Twitter: Prescott to practice today


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I see them more as critics than haters. Not to say some have been at it so long it does appear that it would be more important to them to see Dak fail just to prove themselves right. But I think a majority are what I consider critics and frankly I think critics motivate players more so than fans who support the player. Players hear the voices of the doubter and the critics and I think that does push a player to prove themselves.
You’re too nice.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
If a person loves anchovies but hates everyone who expresses their hatred of anchovies is not that person a 'hater' in their own right?

I would go as far to say that you bring far more hate with your incessant hating of the 'haters' than the critics bring with their criticisms. Seems more than a little hypocritical to me, as well as counterproductive.

For the record, anchovies suck. I hate them.
Not if the person who hates anchovies goes from thread to thread, post to post telling everyone how he hates anchovies every thread, every post every day. That’s a hater. I’ve said this a thousand times so not expecting you to get it because it doesn’t fit your hate filled agenda.


Well-Known Member
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Not if the person who hates anchovies goes from thread to thread, post to post telling everyone how he hates anchovies every thread, every post every day. That’s a hater. I’ve said this a thousand times so not expecting you to get it because it doesn’t fit your hate filled agenda.

Rock add the context if he is on an Anchovies fan forum and hates the Anchovies, is he there to change minds or start trouble?


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I don't have an issue with anything. I'm acknowledging the fraud QB didn't win that game and no rational person would disagree. He was 1-3 last year with one fluke win thanks to the Falcons' brain fart.
well, again... NFL rules are NFL rules....I don't make them up. NFL does......rational person or not..seemingly you are making your own rationalization to fit your agenda....its what Dak bashers do, its a well known fact around this message he left the game with a lead, handing the ball at the 19, which Zeke ended up scoring.....Dalton proceeded to LOSE the lead that he was handed. only heroics of Gallups saved his arse...we saw the rally Dalton the rest of the year.....never giving us a chance when it mattered...usually games over by half time.

but like I said, no point in arguing, you need to send a letter to Goodell let him know you don't like the rules and he should follow your rationalization. I am sure he will listen. give it a try, you will never know until you do


Safety third
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Not if the person who hates anchovies goes from thread to thread, post to post telling everyone how he hates anchovies every thread, every post every day. That’s a hater. I’ve said this a thousand times so not expecting you to get it because it doesn’t fit your hate filled agenda.
Rocky, don't you, and your small band of merry men do exactly the same thing? Don't you fill those very same threads with your expressions of hate? You even escalate things by making it personal.

You cultivate the very hatred you so outspokenly hate.

You are what you hate.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Even if it's technically Dak's win....why can't we give Andy credit too?

Because it would damage agendas?

Andy has red hair and that's a no-no for the agenda!
A photo of his younger years.....I mean how could you like this guy???:muttley:



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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Rocky, don't you, and your small band of merry men do exactly the same thing? Don't you fill those very same threads with your expressions of hate? You even escalate things by making it personal.

You cultivate the very hatred you so outspokenly hate.

You are what you hate.
No I don't. I respond to them when they make a disparaging remark. Quit trying to put the blame on me. I'm on the right side, the positive side, the glass is half full side. These yahoos bring down the enjoyment of this forum. I try to get them to stop and think about it. Some do, and the haters and trolls don't.


Well-Known Member
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Rocky, don't you, and your small band of merry men do exactly the same thing? Don't you fill those very same threads with your expressions of hate? You even escalate things by making it personal.

You cultivate the very hatred you so outspokenly hate.

You are what you hate.

The good ole "stop calling people names you ***" Like Army if you want him to be the bad guy for calling names maybe you shouldn't make it pretty much common practice by ooh I dont know calling people names.....

Let me guess "he started it"....


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There are many reasons why we lost those games and one of them is we don't really have a franchise QB.
Just curious. Was the reason Philly lost all of those games last year because they didnt have one? Because they traded away Jesus in your opinion.


Well-Known Member
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No I don't. I respond to them when they make a disparaging remark. Quit trying to put the blame on me. I'm on the right side, the positive side, the glass is half full side. These yahoos bring down the enjoyment of this forum. I try to get them to stop and think about it. Some do, and the haters and trolls don't.

Look Rockport Im on your side with alot of this. I believe wholeheartedly that daks value to this team cannot be understated. But when you start thread after thread of legitimate good things about dak they are going to respond with their vitriol simply because you started it.

Simply because they can pull a stat out their *** that dont tell the whole story and simply because they know its gets you going. You do it sometimes to get them going as well you have admitted as much. They are not capable of scrolling by the thread and letting us pro Dak folks enjoy it. Best case scenario is just to ignore them


Go Seahawks!!!
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No I don't. I respond to them when they make a disparaging remark. Quit trying to put the blame on me. I'm on the right side, the positive side, the glass is half full side. These yahoos bring down the enjoyment of this forum. I try to get them to stop and think about it. Some do, and the haters and trolls don't.
You're not on the right side. You are on a different side.


Go Seahawks!!!
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No I’m on the right side. Otherwise I wouldn’t be doing it.
I know you think you're right. It's a big problem in the world. People think their opinion is the only right opinion and everything else is wrong. We are in the era of intolerance. You're still not right, you're still only different.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I know you think you're right. It's a big problem in the world. People think their opinion is the only right opinion and everything else is wrong. We are in the era of intolerance. You're still not right, you're still only different.
No I’m right because I’m for being positive and you haters just hate on anything positive. All the time. Every day. So yeah, I’m on the right side no matter what you tell yourself to make you feel better about yourself.


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It's at the point now that if I was an admin. I would ban anyone who referred to other members as Dak Haters or anyone that refers to anyone bringing any valid criticism of Dak as trolls .


Well-Known Member
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It's at the point now that if I was an admin. I would ban anyone who referred to other members as Dak Haters or anyone that refers to anyone bringing any valid criticism of Dak as trolls .

Seems fair....on the Cowboys forum lets kick the people defending players (no names shouldnt be called) and be ok with the people who litter every thread with negative things about the cowboys players while calling people names.....very well thought out statement.