CFZ Proposing a new rule I would like to see added

I just want defensive holding to not be an automatic first down. Lets start there :thumbup:
Agree 100%. It should be yards only. I’m ok making it 10 yards because it can absolutely take away the possibility of a big offensive play. I find myself thinking “please don’t get called for a hold” every time the Cowboys defense has the other team in something like 3rd and really long. The opposite when it’s the Cowboys on offense in that situation.
It's not 100% accurate, but I would still take 75% of correctly changed calls instead of nothing.
You choose your poison I guess. More reviews slows the game down. Fans can't celebrate a scoring play until its been rewatched umpteen times. Most penalties are a matter of opinion, video review just means more opinions. Worst of all, wait till a play gets reviewed, takes ages to resolve and still leads to a decision every fan and pundit thinks is wrong. It gets ugly quickly and causes way more anger than it would have under current circumstances.
Everything should be review able. Everything.
But only in the confines of being coach challengeable. Makes the coach having to decide how important that play was and how blatant the call/missed call was. Sirriani losing a timeout on a challenge almost cost his team in the end.

I would argue changing from 2 challenges to 3 with this, too, but I have great issue with staying at 2.

Finally, what’s the rationale in no coaches challenges in the last 2 minutes. If a team has a timeout, they should be allowed to challenge. Again, makes a coach have to make a risk/reward decision.
I love the idea in theory, however it feels like a slippery slope and may even give the league more ability to fix games. You can find absolutely anything via penalty in a replay if you want to. Plus the league tried to make penalties reviewable a couple years ago and it went terribly.
You shouldn’t have it called automatically if you see it. But it should be challengeable. With a very high standard, like the Micah hold. Especially since it made the whole play possible.


1) Was it blatant?
2) Did it affect the play in a meaningful way?
You choose your poison I guess. More reviews slows the game down. Fans can't celebrate a scoring play until its been rewatched umpteen times. Most penalties are a matter of opinion, video review just means more opinions. Worst of all, wait till a play gets reviewed, takes ages to resolve and still leads to a decision every fan and pundit thinks is wrong. It gets ugly quickly and causes way more anger than it would have under current circumstances.
Not necessarily. All TD reviews are done during the 30 second commercial break, so no time is truly lost. Adding a few minutes per game on reviewed non-TD plays is not going to kill anyone. If anything, there can be a limit per half, say 2 non-TD challenged plays per half, in order to make the game more accurately called and decided. I know many, if not most, fans would prefer a more accurately and evenly called game than the one-sided biased games today's officials have given us.
There should be:

1. unlimited challenge flags as long as your right.

2. refs in press box to review plays quickly and efficiently.

3. full time refs with constant and consistent grading to weed out the bad ones.
I keep hearing that about the replay booth guy then I see missed calls like the Hurts spot on the first drive and don’t believe they’re really allowed to change calls.
I know that this won’t happen because the NFL doesn’t really care about fairness but a fair well officiated game is something I hear fans scream for each and every week. If Vegas can catch people cheating counting cards etc in real time, then the NFL can catch players violating the rules. It’s just a matter on whether they actually care to have a fair product or not.

With that said, I’d like to add, that in my opinion a rule should be added that if a play is under review and a blatant penalty is seen that effects the outcome of the play then that penalty can be called by the replay official. It just makes sense to me, that is the official can overturn a ruling on the field of a touchdown, first down etc then they should also be able to hold someone breaking the rules accountable as well.

In this case, I believe it was Blankenship (LB for Philly) that would be called for PI on the Schoonmaker TD review. Dallas gets the ball at the 1 yard line 1st and goal. As well as the ruling on the field being overturned.

The Philly LB was tackling him well before the ball got there which is the definition of defensive pass interference, he wasn’t going for the ball as his arms were wrapped around Schoon while the ball was traveling through the air. Watch the replay and it’s obvious, the replay official should be able to make that call.

