Possible Loophole In Vick Case...

Ben_n_austin;1830435 said:
It's amazing how circularly irrational people can be when it comes to puppies.

And it's quite contemptible, the way you keep talking about "puppies", not "dogs"... to the best of my knowledge, every dog that Vick abused was past the puppy stage...

But I guess it's too much to expect you to frame your argument honestly, without garbage like that... which makes it all the more hypocritical when you complain about our "insults", even as you engage in insulting (if idiotic) rhetoric...

Our society tells us that it's ok to shoot Bambi or Bugs bunny, but not Old Yeller unless you have to.

That's right, our society tells us that killing deer and rabbits is acceptable, but killing dogs is not... you don't like that, TOUGH... maybe you should go find a society with standards that you find acceptable...

Lots of luck with that one...
Ben_n_austin;1830437 said:
We have animal control centers preaching to neuter your pets. So, by your reasoning, there is no need for the population control of dogs?

That's what neutering your pets is for... beyond that, dogs that are taken off the streets and unclaimed are euthanized in the name of population control...

But unlike what Vick does, there is an attempt to be HUMANE in the treatment of those poor dogs (and that's why every dog I've ever owned has come from the pound, I rather like the notion of saving a perfectly good, healthy young dog from being put to death)...

Sure, it's a "legal" debate. But in most case like this, it wouldn't have drawn nearly as much attention from the media. The public "out cry", as stated in a previous post, put pressure on the authorities to enforce the law.

That outcry happened mostly because Vick is a CELEBRITY... he's not the first celebrity to be "victimized" by that, but on the flip side, there have been plenty of celebrities who got away with murder (in at least one case, quite literally) because of their celebrity... so that sword cuts both ways...

There are laws that go ignored or are dealt with lightly because we have bigger fish to fry. Within the scope of crime in this country, killing a dog is a very very small part of that scope in terms of the bigger picture of crime and, in my opinion, it shouldn't call for large amounts of tax money being spent to make an example out of someone because PETA said so.

Unhappily for you, in the "big picture" your opinion doesn't really matter...

I'm for treating animals humanely, but the comes a point where you draw the line. There is a law in New Mexico, I believe that will land you a year in prison for chasing a buffalo....

If you were chasing a buffalo, and were facing prison time for it... would you still make it a "legal" issue?

Sure would, for one simple reason-- trying to argue that the law is immoral or stupid would only get my butt thrown in jail... LOL...
FuzzyLumpkins;1830441 said:
You were questioning my motives so i explained them.

I never once questioned your motives, they're pretty clear... you've been quite upfront about them...

i really think youre a hypocritical blowhard and i despise your punitive nature.

Guess I'll need another date for the prom...

Spare me this innocent routine. You referred fondly to Vick being raped in prison and then act indignant about me saying you want to see him burned at the stake?

There was no "indignation", I just pointed out that you're distorting what we Vick detractors are saying... absolutely NOBODY has said anything about him being burned at the stake, so for you to claim that is nothing less than a bald-faced lie, told to demonize your opponents, in an attempt to make your arguments appear more rational than they are...

Oh and like your mindnumbing line by line responses aren't an incredible eyesore. Yet you still do them routinely.

Alright, this is the second time I've asked-- who's forcing poor Fuzzy to read my posts?? Knock it off right now, I wouldn't want to be responsible for him having to get new glasses...

Are you really so profoundly stupid as to think I'll modify my posting habits, which I've developed over several years, just because you, a man for whom I have absolutely no respect, doesn't like them??
Ben_n_austin;1830443 said:

....it's what's for dinner. ;)

Actually, I don't care much for bacon... don't know why, I just don't...

I do like ham pretty well, though, perhaps you can find a nice picture of that??

Or maybe you can finally figure out, after having been told repeatedly, I don't CARE about the moral argument you're so desperate to make... what I care about is that Michael Vick broke the law by torturing dogs for fun and profit, and has pleading guilty to that CRIME, and is now being punished for his criminal behavior...

And no, I don't CARE about what you think about that position, either... your opinion on either subject couldn't possibly matter less to me... so you go right ahead and help your buddy Fuzzy tilt at windmills to your heart's content...

Or hey, maybe you should go kill a few dogs, and call the law up to let 'em know what you've done... you know, REALLY thumb your nose at that law you think is so completely outrageous... that would be civil disobedience in the grand tradition of Henry David Thoreau...

Or are you only willing to pay lip service to those grand moral concepts you're so passionately defending in here??
Ben_n_austin;1830446 said:
Agreed. I think bear thinks that by doing this that it adds something substantiative when it doesn't.

Chuckle... I've really stepped on your last nerve this time, haven't I??

I do hope you don't delude yourself into thinking you've offended me... you'd be pissed to know how much fun I'm having with you right now, in spite of your frantic efforts to try to bait me...

Really, a picture of some bacon?? THAT'S supposed to get to me??


You're a funny man...
Ben_n_austin;1830458 said:
If allowed in, it would be on the basis that the dog fighting ordeal was due to his usage of drugs, specifically, marijuana.

ROTFLMAO... oh yeah, EVERYBODY who fights dogs got into it because of the demon weed...

The REAL reason he might be qualified for admission is that the program doesn't seem to require that he be in jail because of drugs, indeed as far as I can tell all he has to do is demonstrate to the court's satisfaction that he's had drug problems for at least a year...

