Ben_n_austin;1830418 said:
What's even more amusing is people who rely on the term "contrarian" in an attempt to ridicule someone's argument.
Anybody who engages in contrarian behavior, because he fancies himself somehow morally superior, is deserving of ridicule... but more to the point, anybody who defends Michael Vick's behavior is deserving of ridicule... that's why I ridicule Fuzzy, and why I have no respect for your arguments on this one...
Of course someone who disagrees with you has a contrary view.
And when that person engages in RIDICULOUS arguments in defense of his contrary view, he is being a contrarian... when one tries to argue that Vick shouldn't be in jail because it's "immoral" of society to make dogfighting a crime, he's expressing a minority view, one that is scorned by the VAST majority of decent society, he is being a contrarian...
But you're not interested, like you never have been, in people's arguments that oppose yours.
Au contraire, I'm VERY interested when somebody makes an asinine argument, I find it FUN showing how asinine that argument is...
It's quite amusing, for someone who bumbles on like a babbling board bully who knows everything, that you don't even know when you're committing formal fallacies from an argument's standpoint left and right.
Actually, what I'm doing is rejecting the legitimacy of the argument... it is illlegitimate because no matter what you think, or what I think, the LAW says dogfighting is ILLEGAL...
Eat your pork and use your diabetes as an excuse not to change the way animals are treated.
Actually, I feel that we ought to slaughter the animals we use as food in as humane a manner as we possibly can... I have said as much before on these boards... and I personally have no interest in engaging in hunting or fishing... I don't want to kill ANYTHING...
But unlike you, I can grasp the difference between IMMORAL and ILLEGAL...
Yet, hang balloons and have a confetti party when Mike Vick is hung by the media and elites in the court system who don't want to lose their jobs by the pressure of the public and elections, which in turn ruins Mike Vick's livelihood....
Uhhhh, you do know that Vick pleaded guilty, freely and willingly, don't you??
What it equates to is Mike Vick is being imprisoned by the law using him as an example, due to political pressure from animal rights groups.
And of course, he's the ONLY one who has EVER been imprisoned by the law for this offense... he wasn't singled out for anything, he put himself in that position...
And then the media portrays this as a crime against humans, since dog's are man's best friends, and then people like you go on bumbling rampages about technicalities in laws, as if "We the people" included dogs as well...
Oh Jesus, now you're off on a media rant... ROTFLMAO...
Did know you that it's a misdemeanor to be punished "up to six months in jail" for negligent homicide for a company that violates a safety compliance rule?
Yet, somehow killing a dog-as brutal as this seems to some-is punished by a far greater magnitude with a far lessor crime.
Well, that's the law... if you don't like it, perhaps you ought to work to change the law, rather than ranting impotently on a message board...
Until then, Michael Vick was charged with a crime, has pleaded guilty to that crime, and is now in jail for that crime...
Let me guess, you'll break this down premise by premise (to make yourself look smarter) rather than see the argument as a whole and talk from that standpoint.
You STILL don't get it, do you?? I don't CARE about whether or not that law is immoral, and to be entirely honest with you, because I am afflicted with a severe case of what you arrogantly dismiss as "puppy love", I LIKE that law... as far as I'm concerned, people who abuse animals BELONG in jail...
So basically, I'm telling you that I don't give a rat's patootie about whether or not you and Fuzzy approve of the law... it IS the law, and you have to live with it...
And FWIW, I won't lose a wink of sleep over your disapproval of my "hypocrisy"... perhaps you see yourself as morally superior for your contrarian view, but I just see you as a cheap dime story Don Quixote, impotently bellowing your rage at the windmill that is our judicial system...