you if no one has to take responsibility for their actions....or their words. The old cliche' of "ignorance of the law is no excuse" comes into play here and some good old fashioned ethics and morals as well.

I'll conclude by saying that I blame Vick...and Portis and NOT their "environment."
5Stars;1504398 said:
Garbage post!

Haven't all these athletes went to college? Have they not become grown young men by now? Did they attend the Rookie Symposium? Have they signed on to a PROFESSIONAL organization that pays them enough money to entertain themselves other than dog fighting?

Environment? How much better of an environment can they get playing professional football!

Stop making excuses for these lowlifes!


I am just going to say this one more time: I am not condoning the acts of people like portis.

You really are only proving my point here

Firstly, just because you go to college doesn't mean crap; aren't they still hanging around other football players, probably likeminded individuals especially if they are going to the University of Miami, and we all know people who have gone to college and learned nothing from their experiences, or experiences from life in general.

Rookie Symposium doesn't mean crap; how many times have you been told or tell somebody to do something and they go ahead and do what they have been doing their entire lives? Look at Pacman Jones, I am sure he was told with all of the other players to keep their noses clean, and look how that ended up. People are going to do what they want to do regardless of what they tell them if they are so inclined, and considering how ego-driven Football players are I wouldn't consider them the exception to that rule.

Just because an NFL team pays you money to do things other than dogfighting doesn't mean anything; like I said, this is what portis is accustomed to... That is why rap stars who make millions come BACK to the Ghetto and play cards or probably dogfighting because it is what they wanted to do or know no better than to do it.

DO you think just because somebody signs on the dotted line means they are going to change into somebody like yourself? These people have this kind of stuff ingrained into themselves.

BouncingCheese;1504394 said:
What I am saying is that Portis probably doesn't differentiate between what is right and what is wrong because he probably grew up in an enviroment where that is the normal activity; do you honestly think Portis would have said what he said if he thought that dog-fighting wasn't acceptable? Portis has spent his entire life or most of it around like-minded people such as himself, so how could he ever know thie difference.

This supports the idea that dog fighting does, indeed, have a direct effect on society, outside of the parameters of the 'property' owners themselves. Blaming Portis' notions due to his environment, if he was raised in such, is direct evidence of that.

BouncingCheese said:
If you guys have a problem with what he says stop blaming him and start blaming the enviroment he was raised in.

Perhaps if he was still a child(and even then anyone with half a brain would know the activity wasn't exactly kosher)...but he's a full grown adult, and has no excuse.

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