So he could be in jail for just about ANYTHING, and still be qualified for the program...

But I must say, it was HILARIOUS, reading your attempt at explaining things...
silverbear;1830363 said:
Hey, I clearly own you too, does that mean I can torture you??

I mean, physical torture, as opposed to the emotional torture I've been puttin' you through... :D

Lord Muck....I am both honored and humbled in your presence.:bow:
And just like that, Ben and fuzzy have been dismissed from class by SilverBear... :laugh2:

Tucked dey tails between dem legs and scooted!

I wonder whos going to teach Ookie how to use his "prison wallet"? ;)

i didnt even bother reading the 15 walls of text. One of these days Bear will realize that people generally don't even bother to read them. But hey, they're sure impressive to 5stars. :rolleyes: If you cannot sway them with substance then baffle them with bullfeces. Right, Bear?

Really i have two things to comment on.

One, it is quite obvious that you had no idea what my position was on any of this. When you started your bumbling campaign, you acted incredulously when I stated that i felt that dogfighting should be legal as if you had never heard that before. In all of these discussions I had stated that quite firmly and unequivocally. Now you are trying to purport that it was all clear to you. Sure it was....

But its really my second point that indicates exactly what kind of human being you are. Now you state that you do not care what the moral argument but I think that should be rephrased that you only care for the moral argument when it will cast others in a negative light.

Lets look at some of your comments towards BHendri5.

You stated:

Congratulations on being raised wrong... shame on you for trying to convince us that those raised in "the hood" approve of this behavior... decent people, no matter where they come from, do not approve of this behavior... if YOU do, that means you have no decency in you... and if what you say about your family is true, the apple did not fall far from the tree.

So while you're claiming you're not interested in the moral argument, you're more than happy to make decisions on the characters of others, the environment in which they were raised and their family.

Let's get one thing clear. He was just trying to relate a portion of his upbringing and you insulted him, his home, his family and every single one of his friends.

There is a term in anthropology called cultural naivity. It essentially boils down to a person from one culture thinking their way of thinking is the one and only correct way.

You may be old, bear, but you certainly are not wise. So you go ahead and sit there and pass down judgement on people, families and whole neighborhoods with your ham sandwich, your body incapable of producing insulin and your bottle of Levitra while I just continue to see you as the fat, small minded person you are.
FuzzyLumpkins;1831469 said:
i didnt even bother reading the 15 walls of text.

Sure you didn't...

One of these days Bear will realize that people generally don't even bother to read them.

Some do, some don't... there are people in here whose posts I don't read either... I heartily approve of people who censor the boards to suit their tastes that way, it's a form of self-discipline that those who whine about my posts apparently can't master...

Guess you thought I'd be insulted by your saying that... which only proves how completely clueless you really are...

If you cannot sway them with substance then baffle them with bullfeces.

I always figured that was your modus operandi, it's nice of you to verify tha theory...

Of course, if my posts really were so lacking in substance, it wouldn't make sense for you to respond AT ALL... but here you are, after a rather substantial number of responses; do you often respond that often to posts that you believe lack substance??

One, it is quite obvious that you had no idea what my position was on any of this.

Oh, your position isn't hard to figure you-- to boil it down, you think that since we eat meat, and wear leather, which involves killing animals, any killing of animals is justifiable... you further believe that the government has no business sticking its nose into dogfighting...

Have I distorted your position in any way at all, Fuzz??

you acted incredulously when I stated that i felt that dogfighting should be legal as if you had never heard that before.

Well, you're right about that, and you're wrong... yes, I was incredulous that ANYBODY would defend the "right" to fight dogs, and torture dogs, for fun and profit... but no, you're a loooong way from the first poster I've heard that from... you're just a little further out there in your "righteous moral indignation", and apparently, too obtuse to figure out that no matter how hard you might try, you're not gonna out-talk me on this one...

But its really my second point that indicates exactly what kind of human being you are. Now you state that you do not care what the moral argument but I think that should be rephrased that you only care for the moral argument when it will cast others in a negative light.

Nope, once again you're just too obtuse to figure out what my argument is... my argument is that Vick is in jail for LEGAL reasons, so the LEGAL issue is what's relevant to this argument... I don't CARE if YOU think that the law is immoral...

This thread was about the possibility of Vick reducing his sentence via entering a drug program, which is quite clearly a LEGAL issue, not a moral one... I personally think it would be wrong to allow him to enter such a program, but I have restricted myself to arguing whether he qualifies for the program based on the criteria for admission that you provided...

This is a separate issue from the morality of dogfighting itself, which I addressed in the comments to BHenri5 that you refer to in the following section...

So while you're claiming you're not interested in the moral argument, you're more than happy to make decisions on the characters of others, the environment in which they were raised and their family.

Again, your limited intellect seems to prevent you from grasping the difference between moral arguments... I'm not interested in debating whether or not the LAW that Vick fell afoul of is moral, but I AM interested in telling those who approve of dogfighting the way he does, calling it "fun", that they're lacking in decency...

Let's get one thing clear. He was just trying to relate a portion of his upbringing and you insulted him, his home, his family and every single one of his friends.

And I will do so to anybody who tells me that they consider the barbaric, sadistic practice of fighting dogs, and killing the losers, to be "fun"... once again, it's fortunate for you and him that this board prohibits me from REALLY expressing my opinion of the two of you...

