Possible Loophole In Vick Case...

FuzzyLumpkins;1832320 said:
Its sad how often you babble about semantic tap dancing when in no way shape or form are we arguing about the meaning of words.

Gee, I guess that WASN'T you who kept trying to defend your claim that Antonio Bryant was "in the NFL" with the most comical semantic tapdancing...

Learn how to properly use words.

This from the man who in his first response to this thread, said the Vick critics were engaging in "disingenuous indignation"... well, go look up the definition of "disingenuous", and you'll find that it means "not candid or sincere"...

Trust me when I say my indignation, and the indignation of virtually all the posters who sounded off about Vick, was VERY sincere... I'm not faking indignation at all...

Then you asked our forgiveness in a later post for making a "pun", when you had made no pun at all...

Shall I dig up other examples of you comically misusing words??

So being lectured by somebody who regularly misuses words, telling me that I ought to learn how to properly uses words, is nothing but high comedy... the truth is, you're a junior grade Norm Crosby, any minute I expect you to boast that you've reached the highest pinochile of debating (that was always my favorite Norm malapropism)...

I think both hunting and dogfighting should be legal. Its really quite simple. Thats what makes me NOT a hypocrite.

No, that just makes you profoundly silly... I wish I could phrase it a bit more strongly, "silly" is such a weak substitute for how you're really coming off...

And again it has nothing to do about speculation of your sex life. The american pharmaceutical companies pimping of boner pills is widely ridiculed in other countries. Youre the one that thinks that goes any farther than that but the fact you keep on harping on it is really whats funny. insecure much?

There you go again... you were CLEARLY trying to insult me, one of a series of lame insults you lobbed at me in that paragraph, by implying I needed Levitra, obviously because you thought I can't get it up... here's the direct quote:

So you go ahead and sit there and pass down judgement on people, families and whole neighborhoods with your ham sandwich, your body incapable of producing insulin and your bottle of Levitra while I just continue to see you as the fat, small minded person you are.

So, you called me fat, you called me small-minded, you ridiculed my having diabetes (as if that's something to be ashamed of)... but when it comes to the Levitra reference, you weren't trying to be insulting, you weren't suggesting I needed help to get it up...

SURE you weren't... spin, Fuzzy, spin!!!

Again, what's funny about your constant attempts to piss me off is NOTHING you could possibly say could possibly get to me... the only way somebody whom I have nothing but contempt for could irritate me is if they started saying nice things about me, LOL...

Your insults are music to my ears, they tell me that I'm gettin' under your pelt...

and really whats pathetic is your whining about what im talking about in reference to you.

Whining?? Don't be absurd, I'm LAUGHING at your feeble attempts at insults... Lord, if they let me get medeival on you in here, if it wouldn't get me banned, I'd be tickled to show you what REAL flaming is...

youve systematically defamed peoples character in these threads from the very get go.

Those who I have defamed have no character... if you think dogfighting is morally right, you have nothing resembling character...

youre a judgemental prick

Ooooooh, now you're REALLY gettin' down and dirty... congratulations, you've probably just gotten yourself an infraction, and this thread closed...

Ah well, that's probably the only way you were gonna extricate yourself from this mess you've created...

did it ever occur to you that your bashing people as degenerates and lowlifes would trash YOUR reputation with people around here as well?

Of course it does... happily for me, though, I don't care about the people who will have a lowered opinion of me as a result of my insulting dogfighters... the honorable people in here, if they bother to read this thread, will approve of what I'm doing... indeed, a number of them have chipped in to briefly laugh along with me, at your expense...

you act as if you having issue with me makes me care in any way shape and form. ive had issue with you for quite some time.

Life is good...

quite frankly I could not trust or respect a person like you.

Quite frankly, I don't care, because I could never trust or respect anybody who thinks dogfighting ought to be legal...

frankly i could care less about what you or anyone else thinks of me.

And yet, you continue to argue with me, to snarl your impotent defiance at me... what curious behavior, from somebody who claims not to care what I think of him...

if i am going to be okay with friends and family members of mine that are going out trophy hunting, wearing fur and using gillette products then im not going to get mad when people in black and southern cultures that im not a part of do similar cruel acts to animals.

Which just goes to prove that you lack the mental acuity to grasp that there are degrees of wrong... subtle distinctions would appear to be beyond you, which leaves you with a rather simple, indeed childish, view of life...

im well aware that all cultures are going to have different ways of doing things and that some of them are going to be shocking and disturbing.

Other cultures are not relevant here, in AMERICAN culture, fighting dogs is looked down on, and is illegal...
Lumpy said:
while I just continue to see you as the fat, small minded person you are.

Lumpy said:
youre a judgemental prick

Whoa! What's this? Coming from someone who claims name calling is the end of all credibility one might have in a debate.

LOL....the shoe certainly fits here. Dang hypocratic kitten killers.

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