Portis thinks Vick should be able to have dog fights...

nyc;1504716 said:
I think Portis should fight Vick's dogs.

Monday, May 21st, LIVE from Madison Square Garden!


Tuesday, May 22nd, 2 pm funeral at Heavenly Canine Hills Cemetary, Georgia.
BouncingCheese's whole line of thinking is just another sign of PC gone amuck. Hopefully that pendulum will swing back to sanity sometime in the next several years.

But don't take it personally, BC... It's just the environment you were raised in. ;)
Chocolate Lab;1504982 said:
BouncingCheese's whole line of thinking is just another sign of PC gone amuck. Hopefully that pendulum will swing back to sanity sometime in the next several years.

But don't take it personally, BC... It's just the environment you were raised in. ;)

hehe... you are entitled to your opinion lab; I don't take it personally.

I am not into being politically correct;I am into thinking individually and having my own thought process. Honestly I think if I was acting/trying to act politically correct I would be agreeing with you now instead of voicing my own opinions (not to say that I don't understand your points, but rather thar I would be lying to myself on how I feel about this issue.)

I do appreciate all of the posters who disagreed with me in a respectful manner, thank you.... It is never easy to have a different viewpoint than everyone else in the room.
Chocolate Lab;1504982 said:
BouncingCheese's whole line of thinking is just another sign of PC gone amuck. Hopefully that pendulum will swing back to sanity sometime in the next several years.

But don't take it personally, BC... It's just the environment you were raised in. ;)

Well, here it goes...

I am not going to lie. On the scale of things, this rates pretty mediocre in terms of "badness."

Is it illegal? Yes.

Am I going to lose any sleep over it? Notta wink.

Sorry. It is what it is. There are far worse things that "goad me" than dog fighting.

Cruelty to humans bothers me a lot more. Rape, battery, assault, murder, etc are far more damning that dog fighting because I value human moreso than animals. I am not condoning what Vick is alleged to have done. If it is true...what he did was very wrong. I am merely stating that I am not overly upset by this nor will I be joining any protesting over Vick either.
Vintage;1505003 said:
Well, here it goes...

I am not going to lie. On the scale of things, this rates pretty mediocre in terms of "badness."

Is it illegal? Yes.

Am I going to lose any sleep over it? Notta wink.

Sorry. It is what it is. There are far worse things that "goad me" than dog fighting.

Cruelty to humans bothers me a lot more. Rape, battery, assault, murder, etc are far more damning that dog fighting because I value human moreso than animals. I am not condoning what Vick is alleged to have done. I am merely stating that I am not overly upset by this nor will I be joining any protesting over Vick either.

It does not make it any less of a wrong. Yes people are more important than animals but animals should be protected from these acts. They can't defend themselves so it is up to people to speak out for them. Should it be alright to set a dog or cat on fire for the fun of it? The people who do these things are sick people and getting dog to rip each other up for some idiots entertainment is no less sick
Vintage;1505003 said:
Well, here it goes...

I am not going to lie. On the scale of things, this rates pretty mediocre in terms of "badness."

Is it illegal? Yes.

Am I going to lose any sleep over it? Notta wink.

Sorry. It is what it is. There are far worse things that "goad me" than dog fighting.

Cruelty to humans bothers me a lot more. Rape, battery, assault, murder, etc are far more damning that dog fighting because I value human moreso than animals. I am not condoning what Vick is alleged to have done. If it is true...what he did was very wrong. I am merely stating that I am not overly upset by this nor will I be joining any protesting over Vick either.

I can be bothered by cruelty to humans and animals at the same time. It isn't as if I have to rank them.
jackrussell;1504665 said:
So you're saying those here that abhor the idea of dog fighting would change our tunes if it were a Dallas Cowboy involved or giving Vick their blessing?

Now I do know their are enough TO butt kissers here that'd find any excuse to defend that guy....but for the most part they haven't been part of this discussion.

For the rest of us that have(and have so with a passion)...you obviously have no ability to judge character....but I'd say we'd hammer their collective arses whether they were a Cowboy or not....and it's an insult to think we would do otherwise.

agreed. jack and i have gone at it 100% to each other in the past for reasons of our own. in no shape form or fashion do i bring "those" issues into this one. each issue can and should stand on it's own and be treated as such and if say marion barber came out and defended vick, i'd drop him way down on the "respect" pole and think the same thing that i think of portis, which isn't quite as bad as vick.

thinking the uniform makes a difference in overall right vs. wrong is just a juvenille point of view to me. i'm right there with jack and all others who thinks it's morally wrong to teach dogs to do this. we're supposed to be growing into a civilized society and that means leaving crap like this behind.


always some dork-nugget who wants to drag the past along however.
Crown Royal;1505188 said:
I can be bothered by cruelty to humans and animals at the same time. It isn't as if I have to rank them.