You may be old, bear, but you certainly are not wise. So you go ahead and sit there and pass down judgement on people, families and whole neighborhoods with your ham sandwich, your body incapable of producing insulin and your bottle of Levitra while I just continue to see you as the fat, small minded person you are.

Chuckle... no Levitra in the house, son... and while I might once have been on the heavy side, that was before being diagnosed with diabetes, and losing 40 pounds... a man who goes 5-9, 185 pounds, is not fat... especially not when he has a 46 inch chest, an 18 inch neck, and 18 inch biceps... in point of fact, I look like I lifted a lot of weights in my life, which is weird, 'cause I never did much of that...

But hey, rant on, in your impotent rage...
silverbear;1830693 said:
Nope, it's a standard established by each society as to what is or isn't acceptable behavior... and like it or not, you ARE bound by those rules... break them, and you'll find yourself called a "criminal"...

Right-- not abusing dogs is a societal standard in American society... break that standard, and you've committed a crime...

Again, whether or not you, me or ANYBODY agrees with that standard is completely irrelevant, we are ALL bound to obey the laws...

Vick killed more than one dog, and he isn't in jail for that... do try to figure out what he IS in jail for, before you go off on one of these mindless rants...

So, because some people have received ridiculously lenient sentences for more serious crimes, we should never, ever sentence ANYBODY to 23 months in jail??

What interesting, if idiotic, logic...

Simple-- eating pork is legal, dogfighting isn't...

Yeah, maybe it is... but it DOESN'T MATTER, it's the LAW... where you got the notion that you get to pick and choose which laws you wish to obey, I don't have a clue, but I sure do hope you don't walk the talk you're talkin', 'cause I'd sure miss you when you go to jail... :D

Eh, there is no fallible logic on my part--just a different side of the argument.

I'll start out with a fact as my premise as to where I stand in perception and then you can read from there.

Fact: It is a misdemeanor for a corporate executive to cause the death of a human being by knowingly violating manufacturing procedures in the name of profit.

My guess would be that that's because the elite protect those who assist them in getting elected as well as promising to "assist" them in maintaining their elected positions.

Now I digress to the issue at hand, and respond to you post:

I'm saying the killing other animals equates to killing other animals, regardless of their species (unless we're talking fish:D)... now, there is the issue of food vs. sport. And I do recognize that. I'm also not advocating killing dogs. I really LIKE dogs... not so much cats (but I wouldn't kill one personally--don't worry).

I'm talking about the injustice here within the law. I'm not saying that Vick should be punished. I am, however, saying that this society is punishing Vick for something that takes place every day--animals, plural, die for the cause of human consumption and sport!

The hunters have the NRA to lobby for them, and can fight back against PETA. I agree. It's the law that you can't kill dogs; and to do so is breaking it--no argument there. My point is that there are no dog fighting groups lobbying for rights to fight dogs, which boils down, equally, to the same thing as far as cause in fact in regards to people killing deer. The result is animals die from people killing them.

The truth is, regardless of the sentimental attachment that Americans have with K-9s, the difference between a deer hunter and a dog killer is that American society has groups of people that we call "lobbyists", who give money to gun organizations and politicians (aka "law makers" or "legislators") that in turn take an incentive initiative to protect THOSE "sadists" off the hook against large groups of PETA people.

If a deer runs off and bleeds for a day or two and then dies, is that humane? Personally, do you really care about THAT.. equally as much as you care about dogs? Or is it that dog's have a special special place in your heart because you've been exposed to them and they've made an intimate impression on you?

After all, dogs are "man's best friend". Now that's where I think Vick has a problem. I think a lot of people must not have friends like I do. But I'd take a bullet for a GOOD friend... my dog would be crap out of luck, if you know what I mean.

I don't see this as a "legal" issue. I see it as a "political" issue, thus it's even more important. We throw a first time offender who kills dogs in jail for nearly 2 years of his life, which will almost certainly ruin his career.

But a Ford Motors executive gets OFF THE HOOK with a fine, and is able to KEEP his job, for knowingly stalling a recall on tires that they knew were killing people in Saudi Arabi and China (because they were recalling them there), but allowed them to remain on the streets, here, resulting in 200 lost lives....

The big picture is clear. The elite are in charge. But they like to make examples out of people like Mike Vick and Martha Stewart every once in a while to keep the people from figuring out that crime in the "suites" goes unpunished, while crime in the "streets" is seen as a threat to the small number elite in power, so they "get tough on crime" due to "public outcry"
in order to maintain their positions without the threat of being exposed by the "public outcry" themselves, which could result in their loss of power during election.... Not to mention, the government owns the media. Do you not find it odd the attention that the public has given the Mike Vick ordeal in comparison with the war?

It boils down to inequality and injustice. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be punishment for crime in the streets. There definitely should. But Vick made a mistake. Someone in this post admitted to doing the same thing, at one time. What are the odds that many people have done this, too?

And my question leads to the problem here. It is not right, in a moral sense. I'm not arguing from that standpoint. I'm saying that we all do things that are devious and not normal.

The logic does stand to reason that if we are to be "created as equal" that it should apply in terms of equality. Yet it's not by any means. One who had one eye closed and one eye squinted could still see that.

