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The business of pro-wrestling, especially during the territory era was incredibly fascinating...

From the alliances to the promoters to the bookers to the wrestlers.

There were probably 50+ wrestling shows a night across the US and Canada.

And the neat thing was that you could have a card in a gymnasium in Podung, Kansas that would draw 500 people while the same day 10,000+ would be watching a card at Greensboro, NC– And the card in Podung would have several "name" wrestlers that most would recognize.

It would be like the Yankees or Canadians or Lakers or Cowboys playing a game in your town.
I remember Mid-South growing up and 30 people would out yell a WWE event of several thousand because it was that exciting


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WWE... I think they should have Robert Rude grow a Mullet and you might guess Curtis Axle to grow out his hair and bleach it blonde. Pair them because the Fathers were a good team. "PERFECT RUDE AWAKENING"


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I remember Mid-South growing up and 30 people would out yell a WWE event of several thousand because it was that exciting

Mid South... Great territory.

And there were so many great territories...

Central States
World Class
San Francisco
The Pacific Northwest
Western Canada


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Undertaker had an akward fall vs Goldberg at the recent super show....Goldberg went for a move,bothced it and Taker landed akwardly on his neck.
Taker scored the pinfall after a tombstone and Goldberg collapsed up the ramp.
not a good night for Goldberg...believe he sustained a concussion.

Those Saudi "SuperShows" are offensive to me. They're nothing more than WWE selling out to rich Saudi's so they can make obscene money for a glorified house show. And then over-the-hill part-timers like Undertaker (sadly) and Bill Goldberg (who I'm sorry to see ever came back) make token appearances and collect million dollar paychecks. The entire idea of those shows really bothers me as I see exactly what's going on.


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Those Saudi "SuperShows" are offensive to me. They're nothing more than WWE selling out to rich Saudi's so they can make obscene money for a glorified house show. And then over-the-hill part-timers like Undertaker (sadly) and Bill Goldberg (who I'm sorry to see ever came back) make token appearances and collect million dollar paychecks. The entire idea of those shows really bothers me as I see exactly what's going on.
I agree and you notice who won the Battle Royal? Amazing an Arab!!

Yeah I hear Saudi Arabia only knows wrestlers from the past. I am sure no women wrestlers were at that Pay-Per-View wrestling.

I am also sure WWE made sure no wrestlers would pull what Big Van Vader did years ago in Kuwait because Kuwait wanted to throw him in jail. They might have also told the roster stay in your rooms for your own safety .


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The Miz needs to stay a heel and have him compete with Sammy Zane of who can be the bigger jerk.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I agree and you notice who won the Battle Royal? Amazing an Arab!!

Yeah I hear Saudi Arabia only knows wrestlers from the past. I am sure no women wrestlers were at that Pay-Per-View wrestling.

I am also sure WWE made sure no wrestlers would pull what Big Van Vader did years ago in Kuwait because Kuwait wanted to throw him in jail. They might have also told the roster stay in your rooms for your own safety .

Funny story.

I'm not sure if you saw their first show there. I think it centered around the Biggest Rumble ever, or something like that. All of the sudden, some Sumo looking guy enters the match and nobody knew who he was or why he was there and we had never seen him before.

It turns out that the Saudi's wanted Yokozuna there, not realizing that the poor guy has been dead for years. So Vince McMahon brings this big guy in as a "substitute" to give them what they wanted. It's downright ridiculous.


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bring back the loser leaves town match.

the coal-miners glove match.

the steel-chain/dog-collar match.

make'm happen inside the comfy confines of Hell In A Cell.'re welcome.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Gordon Solie was the man, probably the best announcer during that time period. And Mr Wrestling 2 and the Assassin{Jody Hamilton} were masters of the promo on the mic.

I can't say enough good things about the broadcast ability of Gordon Solie.

I'm disappointed that I didn't live in Florida during the 70's in order to get even more of his broadcasts.

IMO he's the best pro wrestling announcer period.

Wrestling 2 was incredible. In the ring, behind the mic. A true legend.

Same thing can be said about Ernie Ladd, whom I was a huge mark for. A good baby-face. A great heel. He made guys who were a foot shorter and 100 lbs lighter look competitive with him in the ring. There weren't many guys who could go anywhere, make tons of money and weren't all that interested in being a world champ because they didn't need it. Andre was one. Brody was one. Hanson was one. Ladd was one.


"You want some?"
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
bring back the loser leaves town match.

the coal-miners glove match.

the steel-chain/dog-collar match.

make'm happen inside the comfy confines of Hell In A Cell.'re welcome.

Another problem with the current state of pro wrestling...

"Loser Leave Town" and other similar matches don't work as well today because where is the loser going to?

Back in the days of the territories guys would be planning on leaving one area for another and that's when a matcher like a "loser leave town" match would come up. They could run that match in several house shows before it ran its course.

As far as the other matches... They just don't do the blood-thing like they did years ago. No more ECW or Brody vs. Abdullah blood baths.


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Gordon Solie was the man, probably the best announcer during that time period. And Mr Wrestling 2 and the Assassin{Jody Hamilton} were masters of the promo on the mic.

I as a kid watched both these events live. It was fun. Ernie Ladd was hilarious!! Mr. Wrestling 2 vs Superstar was also a great rivalry. Austin Idol vs Kevin Sullivan,Ted Dibase & Junkyard Dog vs The Freebirds. Ole Anderson was the most hated man in America after he let Ivan Koloff and Alexis Smirnoff win the Tag Team Titles because he faked he was injured and betrayed his brother Lars Anderson and all of the USA..


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Another problem with the current state of pro wrestling...

"Loser Leave Town" and other similar matches don't work as well today because where is the loser going to?

Back in the days of the territories guys would be planning on leaving one area for another and that's when a matcher like a "loser leave town" match would come up. They could run that match in several house shows before it ran its course.

As far as the other matches... They just don't do the blood-thing like they did years ago. No more ECW or Brody vs. Abdullah blood baths.
except when Junkyard Dog became Stagger Lee....Dusty Rhodes became Midnight Rider....and Michael Hayes dressed up as Santa Claus and interfered in the Von Erich's match.
I miss those days.