I’m not saying this because of what happened yesterday but because too often we see a blatant penalty that wasn’t called during the replay process. The replay process is supposed to correct mistakes made on the field by the other officials, so this rule I am proposing is well within the scope of the current replay process we currently have.
My question is where does it end? When you state a penalty that effects the outcome of the play that can be any penalty on every play because any penalty can be looked at as effecting the outcome of the play. the officials in NY would have to be looking at all 22 players on the field for the entire length of the play and on every single play, to determine if a penalty should have been called. Many if not most of the penalties occur away from the ball. At just as likely a pass rusher was tackled as it was a receiver interfered with or a different receiver that wasn’t targeted was blatantly held. So, unlike some fans who just “watch the ball”, the refs watch everything and under this proposal would be responsible for everything. That’s just not possible nor desirable unless you stop play on the field in between every single play. If it’s a play already being reviewed for another reason or you want to make it challengeable that’s at least logistically possible, but again I don’t think it’s what anyone wants.
Every generation has a problem with officials. This is nothing new and that does not imply it’s fair. But, officials have more rules to enforce than ever and more judgement calls than ever as the NFL tries to improve player safety. As a result , they miss a lot. I don’t think it is intentional. Just too much going on in the field of play. The solution is to somehow simplify the game. I think if every call was made , the nfl would be an unwatchable mess of yellow flags.
The officials are either incompetent or corrupt. They miss calls against dallas that are game changing like Parsons being held and PI that are then called against Dallas in ticky tack ways. There needs to be more ability to have blatant miss calls reviewed. Otherwise we have either incompetence or corruption. I believe the game is fixed by officials. No other explanation.
The game is not fixed. It’s extremely hard for a group of 5-6 referees to monitor every micro second of every play in real time for 22 players on the field at the speed it’s going.

You have the benefit of watching everything as a fan in the living room watching it in slow mo. Referees do not have that luxury.

There’s human error involved.
The one thing I would like to see added to reviews is not necessarily "if you see a penalty on the review you call it" because we all know they could see holding on every review. However I do agree that there should be a component of "did the commission of a penalty lead to the failure/success of the play under review." In other words, if they see holding by a receiver 20 yards away from the ballcarrier, who cares but if they see a PI being committed on the receiver who otherwise would have scored a TD or gotten a first down, then that has to be called.
I see your intent but I think there’s still too much gray area and thus, leeway for in-field or booth officials to make a judgement call. Deciding if an infraction led to a play’s success leaves much to be interpreted.
These threads and you fans... Reminds me of listening to a child. "That's not fair!" "My team should have won!" "Let's introduce more rules that would make my team win today."
Once the NFL officially endorsed gambling - something all respectable sports organizations gasped & clutched pearls over for a hundred years - the game we grew up with was all over.

I hate to break it to some, but billion-dollar gambling organizations are not run by altar boys. (Despite some of them having been family-pressured into it as kids. ;-) )

Where there is THAT much money changing hands each week, only the most naïve among us would believe that powerful, well-placed people are not out angling for a piece of the action, and doing everything possible to increase their odds of success.
Just like in politics, follow the money.
I would have to say no to this idea. The game can get real chaotic with teams using replays to catch ghost calls etc…. My rule is to never take the game out of human hands as much as you can.
It is the reason why I am against refs calling PI against every little errant grab or whatever. My theory is let the guys play. If the foul didn’t disrupt the flow, leave it alone. Let the game be played on the field and not by the refs so the less rules the better. We have enough stupid rules, I mean WAY too many as it is, and now you add more ways to enforce them… just asking for a more artificial game experience IMO
If he’s not allowed to move before the ball moves then he is false starting quite often.
For the 1001st time... people used to say the same thing about Jason Peters. They get a cue from the QB and move exactly when the ball starts getting snapped. It's been video reviewed and proven it isn't false start. Lane Johnson has been doing it for a decade now. It does look like he's moving early but he isnt
They'll never do this because a) penalties are subjective and b) you'd have to throw a flag on every play that gets reviewed.
You forgot to add, that they already tried making PI reviewable. And then the incompetent refs threw a hissy fit and refused to overturn the calls anyway even when it was clear and obvious.
What you have described here is basically the VAR system currently in place in the top soccer leagues around Europe. Trust me, you DO NOT want to go there, it has utterly ruined any trace of entertainment or joy within the game.
I know nothing about soccer so .... I can't speak to how it compares.
They'll never do this because a) penalties are subjective and b) you'd have to throw a flag on every play that gets reviewed.
They’ll never give away any ability to influence outcomes, ESPECIALLY subjective things that are impossible to prove 100%.
I see your intent but I think there’s still too much gray area and thus, leeway for in-field or booth officials to make a judgement call. Deciding if an infraction led to a play’s success leaves much to be interpreted.
I didn't say it would be easy.. but I think it's doable. They could even implement a "proximity" rule and state that for a penalty to be called on review it would have to have occurred within X yards of the point of the play. Meaning, holding 20 yards behind the play gets ignored. Holding at the point of attack or as a defender is closing in on the QB gets called. Or basically if the infraction doesn't show up within the frame of the review then it didn't happen. The replay official can't ask for a wide angle view of the whole field to see if there might have been a foul somewhere else that didn't affect the play.

The only truly unbiased solution is to implement computerized officiating with sensors all over the uniforms of the players to determine when there is sufficient "grip PSI" to call holding. Or sufficient impact to call PI. Or sensors in the ball to determine when it crosses the goal line then sync it with the sensors in the knee pads of the ballcarriers. The technology would be expensive as hell but it would be glorious! And it will never happen.

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