My opinion, and this is my opinion, but I do think that it is a logical one, is that the notion of "equality" is lost on most people here. Regardless of the written policies of our legislators, there is a level of inequality that is being implemented here, and implemented rather harshly I should add.

Collectively, we have yet to take a look as to how WE, also, contribute to these cruelties. That would take a certain level of introspection of self(s):), which is what I think PETA wanted.

Well, it got its wish....

If you know how social change takes places, and has taken place over time, it has been when people are discontent about something and take action because blah blah and so and so isn't right... as MLK said, and I'm not saying that it applies with quite the same magnitude as it did for the cause when he said it, "an injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere".

My logic is, something doesn't seem right about the MAGNITUDE in which Mike Vick is being punished and the slap on the wrist in which the Ford executive received for knowingly allowing a faulty product to cause the loss of hundreds of lives in the name of profit.

Does that seem righteous to you, in the sense of "equality"?

Mike vick gets 2 years in the pokey for killing does, yet the law punishes the Ford executive who effectively and knowingly caused the death of 200 people with a fine and misdemeanor--we're talking human lives here.

That makes sense?

I know your what your rebuttal is: "It's the law".

But that's really not substantial. As i said, you can get a year in prison for chasing buffalo on Indian reservations.

The issue is social injustice within the law, brought on by social elites and puppy loving savages within the media, thus the pubic turning rabid as the consequent.
silverbear;1831947 said:
Sure you didn't...

Some do, some don't... there are people in here whose posts I don't read either... I heartily approve of people who censor the boards to suit their tastes that way, it's a form of self-discipline that those who whine about my posts apparently can't master...

Guess you thought I'd be insulted by your saying that... which only proves how completely clueless you really are...

I always figured that was your modus operandi, it's nice of you to verify tha theory...

Of course, if my posts really were so lacking in substance, it wouldn't make sense for you to respond AT ALL... but here you are, after a rather substantial number of responses; do you often respond that often to posts that you believe lack substance??

Oh, your position isn't hard to figure you-- to boil it down, you think that since we eat meat, and wear leather, which involves killing animals, any killing of animals is justifiable... you further believe that the government has no business sticking its nose into dogfighting...

Have I distorted your position in any way at all, Fuzz??

Well, you're right about that, and you're wrong... yes, I was incredulous that ANYBODY would defend the "right" to fight dogs, and torture dogs, for fun and profit... but no, you're a loooong way from the first poster I've heard that from... you're just a little further out there in your "righteous moral indignation", and apparently, too obtuse to figure out that no matter how hard you might try, you're not gonna out-talk me on this one...

Nope, once again you're just too obtuse to figure out what my argument is... my argument is that Vick is in jail for LEGAL reasons, so the LEGAL issue is what's relevant to this argument... I don't CARE if YOU think that the law is immoral...

This thread was about the possibility of Vick reducing his sentence via entering a drug program, which is quite clearly a LEGAL issue, not a moral one... I personally think it would be wrong to allow him to enter such a program, but I have restricted myself to arguing whether he qualifies for the program based on the criteria for admission that you provided...

This is a separate issue from the morality of dogfighting itself, which I addressed in the comments to BHenri5 that you refer to in the following section...

Again, your limited intellect seems to prevent you from grasping the difference between moral arguments... I'm not interested in debating whether or not the LAW that Vick fell afoul of is moral, but I AM interested in telling those who approve of dogfighting the way he does, calling it "fun", that they're lacking in decency...

And I will do so to anybody who tells me that they consider the barbaric, sadistic practice of fighting dogs, and killing the losers, to be "fun"... once again, it's fortunate for you and him that this board prohibits me from REALLY expressing my opinion of the two of you...

Chuckle... no Levitra in the house, son... and while I might once have been on the heavy side, that was before being diagnosed with diabetes, and losing 40 pounds... a man who goes 5-9, 185 pounds, is not fat... especially not when he has a 46 inch chest, an 18 inch neck, and 18 inch biceps... in point of fact, I look like I lifted a lot of weights in my life, which is weird, 'cause I never did much of that...

But hey, rant on, in your impotent rage...

Actually no i dont read the mindless walls of text. i think i got to the part where you responded to me 'if you can sway them' commnet with what essentially broke down to 'i know you are but what am i' and realized that it was going to more typical bluster from the wannabe internet tough guy. Youve gone on quite enough talking about what you would do to people if you could get your hands on them or what you 'really' think of people without me needing to read anymore of your insipid nonsense.

The legal debate is cut and dry. Vick will get his interview for that program at which point he may or may not be admitted, but once again the hypocrite fails to see how in him saying that others are degenerates lacking decency it opens him up to an analysis of his merits along those lines. when you say decent, you are not talking about someones vantage point to the law.

If you think decency of someone is based solely on whether or not they follow the law then youre even dumber than i give you credit for. No i think deep down when youre calling someone a sadist your talking about a bit more than just the law. Enjoying pain is not illegal last time i checked.

Noone even argues that dogfighting is illegal but the subject of whether or not it SHOULD be illegal is definitely the issue at hand. For someone who doesnt care about that subject you certainly like to talk about it quite a bit and you certainly enjoy making value judgements as it pertains to a persons morals and ethics. Oh but you dont care. thats just a pathetic response for someone cant even back up the garbage they spew.

