Gordon Solie was the man, probably the best announcer during that time period. And Mr Wrestling 2 and the Assassin{Jody Hamilton} were masters of the promo on the mic.
I can't say enough good things about the broadcast ability of Gordon Solie.
I'm disappointed that I didn't live in Florida during the 70's in order to get even more of his broadcasts.
IMO he's the best pro wrestling announcer period.
Wrestling 2 was incredible. In the ring, behind the mic. A true legend.
Same thing can be said about Ernie Ladd, whom I was a huge mark for. A good baby-face. A great heel. He made guys who were a foot shorter and 100 lbs lighter look competitive with him in the ring. There weren't many guys who could go anywhere, make tons of money and weren't all that interested in being a world champ because they didn't need it. Andre was one. Brody was one. Hanson was one. Ladd was one.