Portis thinks Vick should be able to have dog fights...

BouncingCheese;1504452 said:

I do...right is right, wrong is wrong. Any educated grown man/boy/girl/woman should "give a damn" also!
BouncingCheese;1504412 said:
If you as a child see your father beat your mother, you may be inclined to think that doing the same thing to your significant other in the future would be kosher as well.

Conversely, you may also think in your youth hitting a woman is repulsive and may never hit a woman. It is a two way street, I understand that.

I am just saying consider the facts is all.
You're right, he could have been raised in that kind of environment. However, that does not give you the excuse to act in that manner. I know you don't think it's okay to participate in dog fighting, because you've said that numerous times. But you can't possibly think that because of the environment someone grew up in, they get a pass.

There's a good example in your post. Do you give a wife beater a pass because his father beat his mother in his presence? How about a pedophile because he was molested as a child? Society as a whole doesn't accept that as an excuse and you know it. There may be a fringe faction that thinks that sex offenders should receive leniency if they grew up as a victim of that action, but I assure you it is a large minority.

You can consider all of the facts, but still come to the same conclusion. Dog fighting is illegal and inhumane, and the environment you grew up in is no excuse to partake in it.
peplaw06;1504466 said:
You're right, he could have been raised in that kind of environment. However, that does not give you the excuse to act in that manner. I know you don't think it's okay to participate in dog fighting, because you've said that numerous times. But you can't possibly think that because of the environment someone grew up in, they get a pass.

There's a good example in your post. Do you give a wife beater a pass because his father beat his mother in his presence? How about a pedophile because he was molested as a child? Society as a whole doesn't accept that as an excuse and you know it. There may be a fringe faction that thinks that sex offenders should receive leniency if they grew up as a victim of that action, but I assure you it is a large minority.

You can consider all of the facts, but still come to the same conclusion. Dog fighting is illegal and inhumane, and the environment you grew up in is no excuse to partake in it.

:bow: :bow: :bow:

Thanks, peplaw...finally!
peplaw06;1504466 said:
But you can't possibly think that because of the environment someone grew up in, they get a pass.
You're kidding. Right?
ConcordCowboy;1504454 said:
Portis is as dumb as wood.

This is part of Bouncing's point and I think everyone here pretty much agrees with that part. The "discussion" revolves around whether or not that excuses his statement in support of Vick. We have movie stars in this country that support a position on global warming when they can't so much as spell "climate change," and many others support legalization of marijuana so there is some precedent for a public debate.

However, most folks here think dog fighting is a pretty sorry activity that has a lot of fundamental things wrong with it. So, it doesn't get the same tolerance for a debate that other subjects might get. Vick already looks shady, and Portis comes across as either ethically challenged or dumb as a box of rocks (I'll vote for the latter).

All in all, I'm glad I'm not in Roger Goodell's shoes these days because I'll bet he looks at his morning paper and gets heartburn pretty often, even with the NFL being on top of the world.
I wish he would get 10 years in prison. That is a sick sport. I never wish injury on Vick or any athlete, but if he ever bites the dust. I will drink a beer and cook a steak to celebrate. He won't get what he deserves, he is just like every other celeb, he'll get a slap on the hand and walk. I hope and pray Roger "Big Foot" Goodell puts the "New NFL Hammer" on him. Forget the authorities, they will let him slide, but if ole' Big Foot gets a chance- it'll happen. You can take the thug out of the hood but you cant take the hood out of the thug. He is a piece of crap
Although I do believe dog fighting is horrendous and cruel, I do believe there have been some gross over reactions in this thread and other threads with the same subject. I do believe that there should be a reasonable punishment for a crime such as this; however lethal injection would not fit my perspective of justice!

Comparing dog fighting to abusing children is another absurd notion. I own two dogs; I have been giving the gift of three children. Comparing them as if they are on equal footing is insane.

As for those of you calling for Vick’s demise in cruel and unusual ways, well you are worse than Vick. As you sit on your little soap boxes, calling for his death by throwing him in a pit with the dogs is deplorable. You belittle the crimes that he has committed by the sick little idea’s you have bouncing around in your own feeble little mind. I truly pray that one day you’ll mature enough to call for true justice, instead of the mob mentality some of you hold so dear.
Q_the_man;1504302 said:
Funny how everything is.....I bet people on this board smoke weed, maybe a little crack cocaine or other drugs b4-which is illegal, drink and drive, speed, bought drugs from the dope dealer who in turn bought a gun and killed someone, meaning u helped support them.....

it was a dog fight, though illegal but I bet everyone here has done something that could of been considerd a felony b4.....maybe not everyone

Everyone on this board are acting like some sort of Saint, I'm more concern about 15 more soldiers dying in the last 2 days then some damn dogs...

Shoot gas prices almost 4 bucks

space programs recieves 10 billion bucks for a satelite to go to Neptune when it never comes back, hmmmmm

Leonard Little kills a person drunk, still in the league.....

Micheal Irvin was doing drugs with Hookers but everyone turned the other cheek, no bashing of Irvin...

