Twitter: Prescott to practice today


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Don't waste your time with these trolls, man. They're not interested in holding any sort of intelligent football discussion. They just want to see how many people they can get to respond to their drivel. You are 100% correct of course that nothing anyone says here or anywhere else about these players has any effect on how they play. The possible exception of course being when guys feel dissed by other players or coaches and go out to prove them wrong. Other than that, it's all just empty headed talk.. some more empty headed than others, of course.
I mean anyone who thinks Dalton is better than Dak like Pap smear you can’t take seriously. He’s just trolling and his pack follows right behind him.


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I have to give them credit for the excuses and persistence they have trying to sell the Dak myth.
Their major problem is that the games are shown on TV......:(....which makes it impossible to accomplish their goal.
They will use every angle from Hate to ridiculous accusations to cover the ineptness of Prescott.
Kudos to the Dak-Zombies may they live and prosper!


All one has to do is look at the full play by play of that game, and one will realize it was actually Zeke and the RG that won that game. After the Giants built the league, Moore completely went away from “pass-attack” Dak, to feed the ball to Zeke, with some Pollard.

Dak threw it a whopping 12 times in the first quarter alone, including throwing 1 INT, returned for a TD. That’s how the Giants went up 17-3.

The very first series in the 2nd quarter, Zeke touched the ball 9 times and Pollard 1 time. Zeke ran it in for a TD. That drive took up 7 minutes to make it 17-10, then we got a fumble return for a TD.
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He's actually trying to claim a QB who leaves a one score game in the 3rd quarter won that game.

The things you have to do when your QB is a fraud.
I am not claiming anything.....the NFL makes the rules. like I said, if you have an issue with anything take it up with NFL and Goodell. but I know you all like to make your own rules as you go along, post to post, thread to thread....


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All one has to do is look at the full play by play of that game, and one will realize it was actually Zeke and the RG that won that game. After the Giants built the league, Moore completely went away from “pass-attack” Dak, to feed the ball to Zeke, with some Pollard.

Dak threw it a whopping 12 times in the first quarter alone, including throwing 1 INT, returned for a TD. That’s how the Giants went up 17-3.

The very first series in the 2nd quarter, Zeke touched the ball 9 times and Pollard 1 time. Zeke ran it in for a TD. That drive took up 7 minutes to make it 17-10, then we got a fumble return for a TD.
actually, factully after the 17-3 lead....there was 11 passes and 10 runs. so actually. factually you would be wrong....but I guess 12 passes for 64 yards in 1st quarter and 11 passes for 80 yards in second is a whopping big difference in total passes thrown. so I give you that. 1 is a huge number

oh and the interception was a tipped ball...but hey, lets fault that one to Dak just for good measures.

i know I know I know, facts are a darn thing that get in the way of a good story.

I know you are very disappointed in your super prediction that Dalton was going to take this team to a new level and you got embarassed..I know you were in love with Dalton and had his poster on the wall and everything....its ok. we all have made stupid predictions in the past....some more than others

Risen Star

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I am not claiming anything.....the NFL makes the rules. like I said, if you have an issue with anything take it up with NFL and Goodell. but I know you all like to make your own rules as you go along, post to post, thread to thread....

I don't have an issue with anything. I'm acknowledging the fraud QB didn't win that game and no rational person would disagree. He was 1-3 last year with one fluke win thanks to the Falcons' brain fart.


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I don't have an issue with anything. I'm acknowledging the fraud QB didn't win that game and no rational person would disagree. He was 1-3 last year with one fluke win thanks to the Falcons' brain fart.

True and in your very valued opinion you would say those games where on the QB play mostly? If we put your football IQ on record you would make the statement "we lost those games because of QB play".....


Safety third
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Why you trolling for likes from the haters? Your posts to likes ratio going down and you’ve seen how the haters like each other’s hate? Nice strategy. It will work.
You're just jealous because they don't like your hate.


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Revenge Tour Begins.......SEPTEMBER 9th:muttley:

Get them excuses ready really all I have to tell you here.
Oh, how that 160 million contract is going to turn out a nightmare for your Dak.
What a BIG target Dak has on his back?????


Target has been on his back since he took over for Romo. May as well get the money as well. Hate to take crap at a cheap price


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There are many reasons why we lost those games and one of them is we don't really have a franchise QB.

Right I know your stance on that, but when you use the 1-3 record would you say the QB was the #1 reason we lost those games? Here I'll ask it this way...last year against Philly we played an ugly night game and I mean both sides played ugly.....would you say we lost that game because of Ben D was the QB? and would you say the QB play would have been the same had Dak been playing? because with 30 points we wouldve won that game...(of course had Pederson just ran the ball the whole game they would have beat us by 50)


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Target has been on his back since he took over for Romo. May as well get the money as well. Hate to take crap at a cheap price
Dak could care less about the haters. Like everyone knows there are idiots out there on the internet who do nothing but troll hate.


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Dak could care less about the haters. Like everyone knows there are idiots out there on the internet who do nothing but troll hate.

I see them more as critics than haters. Not to say some have been at it so long it does appear that it would be more important to them to see Dak fail just to prove themselves right. But I think a majority are what I consider critics and frankly I think critics motivate players more so than fans who support the player. Players hear the voices of the doubter and the critics and I think that does push a player to prove themselves.


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Even if it's technically Dak's win....why can't we give Andy credit too?

Because it would damage agendas?

Andy should get credit also, I think some folks on here catch the end of arguments and when things get heated the comments come across wrong. last year the non-Dak crowd was saying "Andy had to come in and win the game" it obviously went downhill from there and ended up in a Dak vs Andy debate which is crazy at best. the fact is Andy came in with a lead and left with a lead thats his job and he did it well that game...Dak was winning and got hurt..Andy as he is paid to do came in as the back up and won the game...your right how is there a loser in that equation?


Safety third
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How can supporting the team and players be hate?
If a person loves anchovies but hates everyone who expresses their hatred of anchovies is not that person a 'hater' in their own right?

I would go as far to say that you bring far more hate with your incessant hating of the 'haters' than the critics bring with their criticisms. Seems more than a little hypocritical to me, as well as counterproductive.

For the record, anchovies suck. I hate them.