People always use that stupid old line.

You can be outraged by Human AND Animal abuse equally.:rolleyes:
ConcordCowboy;1505327 said:
People always use that stupid old line.

You can be outraged by Human AND Animal abuse equally.:rolleyes:

If you had read what I said, I did not say people were to refrain from being bothered by both.

All I said was that it was hard for me to get too bothered by this because of worse things.
Crown Royal;1505188 said:
I can be bothered by cruelty to humans and animals at the same time. It isn't as if I have to rank them.

Did I say you have to rank them?

No. kthxbye.

I just gave MY opinion on it.
Faerluna;1504314 said:
There is a huge difference between illegal things people do that involve their own well being and things people do that inflict pain and death on a helpless victim.

I'm also unsure what the war in Iraq, the price of gas and the US Space Program have to do with this topic at all. :confused:

Vintage;1505382 said:
If you had read what I said, I did not say people were to refrain from being bothered by both.

All I said was that it was hard for me to get too bothered by this because of worse things.

Basically You're not bothered by it because it's JUST a animal...not a human.

That's what I have a problem with.

Animals don't deserve nor should they EVER be harmed and then people blow it off just because they aren't human.
Some of these folks should come back as fighting dogs in their next life...
ConcordCowboy;1505397 said:
Basically You're not bothered by it because it's JUST a animal...not a human.

That's what I have a problem with.

Animals don't deserve nor should they EVER be harmed and then people blow it off just because they aren't human.


I never said it should be blown off. Way to reach there. I said, if Vick is guilty, he should recieve whatever suitable punishment there is.

And you are right; it is just an animal. The law has seperate punishments towards killing an animal out of cruelty than it does for humans. The law distinguishes a difference; so do I.

NEVER did I say it was an action worth condoning.

I did say I wouldn't lose sleep over it. And I haven't. I don't see whats wrong with saying there are plenty of other things that bother me more so than what Vick is alleged to have done.

I have said numerous times if Vick is guilty of the alleged accusation, he should be held accountable and that the alleged event is in poor nature and is wrong.

Keep your panties unbunched.
Vintage;1505003 said:
Well, here it goes...

I am not going to lie. On the scale of things, this rates pretty mediocre in terms of "badness."

Is it illegal? Yes.

Am I going to lose any sleep over it? Notta wink.

Sorry. It is what it is. There are far worse things that "goad me" than dog fighting.

Cruelty to humans bothers me a lot more. Rape, battery, assault, murder, etc are far more damning that dog fighting because I value human moreso than animals. I am not condoning what Vick is alleged to have done. If it is true...what he did was very wrong. I am merely stating that I am not overly upset by this nor will I be joining any protesting over Vick either.

Yes it is what it is.....and since you seriously seem to have to rank rape and murder and valueing human life above it(like....:doh: we didn't know that:rolleyes: ) perhaps it'd be helpful for you to know that people that take part in this illegal 'sport' are often desensitised to the point of committing some of those human cruelties you've listed.

Numerous law enforcement raids have unearthed many disturbing facets of this illegal "sport." Young children are sometimes present at the events, which can promote insensitivity to animal suffering, enthusiasm for violence, and a lack of respect for the law. Illegal gambling is the norm at dogfights. Dog owners and spectators wager thousands of dollars on their favorites. Firearms and other weapons have been found at dogfights because of the large amounts of cash present. And dogfighting has been connected to other kinds of violence—even homicide, according to newspaper reports. In addition, illegal drugs are often sold and used at dogfights.


Now, sleep tight.
ConcordCowboy;1505397 said:
Basically You're not bothered by it because it's JUST a animal...not a human.

That's what I have a problem with.

Animals don't deserve nor should they EVER be harmed and then people blow it off just because they aren't human.
Well, unless yer eatin' them, then they're pretty much messed up from the start.
Vintage;1505408 said:

I never said it should be blown off. Way to reach there. I said, if Vick is guilty, he should recieve whatever suitable punishment there is.

And you are right; it is just an animal. The law has seperate punishments towards killing an animal out of cruelty than it does for humans. The law distinguishes a difference; so do I.

NEVER did I say it was an action worth condoning.

I did say I wouldn't lose sleep over it. And I haven't. I don't see whats wrong with saying there are plenty of other things that bother me more so than what Vick is alleged to have done.

I have said numerous times if Vick is guilty of the alleged accusation, he should be held accountable and that the alleged event is in poor nature and is wrong.

Keep your panties unbunched.

I never said you were condoning it.

But you are blowing it off as if it's not big deal... just because it's a animal.

That's your right. I just think it's BS.

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