And no eating meat really has nothing to do with it. Im a utilitarian and as such the end needs justify it. No instead I look to other similar activities within our culture like rodeos, the fur trade, game hunting and animal testing and realize that these industries to greater or lesser extent abuse and torture animals for nothing more than profit, vanity and vice.

if someone were to come onto this site and start talking about killing deer or the like for trophies and getting off to the thrill of the hunt i know for a fact you dont condemn them as degenerates but realistically the only difference between the acts of that guy and the acts of dogfighters is species. theyre both getting off to killing animals.

To me its a hypocrisy that goes to the very core of our culture. Its funny because i see you babble about deer populations when i have never heard of starving deer nor a hunting license that depended on population limits. At the same token you discount out of hand similar justifications for dogfighting such as fighting dogs are bred for fighting and that is their natural inclination.

I mean heck animal control programs across the country have spay and neuter programs talking about how the population of stray dogs and cats is too much and needs to be curbed yet you dont even accept that explanation either.

No youre just culturally conditioned and too closed minded or ignorant to understand how that would effect the issues in place. When someone tells you that was the way that they were raised that makes them no more of a degenerate than those guys in Spain who chase and kill bulls for sport or the guys in the phillipines who is boiling his dog for dinner as we speak.

Now granted my caricature may have been wrong because i guess since you cant chug sugar any more you lost some weight but the overall demeanor of the stupid american is right there plain to see. believe me you are not the pinnacle of decency and goodness. youre just some guy that tries to overcome deficiencies with bluster and false disinterest.
FuzzyLumpkins;1832202 said:
Actually no i dont read the mindless walls of text.

And yet, you keep on responding... how very disingenuous of you...

The legal debate is cut and dry. Vick will get his interview for that program at which point he may or may not be admitted,

You don't even know for sure that he'll get that interview... other than that, though, I have no problem with what you wrote here...

but once again the hypocrite fails to see how in him saying that others are degenerates lacking decency it opens him up to an analysis of his merits along those lines.

Analyze away... my analysis is that anybody who abuses animals for FUN is a sick degenerate... and those who refuse to condemn sick degenerates are not much better...

If you think decency of someone is based solely on whether or not they follow the law then youre even dumber than i give you credit for.

Please show me where I said any such thing... once again, you distort my arguments in a semi-desperate attempt to score some points in an online argument... how pathetic, and dishonorable...

I'll argue with you for the next month about that, but the one thing I will not do is willfully distort anything you've said...

No i think deep down when youre calling someone a sadist your talking about a bit more than just the law.

Right, that's my OPINION...

Enjoying pain is not illegal last time i checked.

Nope, it's just SICK...

But once again, the morality argument you attempted was that the LAW that put Vick in jail is immoral... and that argument IS utterly irrelevant, because arguing that a law you've broken is immoral is no legal defense in a court of law...

Noone even argues that dogfighting is illegal

If you concede that, then you have no argument whatsoever, because Vick PLEADED GUILTY to that crime... which makes him a criminal...

but the subject of whether or not it SHOULD be illegal is definitely the issue at hand.

No, it's not-- no matter how often you try to claim it is... this thread is about the possibility of Michael Vick getting a sentence reduction by entering, and successfully completing, a drug program while in jail... that was all the first post to this thread was about...

So, the topic at hand is a LEGAL issue, nothing more... in that context, the MORALITY issue is quite irrelevant... it's just you, trying to hijack this thread, in order to give vent to your outrage...

Like I said, if you wish to have a debate about how moral this law is, do so in another thread... just don't expect me to participate in that debate, because I find the argument completely uninteresting...

For someone who doesnt care about that subject you certainly like to talk about it quite a bit and you certainly enjoy making value judgements as it pertains to a persons morals and ethics.

I don't enjoy it at all, actually... I take no pleasure in learning that some posters in here are garbage... but when they spew garbage, I tend to point that out, perhaps because abusing animals is a hot button issue for me... when I think about what Vick did to those poor dogs, my blood boils...

thats just a pathetic response for someone cant even back up the garbage they spew.

Some folks reading this thread think I'm doing a REAL good job of punking you...

And no eating meat really has nothing to do with it. Im a utilitarian and as such the end needs justify it. No instead I look to other similar activities within our culture like rodeos, the fur trade, game hunting and animal testing and realize that these industries to greater or lesser extent abuse and torture animals for nothing more than profit, vanity and vice.

I agree with all (or at the very least most) of that, but it's simply not relevant to this thread... and I don't really CARE about all of that, not nearly as much as I do the abuse of animals for FUN...

if someone were to come onto this site and start talking about killing deer or the like for trophies and getting off to the thrill of the hunt i know for a fact you dont condemn them as degenerates but realistically the only difference between the acts of that guy and the acts of dogfighters is species. theyre both getting off to killing animals.

Actually, most deer hunters in this area hunt not for the trophy, but for the meat... indeed, lots of them don't even bother saving the rack, unless it's a particularly impressive one...

As a matter of fact, some deer hunters in this area don't even hit the field until the final day of deer season, which is the only day in these parts where it's legal to take does... the meat of a doe is more tender than that of a buck...

So, there is a MAJOR difference between hunting, and fighting dogs... hunting serves a couple of legitimate purposes, it puts meat on some folks' tables, and it controls the deer population... which is why each year the length of deer season is determined by the population at the time; when the herd has been thinned by drought or disease, the season is shorter, when the herd is quite numerous the season is longer...

