Propaganda from the Washington Post...

Can we call the 05 Skins a fluke? and does that road playoff win the Skins fans raved about in the offseason carry weight in 07 as well?
Statistics are not determinative when evaluating a young quarterback.

While very good statistics are likely indicative of very good play, they are not always. Conversely, poor statistics are not always indicative of bad play.

Basically, you can set up a young guy to fail or succeed statistically, so his talent and potential get skewed.

Far more important than statistics with a young quarterback is an analysis of how they played the game mechanically. Did the young quarterback display an awareness of the Defense and speed of the game? Did the young quarterback show touch? Did the young quarterback show he had the physical ability? Did the young quarterback show occasional flashes of briliance? Did he show he can read defenses and understand a complex system? In sum, did he show "it"?

If a young quarterback showed those things, then it is irrelevant what his numbers were or whether he threw for some INTs. You just want to see those things. We saw them in Romo. I don't think we saw them in Campbell. Campbell has the physical tools, but I didn't get the impression that he was grasping the complexities of the offense and reading the defense. I think the coaches put in a position to succeed, and he did alright. But it wasn't a fairly remedial quarterback performance.

I think in Romo's first start you saw he had "it" and that is enough to ride through the an upcoming storm with him and give him a full season. I am not sure I saw that in Campbell's first start. He will have to show me something in his second start because I didn't see "it" in his first.
Yakuza Rich;1175970 said:
One thing Skins fans need to stop thinking is that Lloyd and ARE were open.

You mean that Skins fans need to think critically? Not going to happen. Do you read what they say about these guys? They talk up ARE and Lloyd like they are great. And they aren't. They are spare. Spare. Spare. Spare. But the idiot Skin fans act like they are actually excellent pickups! Besides ARE 1 good play (a punt return), he hasn't done jack. Lloyd is worthless. And both of these guys got ridiculous salaries.

If the fans had any sense, they would riot about it. But instead they talk up these spares.

Remember the posts at ES before the season which were arguments between fans about whether Taylor was the #1 safety in the league or was Archuleta #1. The fans acted like they were clearly #1 and #2; it was only a question of order.

And on and on this goes. They get fed crap and they eat it up with a grin on their face like it is filet mignon.

I think the major problem with that franchise is the front office. The fans are complicit and allow the front office to operate like it does.

I would love nothing better than to have a legitimate rivalry. Although the Skins have given us some games, its clear that over the last decade this has not been a rivalry; it's been a one-sided rout. I wish the team was run better so we could have a serious competitive rivalry on our hands.

It's clear that worthless owner-boy Snider isn't going to change his ways because he is making money off of this. He is like P.T. Barnum just fleecing the rubes.

To get the franchise on the right track, the fans have to stand up. Say "I'm not supporting this BS anymore." "I'm not going to spend my money on the jersey of another trumped up spare." They need to borrow from the Who-dats and wear paper bags to the games. They need to demand that the team quit trading their picks away for a "win now" approach while overpaying for worthless players.

Until the fans do that, that franchise will be crap and Snyder will laugh all the way to the bank. As long as the fans keep acting like spares like ARE and Lloyd were great pickups, the team will flounder. And the Cowboys will suffer from it because they are being deprived of a legitimate contender rivalry.
The WP has to put out <racist slur deleted> propoganda.

People who don't treat Snyder and his team like they can do no wrong don't last very long. The Post lost tons of tickets a few years ago due to some "new" policy. The fact that the policy came about right around the same time the Post was getting critical about the team was probably only coincidence.

There are reports that Czaben's been suspended from his post game show for being too critical. Probably has nothing to do with an alleged threat from Snyder to cut the station off from all employees.

Extreme is run with an iron fist. Homerism prevails or the poster is gone.

Lil Danny only cares about shearing the sheep. It's easier for him to do if he can keep them stupid to the facts of what's going to happen.
StanleySpadowski;1176093 said:
The WP has to put out <racist slur deleted> propoganda.

People who don't treat Snyder and his team like they can do no wrong don't last very long. The Post lost tons of tickets a few years ago due to some "new" policy. The fact that the policy came about right around the same time the Post was getting critical about the team was probably only coincidence.

There are reports that Czaben's been suspended from his post game show for being too critical. Probably has nothing to do with an alleged threat from Snyder to cut the station off from all employees.