Save us your sactimony please. There is so much wrong with your post.
First of all, all the things you mention up top are not felonies.
Second, you cannot attempt to add to anyone's perceived hypocrisy by citing the possibility that they indirectly helped someone else commit a crime by giving them money. Thats just a ridiculous thing to bring up.
Third, to cite any other things an NFL player has done wrong, or worse, as you seem to be saying, and do so in a way as if to say, you cant complain about this before you complain about other things is also ridiculous. People complain about things as they happen. You cant expect them to come here with a complete list fully ranked by your standards. And besides who are you to say the people in this thread havent already complained about Leonard Little or Michael Irvin. And on that note, you say "everyone turned the other cheek" Are you nuts? Forget the hyperbole for a second in that quote, people, even Cowboy fans bashed him up and down. And the topper here is you saying youre more concerned about people dying in Iraq. Oh youre such a good soul. May I come to you for sage advice please? Pull-eeze. There is enough time in the day to complain about both. How dare you say everyone else in the thread considers themselves a saint but YOU are not because you are more concerned about soldiers. Q Man you are a fool.
Viper;1504475 said:
Comparing dog fighting to abusing children is another absurd notion. I own two dogs; I have been giving the gift of three children. Comparing them as if they are on equal footing is insane.
I agreed with the rest of your post, but I think you can make a parallel between dog fighting and abusing children. Obviously abusing children holds a more vile stigma in our society, but there are similarities.

Both sets of victims have little to no control, and both are victims of perverted, inhumane people.
lspain1;1504473 said:
This is part of Bouncing's point and I think everyone here pretty much agrees with that part. The "discussion" revolves around whether or not that excuses his statement in support of Vick. We have movie stars in this country that support a position on global warming when they can't so much as spell "climate change," and many others support legalization of marijuana so there is some precedent for a public debate.

However, most folks here think dog fighting is a pretty sorry activity that has a lot of fundamental things wrong with it. So, it doesn't get the same tolerance for a debate that other subjects might get. Vick already looks shady, and Portis comes across as either ethically challenged or dumb as a box of rocks (I'll vote for the latter).

All in all, I'm glad I'm not in Roger Goodell's shoes these days because I'll bet he looks at his morning paper and gets heartburn pretty often, even with the NFL being on top of the world.

Good post...

First, I want to apologize to my fellow posters for me being so rude today!

I just cannot condone anyone that will take advantage of a anything that cannot take care of itself (well fishing is OK...:D )...such as children or animals. That just does not make sense...it's stupid, it's morally wrong, and it's sad...all at the same time.

I did not grow up as a kid in the best environment, you can bet your butt on that! However...I learned from what I did experience growing up. I saw some BAD THINGS in life...but that does not make me think that that is how I should act. It don't work that way!

Be a leader, not a follower....

Anyway, again, if I was to rash today, I apologize...

peplaw06;1504479 said:
Care to elaborate?
BouncingCheese has stated over and over again that someone cannot understand what is right or wrong (in this case, dog fighting) if the environment he or she grew up in didn't distinguish what WAS right or wrong.

Your question to him was, "But you can't possibly think that because of the environment someone grew up in, they get a pass."

Thus, the basis of why I made my sarcastic remark to you. :eek::
The environment you grow up in should never be an excuse for being a jerk yourself. My childhood was a nightmare. Drugs, infidelity of my parents, abuse. I've known murderers and drug lords and the whole underworld element and from an early impressionable age. Do the math.

I have never brought that to my home with my wife and kids. Not once, not ever. I don't do bad and blame it on the way I grew up. That's a pathetic excuse.

I do NOT feel like I am special in any way, shape, or form. If I can overcome a horrible past, anyone can. Only fools cannot separate right from wrong. Fools should be mocked.
Viper;1504475 said:
Comparing dog fighting to abusing children is another absurd notion. I own two dogs; I have been giving the gift of three children. Comparing them as if they are on equal footing is insane.

Good post, Viper...and I'm the one that made that analogy...and it was just that, an analogy.

Of course abusing children is worse that abusing dogs...but, why even abuse either?

I need to get outta this thread before I get banned!

DallasEast;1504486 said:
BouncingCheese has stated over and over again that someone cannot understand what is right or wrong (in this case, dog fighting) if the environment he or she grew up in didn't distinguish what WAS right or wrong.

Your question to him was, "But you can't possibly think that because of the environment someone grew up in, they get a pass."

Thus, the basis of why I made my sarcastic remark to you. :eek::

Gotcha... didn't pick up on the sarcasm. My bad.
Ignorance is no excuse. If it was then we'll have lot more crimes committed in the name of ignorance.
5Stars;1504484 said:
Good post...

First, I want to apologize to my fellow posters for me being so rude today!

I just cannot condone anyone that will take advantage of a anything that cannot take care of itself (well fishing is OK...:D )...such as children or animals. That just does not make sense...it's stupid, it's morally wrong, and it's sad...all at the same time.

I did not grow up as a kid in the best environment, you can bet your butt on that! However...I learned from what I did experience growing up. I saw some BAD THINGS in life...but that does not make me think that that is how I should act. It don't work that way!

Be a leader, not a follower....

Anyway, again, if I was to rash today, I apologize...


That is the point I am trying to make; that some people can't differentiate what is the right way to act in society and what is wrong. You are hopefully one of the few who was able to rise above it and still be a decent upstanding citizen... That is why I am saying that we are giving Portis and Vick too much credit. The enviorment they grew up in led to them thinking that activities such as such are acceptable. Obviously from Portis' statements and Vick having a house full of beaten dogs, we know where they stand on the issue.

If my previous posts looked like I was saying that the enviroment is all to blame and Portis and Vick none, I didn't mean that; rather, I can see WHY they consider it to be such a kosher activity.

Apology accepted.

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