But there is NO useful purpose served by dog fighting, period, except to let some sick SOBs get their jollies...

Its funny because i see you babble about deer populations when i have never heard of starving deer nor a hunting license that depended on population limits.

Then you need to do some more research before you run off at the mouth...

At the same token you discount out of hand similar justifications for dogfighting such as fighting dogs are bred for fighting and that is their natural inclination.

I see, because some sick SOB tormented his pit bull to make it mean, that makes it OK to fight them... because some sick SOB breeds pit bulls to be vicious, that makes it OK to fight them...

Well, that's a crock of manure; no matter the intent behind breeding them, if you RAISE a pit bull not to be vicious, it will actually grow up to be a pretty lovable animal, and fiercely loyal... it's the TRAINING, not the BREEDING, that makes for a vicious animal...

I mean heck animal control programs across the country have spay and neuter programs talking about how the population of stray dogs and cats is too much and needs to be curbed yet you dont even accept that explanation either.

Actually, I accepted it completely; once again, your lousy reading comprehension has caused you to make a fool of yourself... I even went a step further, and pointed out that animal shelters around the country euthanize strays that have been brought in, after they try to adopt the for a time (too brief a time)... so yes, we practice population control on dogs...

But there is a critical difference that you seem to be too obtuse to grasp; when we put down a stray dog in the name of population control, we do it in as HUMANE a way as we possibly can... we don't make them fight each other, then hang the loser, or electrocute it, or bash its head into the ground...

When someone tells you that was the way that they were raised that makes them no more of a degenerate than those guys in Spain who chase and kill bulls for sport

Those who torture dogs for fun, and those who kill bulls for fun, are garbage... so are those who attend such events...

Now granted my caricature may have been wrong because i guess since you cant chug sugar any more you lost some weight

Actually, I never had much of a sweet tooth... I always liked the salty munchies... once again, you make assumptions without knowing what you're talking about...

believe me you are not the pinnacle of decency and goodness.

Of course I'm not, I'm rude, crude, vulgar and in your face... none of these are exactly "good"...

At the same time, if you can't even condemn a brutal, barbaric practice like dogfighting, just because other people might do worse things, then I'm a hell of a lot more "decent", and certainly more "honorable", than you'll ever be...

BTW, the one and only thing you've said to me that bothered me in the course of this whole debate was the crack about the Levitra... it disturbed me greatly, that you apparently spent some time speculating about my sex life... that does not speak well for your own sexual orientation, that you wonder about the sexuality of another man...

Perhaps you should avoid going there with any other poster in the future... LOL...
Sorry but not all hunters hunt for food but you keep on trying to justify shooting an animal when it is completely unnecessary all you want. Essentially when that deer is running for its life as its life blood slowly leaks out of it i somehow doubt it cares whether or not its going to be eaten. And that thrill of the hunt the hunter gets is still sadism whether or not he eats the animal

as if all hunters do it for the meat anyway. but you just neglect that fact.

As for the Levitra comment perhaps you should meet some people from different portions of the world. i was using stereotypes that other people from around the world label us with; i could care less about your sex life even if it did strike a nerve.

You just have mindset that your way of thinking is the only and best which is so very typical.
Ben_n_austin;1832037 said:
Now I digress to the issue at hand, and respond to you post:

I'm saying the killing other animals equates to killing other animals, regardless of their species (unless we're talking fish:D)... now, there is the issue of food vs. sport. And I do recognize that. I'm also not advocating killing dogs. I really LIKE dogs... not so much cats (but I wouldn't kill one personally--don't worry).

So all killing of animals is created equal, except for fish, and killing for food... so I guess when you boil it all down, all killing of animals is NOT equal, in your eyes...

And in my eyes, too... killing an animal for FUN is just plain wrong...

So you and I part company practically from the start... but y'know, though I disagree with you, your argument doesn't offend me... what DOES offend me is Fuzzy's argument, that dogs are your property, and you ought to be able to do whatever you want to your property... he even says flatly that as far as he's concerned, dogfighting ought to be legal...

And that's just plain wrong, indeed it's outrageous... it's also a load of crap, the government tells us all the time what we can or can't do with our property... one example of that will suffice-- you can't legally operate your automobile in Virginia unless it has passed an annual safety inspection... that's my property, same as my dog, and the state places limits on what I can do with it... in fact, government does that all the time... a farmer can't grow coca leaves or opium poppy on his farm land, y'know...

I'm talking about the injustice here within the law. I'm not saying that Vick should be punished. I am, however, saying that this society is punishing Vick for something that takes place every day--animals, plural, die for the cause of human consumption and sport!

But they are not TORTURED to death... they are not set to fight each other, and if the loser survives, it is then drowned, hung, electrocuted, or simply thrown to the ground repeatedly until it dies...

It's the wanton BRUTALITY of dogfighting that makes it against societal mores, and thus against the law...

The hunters have the NRA to lobby for them, and can fight back against PETA. I agree. It's the law that you can't kill dogs; and to do so is breaking it--no argument there. My point is that there are no dog fighting groups lobbying for rights to fight dogs,

Because in this society, that practice is held in contempt...

which boils down, equally, to the same thing as far as cause in fact in regards to people killing deer. The result is animals die from people killing them.

