Pro Football Network Final 2023 Offensive Line Rankings


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I am genuinely amazed that people could watch this season and think we don't have a well above average offensive line. I feel like the only way you could possibly have that opinion would be if you were a massive fan of a particular player and want to make excuses for them at the expense of the rest of the team. Even if you don't watch any other games besides the Cowboys games it must be abundantly clear how much more pressure the opposing QBs were generally under than ours.

I'm not saying that our O-Line was faultless. We were miles away from the best run blocking team. But even then we were, at the very, very worst middle of the pack. When it comes to pass protection I don't know how anyone could possibly argue we weren't one of the best in the league this year.

I know certain people will take this as an insult towards Dak but I've said in the past when we were one of the very top rated O lines overall that it was mainly our run blocking that was so good (which made Zeke look amazing) rather than our pass protection. Recently things have flipped the other way though and we're now a great pass blocking offensive line which is abundantly obvious to anyone with eyes.

Either way, whether it be through pass or run blocking, our offensive line has clearly been one of the strengths of our team over the last decade now. Besides all our injuries in 2020 we've never really be even close to being below average by any metric


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Our individual players rank highly, but for some reason as a group they aren’t quite as good, they are good, but not as good. So in our case the sum of the parts is greater than the whole.