Extreme is run with an iron fist. Homerism prevails or the poster is gone.

Lil Danny only cares about shearing the sheep. It's easier for him to do if he can keep them stupid to the facts of what's going to happen.

You and Cobra have it all figured out! The problems is that, this is what everyone has been saying for years and years, however, the fans don't or won't do a thing about it. So, be critical of the Midget all you want, and it's true, he is the worst and should never be allowed to ruin a storied franchise, however, if the fans allow it...they are just as much at fault for letting it happen...

But, we know the fans will not do or say a thing about it...and it's kinda sad that they have been brainwashed by some money grubbing kid...
StanleySpadowski;1176093 said:
The WP has to put out <racist slur deleted> propoganda.

Took me a second to figure out if you were referring to the Commanders, or if you were acting like Michael Richards in your avatar.
cobra;1176074 said:
He is like P.T. Barnum just fleecing the rubes.

For a second there I thought it read "He is like PT Barnum with fleas."

And you just found my new nickname for Dan Snyder :D

dallasfaniac;1176154 said:
Took me a second to figure out if you were referring to the Commanders, or if you were acting like Michael Richards in your avatar.

I wondered if anyone was going to get that little joke.
Why are you crossposting this crap here and at The Ranch? And what's with the Ebenezer Scrooge routine? They're not allowed to be happy for the kid? They were rightfully optmistic and inspired, not fawning. Campbell was poised and flashed a big arm. His stats would have been much better had Lloyd not dropped that opening bomb. Two big weapons, Moss and Portis, were unavailable. And that last TD he threw was an incredibly athletic play. Your complaints are completely without merit. Same old, same old.
bbgun;1176274 said:
Why are you crossposting this crap here and at The Ranch? And what's with the Ebenezer Scrooge routine? They're not allowed to be happy for the kid? They were rightfully optmistic and inspired, not fawning. Campbell was poised and flashed a big arm. His stats would have been much better had Lloyd not dropped that opening bomb. Two big weapons, Moss and Portis, were unavailable. And that last TD he threw was an incredibly athletic play. Your complaints are completely without merit. Same old, same old.
Check out Mr. Negativity and "Realism" getting het up when SB brings some realism to the wunderkind situation in Washington. Hilarious.
What you saw yesterday was a foreshadow of Jason Campbell's career. Decent arm, doesnt make a lot of mistakes, but is afraid to try and make the big play for risk of an INT and doesnt look past his first read very well.
ThreeSportStar80;1175896 said:
...on the road without Moss to throw to and WR's dropping a perfectly thrown long ball.. I'd say the guy did fairly well.

Confucius say, never pay top five receiver money for back-up scrubs.
Let em bask in it. It isn't that bad a start for a guy who has never played a meaningful down.

I feel no need to bash teh Skins at this moment. I think Im going to enjoy the win we had yesterday, insteead of focusing my energy on bringing down Campbell.
Taking into consideration of all the crap around Campbell, given to him by that organization...he did an alright job for his first start...

But, I feel sorry for him...being on that team!
Yakuza Rich;1175752 said:
I think WP did go overboard in their review of Campbell's play. I saw over at CPND where their fans even pointed out that Campbell's performance was "Brunnell-esque" in that he didn't put up anything until the last drive.

Should also be noted that the Bucs are 29th in QB rating allowed as well.

(And for those wondering or refuting, the Panthers, Skins, Cardinals, and Colts rank 10th, 32nd, 15th, and 18th in this category...after Romo's play as well)

I think the Skins should be somewhat satisfied with Campbell's play given his experience since he was serviceable and didn't turn the ball over, but let's see what he does against the Panthers next week.



To expect he will light it up is a bit unrealistic when I seasoned veteran played pretty poorly.

JC is a first time starter playing with weak talent; this usually equates to disaster but he did a good to average job managing the game, imo given the circumstances. FWIW, I think has potential but time will tell.
Billy Bullocks;1176811 said:
All Saunders doesn't want to give any indication of his playbook. He's holding it back until next year.

he's probably charging Danny per play
summerisfunner;1176816 said:
he's probably charging Danny per play

Some of those guys at ES actually thought that this was really the case. Saunders didn't want to telegraph the offense in the pre season. Looks like they really opened it up in the regular season.

Williams didn't want to give away his blitzing schemes either.

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