It's only equal if they were to wound the deer, then torture it for a while before it dies... an honorable hunter always strives for the clean, quick kill, and if he fails, he gets to the deer just as quickly as he can to put it out of its misery... those who do not do that are held in contempt by honorable hunters...

I'm sorry, I can't accept your premise that deer hunting is morally as offensive as dog fighting is... I mean, I personally hate the thought of killing ANYTHING, to the point where I was upset for a couple-three days when a freakin' cat ran out under the wheels of my car last summer (and like you, I don't care much for cats)...

So I would never hunt anything, I would never shoot at anything that didn't shoot at me first... oh, I might make (and have) make an exception for a copperhead that wanders onto my property, just to make sure my dog doesn't end up tangling with it... but a black snake, a non-venomous snake, I just get my 1-iron out, pick the rascal up and escort him off my property, 'cause snakes give me the willies...

But I don't lump hunters in with dogfighters... bullfighters, yes, I can't begin to justify that... and though the animals don't often die in a rodeo, knowing that they have to hurt them to get them to perform ensures I'll never attend another rodeo (I went to a few with the family when I was a kid, before I realized what they did to them)...

And I HATE the thought of testing freakin' COSMETICS on animals... for medical research, OK, though that still bothers me I can see some good that comes from that...

Basically, not all killing of animals is created equal in my eyes...

If a deer runs off and bleeds for a day or two and then dies, is that humane?

No, it's not... but no honorable hunter would do that... my Dad was as big a hunting fan as ever lived, we used to call him Bwana Bob, the Great White Hunter... he even had kennels beside the house to keep his bird dogs... that was his thing, bird hunting more than deer hunting... and he had nothing but contempt for any hunter that did not follow his code of the hunter, which called for killing the animal cleanly, causing as little suffering as you possibly can...

He also ate everything he killed, or gave it to folks who would...

Personally, do you really care about THAT.. equally as much as you care about dogs? Or is it that dog's have a special special place in your heart because you've been exposed to them and they've made an intimate impression on you?

A little of both, to be quite honest... dogs are very special to me, I've always had one in my house (but only one at a time, unlike my Dad, who sometimes had upwards of a dozen around the house)... but I also loathe those who call themselves hunters who don't care about the clean kill... they're no better than dog fighters...

After all, dogs are "man's best friend". Now that's where I think Vick has a problem. I think a lot of people must not have friends like I do. But I'd take a bullet for a GOOD friend... my dog would be crap out of luck, if you know what I mean.

I don't see this as a "legal" issue. I see it as a "political" issue, thus it's even more important. We throw a first time offender who kills dogs in jail for nearly 2 years of his life, which will almost certainly ruin his career.

But a Ford Motors executive gets OFF THE HOOK with a fine, and is able to KEEP his job, for knowingly stalling a recall on tires that they knew were killing people in Saudi Arabi and China (because they were recalling them there), but allowed them to remain on the streets, here, resulting in 200 lost lives....

That's quite wrong, but again, the fact that other wrongs exist in the world in no way means we should ignore, or condone, THIS wrong...

The big picture is clear. The elite are in charge. But they like to make examples out of people like Mike Vick and Martha Stewart every once in a while to keep the people from figuring out that crime in the "suites" goes unpunished, while crime in the "streets" is seen as a threat to the small number elite in power, so they "get tough on crime" due to "public outcry"
in order to maintain their positions without the threat of being exposed by the "public outcry" themselves, which could result in their loss of power during election.... Not to mention, the government owns the media. Do you not find it odd the attention that the public has given the Mike Vick ordeal in comparison with the war?

Nope, celebrities in trouble draw the public's attention... you're right that it's not right, but that's the way it is... of course, as I've noted already, celebrities sometimes use that celebrity to their advantage in the judicial system; do you think OJ would have skated if he'd been a nobody??

So I won't argue with you that Vick got made an example of because of his celebrity, except to note that he would have received a lesser sentence if he had lived up to the terms set at the time of his guilty plea... if he had been truthful with the investigators, and stayed away from the weed, he would have gotten the same sentence as his non-celebrity co-conspirators did...

But he arrogantly thumbed his nose at the court, and paid a price for his stupidity... that had nothing to do with his being a celebrity, and everything to do with his being a fool...

[quoteIt boils down to inequality and injustice. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be punishment for crime in the streets. There definitely should. But Vick made a mistake. Someone in this post admitted to doing the same thing, at one time. What are the odds that many people have done this, too?[/quote]

Many people?? I seriously doubt it... but anybody who does, and gets caught doing it, deserves to be punished severely...

I'm not arguing from that standpoint. I'm saying that we all do things that are devious and not normal.

'Tis true, but my Dad drummed it into my head from the time I was a little kid that a man's actions have consequences... and if you're not willing to accept the consequences of your actions, you shouldn't do that deed... it was being raised that way that led to me trying to be a law-abiding citizen, not some deep moral superiority on my part; I just believed what my Dad told me... so if you choose to participate in dogfighting, you risk going to jail... and you shouldn't come to me looking for sympathy if that happens...

My opinion, and this is my opinion, but I do think that it is a logical one, is that the notion of "equality" is lost on most people here.

And my opinion is that your notion of equality-- in this specific case-- is misguided... killing dogs for fun is worse than hunting deer for sport because of the wanton cruetly of the former, compared to the latter...

Collectively, we have yet to take a look as to how WE, also, contribute to these cruelties. That would take a certain level of introspection of self(s):), which is what I think PETA wanted.

Well, it got its wish....

Y'know, you keep blaming this on PETA, and that's kinda silly... they're not the reason that Vick got prosecuted... there are a LOT of people who are not PETA members, and never have been, who are outraged by what Vick did... I personally think that many of the folks at PETA are fanatics, and therefore fools...

Nope, it was society in general that got outraged at what Michael Vick did...

My logic is, something doesn't seem right about the MAGNITUDE in which Mike Vick is being punished and the slap on the wrist in which the Ford executive received for knowingly allowing a faulty product to cause the loss of hundreds of lives in the name of profit.

Does that seem righteous to you, in the sense of "equality"?

No.. absolutely not... but the answer is to punish that corporate fat cat more severely, not to give Michael Vick a lesser sentence...

Mike vick gets 2 years in the pokey for killing does,

Killing dogs is only part of the reason Vick is in jail, there's also the illegal gambling issue... and yes, bookies go to jail when caught...

I know your what your rebuttal is: "It's the law".

But that's really not substantial.

The problem is, you're wrong about the rebuttal... yes, it's the law, and that's why Vick was convicted and jailed... but as I've said repeatedly, just because some crimes are punished too lightly, it doesn't make sense to argue that Vick has been punished too harshly... if you want to make things equal, the solution is more severe punishment for those corporate fat cats...

The issue is social injustice within the law

Actually, that was not the issue at the start of this thread, but since you wanted to make it the issue, and approached me calmly, I decided to indulge you, and make it the issue... I have now fully addressed your arguments, and explained to you where I disagree with them, and why...

It was even interesting doing so...
FuzzyLumpkins;1832237 said:
Sorry but not all hunters hunt for food but you keep on trying to justify shooting an animal when it is completely unnecessary all you want.

Chuckle... this from the guy who thinks dogfighting ought to be legal... again, the only impressive thing about you is your sheer hypocrisy...

As for the Levitra comment perhaps you should meet some people from different portions of the world.

Tell me in what "portions of the world" men speculate about other men's sexuality... I'm truly not interested in meeting people from those "portions of the world"...

i was using stereotypes that other people from around the world label us with;

Maybe people from around the world assume YOU can't get it up, but I never once gave that any thought at all... and I haven't often had any man engage in such speculations...

i could care less about your sex life even if it did strike a nerve.

The only nerve you struck was my funnybone...

Face it, for all your semantic tapdancing, you tried real hard to insult me based on physical characteristics, and you were comically wrong right down the line... the only true thing you said is that I have diabetes, as if that's something to be ashamed of...

It's a measure of how pathetically desperate you were to try to piss me off that you went down that road... but hey, I'm a generous-natured kind of Bear, if in the future you feel like you just HAVE to rip on my physical appearance, he's a freebie for ya:

I have bad teeth... really bad teeth, in fact... I need to have my upper teeth removed and fitted with dentures... and yeah, it kinda bothers me...

Sadly for you, though, even if you DO get the urge to take a shot at me for that, it still won't sting, because you are utterly insignifcant... no matter how you insult me, I'll still be better than you, simply because I don't think dogfighting ought to be legal, and you do...

You have NO idea how much you've trashed your reputation in here with THAT argument, and not just with this ol' Bear... I personally never had any issue with you until you went down this road...
Its sad how often you babble about semantic tap dancing when in no way shape or form are we arguing about the meaning of words. As is so typical you just babble mindlessly because you think it sounds cool. Learn how to properly use words.

And again you completely refuse to acknowledge the sadistic nature of hunting but again try to deflect attention by some red herring. when that redneck gets all excited and pumped becase he just bagged a 12 point, thats sadistic as heck.

I think both hunting and dogfighting should be legal. Its really quite simple. Thats what makes me NOT a hypocrite.

And again it has nothing to do about speculation of your sex life. The american pharmaceutical companies pimping of boner pills is widely ridiculed in other countries. Youre the one that thinks that goes any farther than that but the fact you keep on harping on it is really whats funny. insecure much?

and really whats pathetic is your whining about what im talking about in reference to you. youve systematically defamed peoples character in these threads from the very get go. youre a judgemental prick and when someone sends it right back your way you start with this tripe.

did it ever occur to you that your bashing people as degenerates and lowlifes would trash YOUR reputation with people around here as well? you act as if you having issue with me makes me care in any way shape and form. ive had issue with you for quite some time.

when you started your rampage of belittling those with different views you burned your bridge with me and quite frankly I could not trust or respect a person like you.

frankly i could care less about what you or anyone else thinks of me. in the end i dont let anyone else make value judgements for me. if the people that no longer respect me are the same one that profess a desire that another human being get raped or suffer bodily harm as has been intimated by many on your side of the fence then lets just say the feeling is mutual.

if i am going to be okay with friends and family members of mine that are going out trophy hunting, wearing fur and using gillette products then im not going to get mad when people in black and southern cultures that im not a part of do similar cruel acts to animals.

im well aware that all cultures are going to have different ways of doing things and that some of them are going to be shocking and disturbing. but i am also very strong in my belief that people need to respect others customs as long as they dont hurt other HUMANS.

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